Democracy Is Losing the Propaganda War

There is no real difference between mass immigration and colonization. Colonization is literally mass migration. The only difference you can find is that mass migration is not organized top-down whereas colonization is - but even that is not a hard rule.
God! I now have to teach English to someone who... should be knowing the language.

Okay. Lets see.

India + Pakistan + Bangladesh were British colonies (British colonialism in India - The British Empire - KS3 History - homework help for year 7, 8 and 9. - BBC Bitesize). There was no mass migration of British to India. None!!
Hong Kong was a British colony. There was no mass migration of British in Hong Kong!
Yet British did acts that were genocidal in nature in India. Among them were mass killing like Jaliyan Wala Bagh incidence or mass starvation of Indians in Bengal famine which was result of British policies.

So please learn what these phrases in English mean because they are NOT same.

Mass Migration is NOT always Colonial in nature!
India's birth rate started falling long before condoms and pills reached the Indian masses. TFR was 15-20 during independence and had dropped down to 4 by the 90s. In India, condoms and pills are useless even today. Family planning is almost entirely centered around female sterilization, but after enough births are achieved by the individual. So condom use is like 5% of men, pills are at 4% for women, but female sterilization is around 40%. So almost half our women are already sterile.
India never saw that mass acceptance of Oral Contraceptive pills even after easy availability of these pills. India had more success with condoms (Nirodh eg was introduced in 1968 and was very popular and advertized a lot on Doordarsh in 80s and 90s).

But western countries saw a MASSIVE uptake since their introduction in 50s-60s. Any how, the context is that of western countries so the point stands.
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This is where things diverge. What's happening within India is legal migration. Why the difference? Because it does not really change the voter base, it just shifts it a little. While there is some divergence in culture, it's not an insurmountable hurdle. The only real change is the drop in labor costs, but due to economic growth, even wages are increasing, so the effect is not felt.

But what's happening in the US and EU is illegal migration, where the demographic change is affecting voter base adversely.
It even impacts the labor base, where wages are falling, while cost of living is increasing.

So the difference between the two is in Bangalore we do not see a significant fall in quality of life, whereas the US and EU are seeing significant drops.

Another big problem, which is far bigger than what India is facing, is skill. Migrants into Bangalore are largely educated or have some skill that provides employment. But migrants into the US and EU have absolutely no serious education or skills that can help them integrate into the local economy like a previous generation could have when the US and EU had much lower cost of living. They also don't speak the same language or share the same culture. So the immigrants here are extremely parasitic.

And to make things worse, immigrants are becoming dependent on welfare programs that are supposed to be given to citizens, and leftist politicians are encouraging it because they have their own agenda. Hell, they are even pushing to give them voting rights.

So the immigration is based on an agenda, it's not due to economic stagnation.
The chap here was talking specifically about immigration (both legal and illegal) and not just illegal immigration.

But lets not use that simple semantics to reject that point. To say that illegal immigrants are GENOCIDING locals is not just stupid but cheapning the word genocide. Illegal immigrants do not have any policy making capabilities not have armies or any means to enforce policies that can actually lead to lowering of population of locals or even attempt that.

There is a lot of disinformation going around and no definition of genocide includes anything that illegal immigrants are doing in US or EU. In USA, non citizens can not vote in federal elections. No state allows non citizens to vote. Only some very few local government (municipal or school board elections) allow non citizens to vote ( . Canada is also exactly same. I can not go over individual EU countries but AFAIK, they are also very similar in this regard.

As far as labour sector goes, only place illegals can work are in non-formal economy using cash only jobs. Most formal employers (think Walmart etc) need your SSN/SIN and you can not work without it. Actually, "wage falling" is also a false because minimum wages have been pushed up. Its only informal economy that can employ illegals. Most illegals take up jobs in informal economy and bid their time with a hope to mass regularization or pardon for them. Cost of living is a very separate issue and has more to do with massive cash injection that was done in 2020s and nothing with so called illegal immigrants as far as US, Canada and EU goes.
You really have absolutely no clue what you are talking about, do you?

Mass immigration definitely fits the point c.

And yes, "immigrants will conquer Europe and America and will assimilate people there". It is already happening.

Again, ask Native Americans what they think about mass immigration.
It is another way of species strengthening itself by acquiring or losing genetic attributes for survival. Isolated ppl will not have much immunity to diseases/defects that are present in other parts of the world.

Second thing is that mass immigration by nature is a normal thing. It has taken place for thousands of years. Without migration or intermingling most of the human population would have got wiped out. Culture , nation, territory these are all modern day notions that we have created in last 5000 years. When spanish arrived in south america the locals had no immunity to small pox, if they had been in touch with the rest of the world they would have had better chance of survival.
This is where things diverge. What's happening within India is legal migration. Why the difference? Because it does not really change the voter base, it just shifts it a little. While there is some divergence in culture, it's not an insurmountable hurdle. The only real change is the drop in labor costs, but due to economic growth, even wages are increasing, so the effect is not felt.

But what's happening in the US and EU is illegal migration, where the demographic change is affecting voter base adversely. It even impacts the labor base, where wages are falling, while cost of living is increasing.

So the difference between the two is in Bangalore we do not see a significant fall in quality of life, whereas the US and EU are seeing significant drops.

Another big problem, which is far bigger than what India is facing, is skill. Migrants into Bangalore are largely educated or have some skill that provides employment. But migrants into the US and EU have absolutely no serious education or skills that can help them integrate into the local economy like a previous generation could have when the US and EU had much lower cost of living. They also don't speak the same language or share the same culture. So the immigrants here are extremely parasitic.

And to make things worse, immigrants are becoming dependent on welfare programs that are supposed to be given to citizens, and leftist politicians are encouraging it because they have their own agenda. Hell, they are even pushing to give them voting rights.

So the immigration is based on an agenda, it's not due to economic stagnation.
They are not so stupid, to allow ppl to come in and destroy their economy or cntry. US wants low cost manual labor they dont need ppl who will compete for high end jobs. Second thing for a consumption based economy these ppl bring in more money to the table not to mention the cheap services. In fact it helps the natives build & run business at a lesser cost even though they may not be the most skilled or highly educated.

Republicans who make lot of noise are are the biggest beneficiaries , their supporters are normally company owners who want illegal immigrants who work for way too less. If they dint want illegal immigration they would have shut the border long time back. They tolerate it bcos they get huge benefit.
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As far as labour sector goes, only place illegals can work are in non-formal economy using cash only jobs. Most formal employers (think Walmart etc) need your SSN/SIN and you can not work without it. Actually, "wage falling" is also a false because minimum wages have been pushed up. Its only informal economy that can employ illegals. Most illegals take up jobs in informal economy and bid their time with a hope to mass regularization or pardon for them. Cost of living is a very separate issue and has more to do with massive cash injection that was done in 2020s and nothing with so called illegal immigrants as far as US, Canada and EU goes.
what most ppl dont get is that , US will neither legalize them nor throw them out but take advantage of them. In totality its a huge win for US.
The chap here was talking specifically about immigration (both legal and illegal) and not just illegal immigration.

But lets not use that simple semantics to reject that point. To say that illegal immigrants are GENOCIDING locals is not just stupid but cheapning the word genocide. Illegal immigrants do not have any policy making capabilities not have armies or any means to enforce policies that can actually lead to lowering of population of locals or even attempt that.

There is a lot of disinformation going around and no definition of genocide includes anything that illegal immigrants are doing in US or EU. In USA, non citizens can not vote in federal elections. No state allows non citizens to vote. Only some very few local government (municipal or school board elections) allow non citizens to vote ( . Canada is also exactly same. I can not go over individual EU countries but AFAIK, they are also very similar in this regard.

As far as labour sector goes, only place illegals can work are in non-formal economy using cash only jobs. Most formal employers (think Walmart etc) need your SSN/SIN and you can not work without it. Actually, "wage falling" is also a false because minimum wages have been pushed up. Its only informal economy that can employ illegals. Most illegals take up jobs in informal economy and bid their time with a hope to mass regularization or pardon for them. Cost of living is a very separate issue and has more to do with massive cash injection that was done in 2020s and nothing with so called illegal immigrants as far as US, Canada and EU goes.

What's happening in the West will impact them in the long term, not right away. This is a 30-50 year plan, kinda like what happened in Palestine, albeit accidentally. During the Ottoman time, Jewish population was merely in the thousands versus hundreds of thousands of Muslim. But within 30 years, the Jewish population had increased to 20% of the population. Then during WW2, it was 35% or so, with over 600k Jews and 1.2 million Muslims. And then, from 1948-51, there was a sudden influx of nearly 700k Jews, practically equalizing the population. So it took 60 years to entirely displace the Muslims in Israel.

In the West, there is a concerted attack on white people. For example, job allocations:
Major companies added more than 320,000 jobs to their U.S. workforces in 2021, and 94% of those went to people of color, according to Bloomberg.

Hispanic individuals comprised 40% of the added workers, the most of any group. Black and Asian people accounted for 23% and 22% of the net change from 2020, Bloomberg found.

White workers accounted for just 6% of the headcount increase or about 20,500 jobs.

So this is clearly a war against white people. In the US, the goal of the Dems is to make white people poor, which is why they are destroying the middle class, and at the same time reduce the white majority to less than 50% of the population. So if you don't employ white people, destroy the small family unit via feminism and destroy the housing market, what do you think's gonna happen?

As for voting, yeah, you're right, for now. Give it time, if Trump doesn't win, they will amend the constitution to ensure voting rights are given to immigrants.

Basically the Left cracked the code in the 50s. If they are to remain in power, their voterbase MUST remain poor and uneducated. So the first step is to destroy the white majority by attacking their wealth. All this high inflation you see in the US, it's planned.

The next step is to destroy successful immigrants. So Indian and Asian Americans are next on the chopping block. If they want to sell the idea about the Left, they can't have immigrant success stories after all. Here's an example.

A picture says a thousand words.

And I don't need to tell you that the Left is gunning for Hindus in the West through Islamists and Khalistanis. Now imagine if white people are brought down to the same financial level as blacks and Hispanics. And, oh, yeah, defund the police. So it's about time for Hindus living in the West to learn how to fight.
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It is another way of species strengthening itself by acquiring or losing genetic attributes for survival. Isolated ppl will not have much immunity to diseases/defects that are present in other parts of the world.
That can be done through trade and low-level migration however.

Mass migration also reduces fitness of species for survival because it erases typological differences.
Second thing is that mass immigration by nature is a normal thing. It has taken place for thousands of years. Without migration or intermingling most of the human population would have got wiped out. Culture , nation, territory these are all modern day notions that we have created in last 5000 years. When spanish arrived in south america the locals had no immunity to small pox, if they had been in touch with the rest of the world they would have had better chance of survival.
Sorry, literally every sentence of that is wrong.

1) Mass migration is not normal thing. In fact, up until 20th century, 90% of European populations drew most of their genome from neolithic settlers. Hence why until recently you could, in fact, tell different European ethnicities apart basically by just looking at them. There was some migration and intermingling, yes, but nowhere near the scale of what we are seeing today. As doctors say, dose makes the poison. What can be good in small doses becomes devastating when it becomes too large.

2) Culture, nation and territory have existed since before humans have become humans. Chimpanzees have territories and fight human-like wars. Wolf packs have extremely strictly delineated territories. Orcas with different hunting habits have remained separate for so long that they have become separate species. Humans have in fact merely continued chimpanzee tradition of living in tribes. Everything you have mentioned - culture, nation, territory - is a natural extension of being a social animal.

3) Yes, locals had no immunity to small pox. But here is the thing - you gain immunity by exposure, not necessarily by population transfer. Europeans had had long-time exposure to such diseases simply through trade routes that had covered the entire Eurasian continent from Iberia to China, and the fact that southern Europe had long been a urbanized continent with extensive farming and cattle raising - in other words, a laboratory for diseases. We will have had massive immunity advantage over Native Americans even had Europe had absolutely zero migration. It is not as if Native Americans didn't get their own shots in - syphilis (or great pox) killed some five million people once it arrived to Europe. And it wasn't just a matter of biology either. Europe had long had experiences with infectious diseases, especially the Black Death - quarantene, travel restrictions and embargoes were normal procedure by the 16th century (the oldest quarantene in the world was established in 1377 in Dubrovnik - the "Lazareti"). By contrast, native American civilizations had no knowledge of such measures - they would continue to visit the sick relatives and spread diseases. Even assuming equal immunological fitness - equal immunity to each other's diseases - Native Americans will have still suffered far more than Europeans because they had absolutely no cultural or procedural answer to such a situation.
God! I now have to teach English to someone who... should be knowing the language.

Okay. Lets see.

India + Pakistan + Bangladesh were British colonies (British colonialism in India - The British Empire - KS3 History - homework help for year 7, 8 and 9. - BBC Bitesize). There was no mass migration of British to India. None!!
Hong Kong was a British colony. There was no mass migration of British in Hong Kong!
Yet British did acts that were genocidal in nature in India. Among them were mass killing like Jaliyan Wala Bagh incidence or mass starvation of Indians in Bengal famine which was result of British policies.

So please learn what these phrases in English mean because they are NOT same.

Mass Migration is NOT always Colonial in nature!
Rather than learning language you don't understand even now, you should be learning history.

late 14c., "ancient Roman settlement outside Italy," from Latin colonia "settled land, farm, landed estate," from colonus "husbandman, tenant farmer, settler in new land," from colere "to cultivate, to till; to inhabit; to frequent, practice, respect; tend, guard," from PIE root *kwel- (1) "revolve, move round; sojourn, dwell" (source also of Latin -cola "inhabitant"). Also used by the Romans to translate Greek apoikia "people from home."

In reference to modern situations, "company or body of people who migrate from their native country to cultivate and inhabit a new place while remaining subject to the mother country," attested from 1540s. Meaning "a country or district colonized" is by 1610s.
"Colony" means literally "settlement". Indian subcontinent was never colonized by the British, you were merely conquered.

Fact that the English are too lazy / dumb to adapt their own language to situation does not change the fundamental fact that you never were a colony in the real sense of the word.
Good God!

There are many countries which are highly right wing but have seen same phenomenon. Singapore and UAE come to mind. While it is true that the countries with more female liberties have more uptake of contraceptives and lesser fertility rate, it is a misrepresentation to say that there is some leftist conspiracy to replace you folks with migrants!

Its actually much simpler. You have a country which has business friendly rules (most of developed world). You have women who now have access to contraceptives. You have women who are either in workforce or preparing to go into workforce. You have low fertility rate. You have to get migrant workers because your population is too old to work or to have babies.

No evil left wing conspiracy required!
No need for "evil left wing conspiracy". Everything you have noted is basically leftist in nature... essentially, leftism / modernism doesn't need to try to be genocidal to end up being genocidal.

But to say that they are not doing their best would be wrong.
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They are not so stupid, to allow ppl to come in and destroy their economy or cntry. US wants low cost manual labor they dont need ppl who will compete for high end jobs. Second thing for a consumption based economy these ppl bring in more money to the table not to mention the cheap services. In fact it helps the natives build & run business at a lesser cost even though they may not be the most skilled or highly educated.

Republicans who make lot of noise are are the biggest beneficiaries , their supporters are normally company owners who want illegal immigrants who work for way too less. If they dint want illegal immigration they would have shut the border long time back. They tolerate it bcos they get huge benefit.

Yeah, employers have been misusing their power that way, but the US in particular does not have a severe enough labour shortage to warrant immigration in the millions every year. There are now more migrants than there are jobs, so they are now creating their own Dalits.

Immigration is required in economies that have very low unemployment. The US is at a healthy 3.5-4%, so it's not in dire need of outsiders. Even countries like Japan and Taiwan with their labor shortages need only a few hundred thousand people over many years for low-level jobs, not millions.

Furthermore we do not fully understand the rammifications of robotics in the workforce. Not only that, the excess labor will destroy high-paying trade jobs too.
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"Colony" means literally "settlement". Indian subcontinent was never colonized by the British, you were merely conquered.

A colony is a country which is controlled by a more powerful country.

He was born in Algeria, a former colony of France.

Yes, India was a British Colony in past.

I guess if we can not even agree upon the meaning of words, its pointless to talk any further.
No need for "evil left wing conspiracy". Everything you have noted is basically leftist in nature... essentially, leftism / modernism doesn't need to try to be genocidal to end up being genocidal.
Oh I am sure that Japan, UAE and Singapore are leftist paradise. /s
What's happening in the West will impact them in the long term, not right away. This is a 30-50 year plan, kinda like what happened in Palestine, albeit accidentally. During the Ottoman time, Jewish population was merely in the thousands versus hundreds of thousands of Muslim. But within 30 years, the Jewish population had increased to 20% of the population. Then during WW2, it was 35% or so, with over 600k Jews and 1.2 million Muslims. And then, from 1948-51, there was a sudden influx of nearly 700k Jews, practically equalizing the population. So it took 60 years to entirely displace the Muslims in Israel.
Plan??? Accidental??? Make up your mind my brother in Christ!

None of what you have written has any bearing on demographics of the west.
I am sure Palestine's situation is not just an effect of immigration but a systematic eviction and persecution. Wake me up when there is a White Nakba.
In the West, there is a concerted attack on white people. For example, job allocations:
Refer to original source: Bloomberg - Are you a robot?


Corporate America Promised to Hire a Lot More People of Color. It Actually Did.​

The year after Black Lives Matter protests, the S&P 100 added more than 300,000 jobs — 94% went to people of color.

The context matters a lot my brother. This massive hiring drive of non-whites (NOT necessarily immigrants, unless you treat all coloured people in USA as immigrants) followed by the biggest uprising by non-whites in response to very long anti-black policies of american police forces.

This was no attack on white people, it was a PR move by corporate America to value signal as socially responsible businesses. There is no evidence that it continued afterwards. Actually it will most interesting to see what was the racial profiles of layoffs of 2022,23 and ongoing 2024. For all you know that abberation might have corrected.

So this is clearly a war against white people. In the US, the goal of the Dems is to make white people poor, which is why they are destroying the middle class, and at the same time reduce the white majority to less than 50% of the population. So if you don't employ white people, destroy the small family unit via feminism and destroy the housing market, what do you think's gonna happen?
May I ask, what will Democrats get by making white people poor? What is their end goal and what benefit it bring to them?

Basically the Left cracked the code in the 50s. If they are to remain in power, their voterbase MUST remain poor and uneducated. So the first step is to destroy the white majority by attacking their wealth. All this high inflation you see in the US, it's planned.
And yet... poverty in USA has remained roughly at the same point (measured by their societal poverty line ) .... around 20 +/ 3 % since 1963.

And yet since 1963 unemployment never went above 10% in USA and mostly have remained under 6-7%...
How about this picture...

Or this one?


PS : Is your post for real or are you doing a satire?
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So the first step is to destroy the white majority by attacking their wealth. All this high inflation you see in the US, it's planned.
So 50 years in making and .... inflation in USA has not yet passed 80s peak????

And not to mention, it has come down to 3.4% already from a peak of 8% in 2022.
Yeah, employers have been misusing their power that way, but the US in particular does not have a severe enough labour shortage to warrant immigration in the millions every year. There are now more migrants than there are jobs, so they are now creating their own Dalits.
Companies try to keep the wages low and recycle ppl, these are no different from Indian service software companies which do body shopping. They will recruit more kids from college and fire experienced ppl. Any wage increase will affect the bottom line. These are mostly in agricultrue, meat processing, dairy farming which are mostly manual and not much value addition is present. Native ppl dont work these jobs.
Immigration is required in economies that have very low unemployment. The US is at a healthy 3.5-4%, so it's not in dire need of outsiders. Even countries like Japan and Taiwan with their labor shortages need only a few hundred thousand people over many years for low-level jobs, not millions.
As I said it is not ppl but ppl who can really work for cheap wages, ppl born and brought up in US wont work for cheap labor so companies cant hire them. There is a reason why companies keep saying not enuf...talent(sic) in market not bcos qualified ppl arent present but they dont want to pay more
Furthermore we do not fully understand the rammifications of robotics in the workforce. Not only that, the excess labor will destroy high-paying trade jobs too.
thats a fallacy , same thing was said when industrial revolution took place. It will free up ppl to build better & bigger systems. ppl wont spend time on things that wont matter. Take a look at laundry, long time back it was big house hold chore for women, now not many even would talk abt it.

If you want to conquer the planets you cannot be complaining excess ppl , it is just you are not doing things at a bigger scale.
1) Mass migration is not normal thing. In fact, up until 20th century, 90% of European populations drew most of their genome from neolithic settlers. Hence why until recently you could, in fact, tell different European ethnicities apart basically by just looking at them. There was some migration and intermingling, yes, but nowhere near the scale of what we are seeing today. As doctors say, dose makes the poison. What can be good in small doses becomes devastating when it becomes too large.
As I said nations or ethnicity is thing of last 5000 years, even post that ppl often migrated due to wars, famine...etc Humans were mostly nomads who later settled in places giving rise to ethnicity/cntry. Some of ethnicities like anglo-saxon got created bcos of wars & migration but more or less within lesser geographical extent. As the time progressed they gained more skill & expertise to live of the land which made migrations unnecessary. You are not looking from human perspective but from ethno-centric nation perspective thats why it is hard for you to accept that is natural.
2) Culture, nation and territory have existed since before humans have become humans. Chimpanzees have territories and fight human-like wars. Wolf packs have extremely strictly delineated territories. Orcas with different hunting habits have remained separate for so long that they have become separate species. Humans have in fact merely continued chimpanzee tradition of living in tribes. Everything you have mentioned - culture, nation, territory - is a natural extension of being a social animal.
we became territorial only after we stopped being nomads and started living of the land , competing for the resources available there. This is not only due to increase in skill, expertise to get food & shelter but also climate permitted that. Any change in climate/land/resources will lead to change whether you like it or not. Either you accept it or resist it. Stronger ones will eventually succeed. We are only social as long we are allowed to be. It is a mental attribute related to groups not a physical attribute of species. These social groups will combine or split based on their necessity.
3) Yes, locals had no immunity to small pox. But here is the thing - you gain immunity by exposure, not necessarily by population transfer. Europeans had had long-time exposure to such diseases simply through trade routes that had covered the entire Eurasian continent from Iberia to China, and the fact that southern Europe had long been a urbanized continent with extensive farming and cattle raising - in other words, a laboratory for diseases. We will have had massive immunity advantage over Native Americans even had Europe had absolutely zero migration. It is not as if Native Americans didn't get their own shots in - syphilis (or great pox) killed some five million people once it arrived to Europe. And it wasn't just a matter of biology either. Europe had long had experiences with infectious diseases, especially the Black Death - quarantene, travel restrictions and embargoes were normal procedure by the 16th century (the oldest quarantene in the world was established in 1377 in Dubrovnik - the "Lazareti"). By contrast, native American civilizations had no knowledge of such measures - they would continue to visit the sick relatives and spread diseases. Even assuming equal immunological fitness - equal immunity to each other's diseases - Native Americans will have still suffered far more than Europeans because they had absolutely no cultural or procedural answer to such a situation.
Immunity only happens over a period of time which mean it requires larger population , smaller population & closely related genes will effectively cut down the chances of developing immunity. Most of the europeans might like white that is more or less due to them staying there for longer period of time but they are indeed a product of various migrations has taken place before that. we can prevent infectious diseases from spreading physically but developing immunity and passing down that to next generation depends on genetic diversity or probabilistic anomaly.

Native americans dint have to create such measures bcos there was no need for that. Its like going to japan and talking abt racism. They will be most racist ppl on planet but from their perspective only kind of ppl they are used to are their own.
Plan??? Accidental??? Make up your mind my brother in Christ!

None of what you have written has any bearing on demographics of the west.
I am sure Palestine's situation is not just an effect of immigration but a systematic eviction and persecution. Wake me up when there is a White Nakba.

The immigration into the US and EU is planned by vested interests, the immigration of Jews into the Palestinian Mandate was a good idea gone bad for the local Muslims, so the aftereffects were not planned, it was accidental.

For example, Britain did not intend to colonize India, but it happened by accident. Things simply fell into place for them due to the greed and ambition of one man in Bengal. Similarly, the immigration of Jews was done through good intentions. Once the population became big, a massive rift emerged between Jews and Muslims.

Otoh, the goal in the West is to depopulate and displace white people with unchecked immigration.


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