Congress SP BSP moves for CJI impeachment


Team StratFront
Dec 1, 2017
Message is clear don't expose our lies otherwise we will humiliate you in court.

Don't dare to announce judgment on Ram Janmabhoomi we will engage you in impeachment procedings, insult you, humiliate you.

When battle lines are drawn so clearly and Congress is hell bent on destroying every institution for vote bank politics BJP must call joint sitting and pass every resolution they want. Let the democracy in danger rant thrown out of the window and congress face the music of brute majority.

If a lesson not delivered they will bulldoze this country after army and judiciary.

Opposition Moves For Chief Justice Dipak Misra's Impeachment
  • Apposition Moves For Chief Justice Dipak Misra's Impeachment
All India Edited by Anindita SanyalSince January, several opposition parties have been pushing for impeachment of Chief Justice Dipak Misra.
Updated : April 20, 2018 12:44 IST


Opposition parties submit petition to Rajya Sabha chairman for Chief Justice Dipak Misra's impeachment

New Delhi: The opposition parties are expected to meet Rajya Sabha chairmanVenkaiah Naidu this afternoon to seek the impeachment of Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra. The notice has been signed by 60 lawmakers, sources said.

Since January, several opposition parties have been pushing for impeachment of Justice Misra. The idea was proposed by the Left Front days after four topmost judges of the Supreme Court went public with the allegation that the Chief Justice was abusing his position as "master of the roster" and sensitive cases were being allocated to junior judges.

Sources said the opposition is divided on the issue -- parties like Trinamool Congress, DMK, Samajwadi Party, Mayawati's BSP and Lalu Yadav's RJD are against the impeachment. There are strong opinions on both sides even within the Congress.

The Congress has signalled its disappointment with the verdict that came yesterday in the BH Loya case, which was one of the cases indicated by the dissenting judges of the Supreme Court. The party called it a "sad letter day in India's history" and claiming "there are still questions before those who believe in the judiciary".

Former Attorney General Soli Sorabjee said one cannot bring an impeachment motion against a judge "because you think he has given wrong judgment... Impeachment can be only be on ground of misbehaviour".

The Article 124 (4) of the Constitution outlines the process of impeachment for the Chief Justice of India on the ground of proven misbehaviour or incapacity.

"A Judge of the Supreme Court shall not be removed from his office except by an order of the President passed after an address by each House of Parliament supported by a majority of the total membership of that House and by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members of that House present and voting has been presented to the President in the same session," the article says.
A Judge of the Supreme Court shall not be removed from his office except by an order of the President passed after an address by each House of Parliament supported by a majority of the total membership of that House and by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members of that House present and voting has been presented to the President in the same session for such removal on the ground of proved misbehaviour or incapacity.
- article 124 of the constitution.

they also got no confidence motion.
they are now getting impeachement motion.

only tamasha in parliament. no meaningful work.
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A Judge of the Supreme Court shall not be removed from his office except by an order of the President passed after an address by each House of Parliament supported by a majority of the total membership of that House and by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members of that House present and voting has been presented to the President in the same session for such removal on the ground of proved misbehaviour or incapacity.
- article 124 of the constitution.

they also got no confidence motion.
they are now getting impeachement motion.

only tamasha in parliament. no meaningful work.

The first step is that the Rajya Sabha Chairman CAN Admit or Reject
the Motion

IF the Present VP ie Rajya Sabha Chairman simply throws it out
The matter ends there
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This issue will get Terribly Politicised in the coming days and the Congress party will only Suffer

Let Ram Janambhoomi verdict come ; game over for Congress

Sibal is infact harming the Congress
What Congress, SP & BSP are trying to do is to delay the judgement on babri case. They are now citing a convention that once a notice for impeachment is given the effected Judge must not discharge his judicial duties. The game is clear, let this notice go forward and make CJI sit out of babri case. These three parties will pay dearly for this in next elections.
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Illiterate thugs, clowns, corrupt to core thieves are holding the supreme judiciary ransom, a shameful moment for whole India.

If with complete majority you can't protect institutions of India can't deter these clowns to stay in shell what's the use of it?
What Congress, SP & BSP are trying to do is to delay the judgement on babri case. They are now citing a convention that once a notice for impeachment is given the effected Judge must not discharge his judicial duties. The game is clear, let this notice go forward and make CJI sit out of babri case. These three parties will pay dearly for this in next elections.

It will not happen like that

First The VP will sit over it and then Reject it

CJI is anyway retiring on October 2
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What Congress, SP & BSP are trying to do is to delay the judgement on babri case. They are now citing a convention that once a notice for impeachment is given the effected Judge must not discharge his judicial duties. The game is clear, let this notice go forward and make CJI sit out of babri case. These three parties will pay dearly for this in next elections.

Infact the Judges enquiry act says that a Three member team will Investigate the charges

And one of them would be the CJI

So what will happen even if theoretically VP admits the Motion which he will NOT
as he is a BJP man
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Salman Khurshid ; Chidambaram ; Man Mohan Singh are NOT supporting this

Rahul Gandhi is a Ch**iya ; Sibal is Scr**ng him

People will say that Congress is getting upset because it is not getting favourable judgements
OR they want to derail Ram Janmabhoomi case
All Retired Judges and Senior lawyers are saying that this is a Political issue
just because they ie Congress
are not getting any Favourable Traction with the CJI

The Politicisation if the Judiciary is NOW official
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