That requires overestimating ourselves. We are not at the level we need to be where we can go to war and come out unscathed.
We may easily take a decade or more if we are to reach Americans standards of going to war with our defence budget alone. And this is not even counting the nuclear angle...
Nuclear deal between USA and Saudi Arabia?
Lawmakers threaten to derail US-Saudi nuclear deal
S lawmakers will seek to block a civilian nuclear cooperation deal with Saudi Arabia unless Riyadh promises to forego the right to enrich uranium, for fear of stoking an arms race in the Middle East...
NEW DELHI: The US has made an offer to India to develop and produce armoured personnel carriers as part of a trilateral venture also involving Israel, the government said today.
Replying to a question, minister of state for defence Subhash Bhamre, however, said discussions on the proposal have...
Donald Trump attacks Pakistan claiming 'they have given us nothing but lies and deceit' in return for $33bn aid
Donald Trump has accused Pakistan of “lies and deceit,” saying the US was “foolish” to have given the country more than $33bn in aid.
The American President launched the scathing...
Trump’s Foreign Policy: Year One
President Trump’s first year signaled a profound departure of U.S. leadership in areas like trade and climate policy, and an across-the-board toughening of immigration practices. The moves reflected the administration’s push for an America First agenda...
A road map and recipe for US-India defense ties
By Keith Webster
We are in an extremely unique and hopeful period in our relationship, and defense cooperation remains the cornerstone.
Keith Webster is the senior vice president of defense and aerospace at the US-India Strategic Partnership...