A ship is more than its weapon systems. Even if you somehow mate Barak-8 with the Fregat-M2 surveillance radar & MR-90 Orekh fire control radar system, it'll be nowhere as effective as a Barak guided by MF-STAR. A modern Arleigh Burke or Type-45 has Harpoons same as the Oliver H. Perry of 70s. That doesn't mean they are equally effective or that it's okay to commission a OHP in 2018.
That isn't how it works. Naval ships are system of systems. Most targeting is expected to come from airborne sensors like the P-8I and Ka-31.
If that were true P-17A wouldn't move to Barak-8, they'd retain the same Shtil that P-17 had (except maybe in VLS setup).
Not really. AESA is always better. Plus IN will always choose indigenous systems wherever they can, especially when the ships are also indigenous. Different story that the Talwars were not designed to handle the MFSTAR and any redesign will cost a bomb. The Talwars were always meant to bring in high end capabilities while being cost effective.
'Overall effectiveness' of something fire controlled by this:
Is not the same as a missile that is a full generation newer and controlled by this:
The actual targeting is carried out by the missile's seeker. Both Barak and 9M317ME have their own active seekers.
The 9M317M in fact has similar advertised specs as the Barak 8 missile. 70Km range, 16Km altitude, dual pulse motor, 12 targets engaged etc. While the MFSTAR is impressive and everything, you basically get more or less the same capability with the Shtils at less than half the cost, the latter being more important.
I don't know how you think the Orekh illuminators paired with an upgraded Buk (base model from late 70s) is an acceptable solution for a brand new frontline warship to be commissioned in mid to late 2020s. Russians already stopped using these in 2018 (Admiral Gorshkov-class is the standard for Russian frigates now, with APAR multifunction radars), the only usage was on Grigorovich which were originally meant for the relative low-threat environment of Black Sea Fleet's area while the Gorshkov was to be frontline, having access to Atlantic.
All large navies operate with a mix of high end, mid end and low end ships. But the 7 new Talwar class are high end. The Rajput and older Delhi class in fact are inferior due to their significantly larger RCS and older tech base.
Either way you look at it, Batch-3 Talwar in 2026-27 makes zero sense unless you want to train hundreds of new sailors to put on sub-standard combatants that can't really work together with IN's frontline combatants and/or carrier groups (all with MFSTAR+Barak-8) in a true network-centric environment with cooperative engagement. They'll be sailing out there kinda on their own like outcasts, at most sharing a datalink with other IN ships. Like how ships used to work in the Cold War.
There is nothing substandard about the Talwars. The ASuW and ASW capabilities are no different from other advanced ships that we operate. And the Barak C&C has been made to integrate with any third party SAM system, including Russia's. Even the Ka-31 can be integrated with the Shtil-1s along with the Barak. Hell, even the P-8s are integrated with our Russian ships through Link II. This is no different from how we are integrating the S-400 with the Israeli MRSAMs through the IACCS, which in turn will be integrated with the Netra and Phalcon. All the IN ships, satellites and aircraft operate on a single indigenous network.
You are confusing the Indian armed forces with some third rate armed forces around us that can't do their own R&D.