Five generations of "Sukhoi"


Staff member
Nov 30, 2017
Пять поколений «Сухого»

First generation: number one with the initials "Su"
In 1936, a competition for the creation of a bomber under the code name "Ivanov" was announced in the country. The winner was the project of Pavel Sukhoi. Work on the "Ivanov" ended with the appearance of the first aircraft with the initials "Su" - the combat multipurpose bomber Su-2 (originally BB-1, "near bomber"). The aircraft was built in a large series from 1940 to 1942, and a total of about 900 cars were produced.

Su-2 aircraft

Almost every Sukhoi machine can be marked with the label “Made for the first time”. The first production Su-2 aircraft was not an exception and provided military pilots with surprising comfort at the time: spacious and warm, even in cold weather, a cabin, and a good view of the pilot and navigator. A huge advantage in battle was the ability to control the machine from the navigator’s cabin.

Su-2 aircraft heroically fought in the air battles of World War II, defended the sky of Stalingrad. They were used in the role of nearby bombers, reconnaissance aircraft and spotters. Another important task was solved by the Su-2 crews: we are talking about dumping leaflets in Russian and German over the territory occupied by the enemy. In just one month, up to 45 thousand flyers were dropped from the aircraft. They inspired hope to millions of people in the occupied cities, talking about the great losses of the fascist troops, announcing the start of Allied air raids on German cities.

Second generation: the beginning of the era of jet fighters
In 1949, Sukhoi Design Bureau was disbanded, but in May 1953 it was restored again. The revival of the design bureau coincided with the advent of supersonic jet aircraft and the development of a second-generation fighter.

The government ordered the Sukhoi Design Bureau to create two types of fighters: the front-line and the interceptor. The OKB team begins work on two options at once, assigning ciphers to the products: T - delta wing, C - arrow-shaped. So the main directions in the work of the design bureau for the next ten years have become supersonic fighters S-1 and T-3.

The first flight of the C-1 front-line fighter took place in September 1955. Three years later, he was launched into a series under the designation of the Su-7. This jet fighter was the first successful aircraft of the revived Sukhoi Design Bureau.


Su-7 aircraft

For the aircraft of the new generation, capable of twice the speed of sound, Pavel Sukhoi chose the projected engine AL-7F designed by Arkhip Lyulka . For decades, these two legendary designers will work together.

Simultaneously with the creation of the S-1 (in the series — Su-7) with a swept wing of the Sukhoi Design Bureau, work was carried out on a plane with a delta wing — T-3 (in the series — Su-9). This interceptor was able to destroy enemy air targets due to the RP-9 (CD-30) installed on board of one of the first domestic radar stations.

Su-7 aircraft became long-lived combat aircraft. For 40 years they have been in service with nine countries of the world, in addition to the USSR. On the basis of the Su-7 developed more than 10 versions, including experimental aircraft and flying laboratories. One of them is the S-22I aircraft, which became the ancestor of the new family of Su-17 type cars. Developed in the mid-1960s, it became the first domestic aircraft with a variable sweep wing. The Su-9 interceptor was in service for about 20 years and became the basis for a family of aircraft: Su-11, Su-15, Su-17.


Su-9 aircraft

Su-15 was equipped with a radar station with a large-diameter antenna in the forward fuselage, which provided a significant increase in combat performance. The aircraft was capable of intercepting on a collision course and intercepting low-altitude targets.

Third generation: all-weather Su-24
The third generation of the Su-24 is an all-weather front bomber with a variable sweep wing. This aircraft is still successfully operated by the VKS of Russia 26 years after the end of its release.

Designers Sukhoi Design Bureau created a powerful twin-engine supersonic bomber bomber with a variable sweep wing. On board the aircraft was the latest for that time sighting and navigation system "Puma", which included an on-board digital computer (BTsVM). A distinctive feature of the car was also a wide range of means of destruction, which included both guided and unguided weapons. Su-24 became the first tactical aviation strike aircraft in the USSR, which could be used at any time, day or night, and in all weather conditions.

Su-24 aircraft

In 1983, the modernized Su-24M was adopted. By the way, almost half of the sorties were made on this machine during the Russian military operation in Syria.

The fourth generation: master of aerobatics Su-27
The highly maneuverable Su-27 fighter , first flown in 1977, is rightfully recognized as one of the best domestic combat aircraft. This fourth-generation fighter has become the hallmark of the domestic Air Force.

Officially, the Su-27 was adopted on August 23, 1990. By the time the "twenty-seventh" has already managed to set a series of world records for climb. Including in 1986, test pilot Viktor Pugachev reached a height of 3000 meters in just 25.4 seconds.

Literally three years later, Victor Pugachev again surprised the whole world. In June 1989, at the Le Bourget Air Show, he staged the most spectacular foreign premiere of the Su-27, demonstrating a new aerobatics figure, which was nicknamed in his honor - “Cobra Pugachev”. Aerobatics performed at the Su-27, continue to amaze viewers at prestigious air shows of the world. Since 1991, the Russian Knights aerobatics group pilots have performed at the Su-27 fighter jets.


Su-27 aircraft

The high maneuverability of the Su-27 was made possible thanks to, inter alia, the new electric remote control system (EDSU). Its presence, by the way, is considered one of the main differences of the fourth-generation cars.

The high flight performance of the “twenty-seventh” is largely due to the use of the new generation of AL-31F engines designed by the OKB Design Bureau. Cradles. This engine is still considered one of the best in the world for frontline aircraft. It is installed not only on the Su-27, but also on its modifications, deck fighters Su-33, multipurpose fighters Su-35, Su-30MK, front-line bomber Su-34.

A step away from the fifth generation: young heirs of the Su-27
Since 1984, when the serial production of the “twenty-seventh” began, about 1,500 aircraft of this type, including its modifications, were launched. On its basis, such vehicles were created as the Su-30MK multi-purpose double fighter, the Su-33 ship-based aircraft, the Su-34 two-seat attack aircraft, and the Su-35S multi-purpose single-seat fighter.

These machines are one step away from the fifth generation of fighters and belong to the so-called “4+” generation. First of all, it is a breakthrough in the field of super-maneuverability. It began in the mid-1990s, when "drying" began to be equipped with thrust vectoring engines. New engines in combination with the new control system significantly simplified the piloting of the aircraft and increased its safety. The problems of "spin" and stalling were overcome.


Su-30SM aircraft

These qualities are fully possessed by the Su-30MK multifunctional fighter. Initially, the aircraft was designed for the Indian Air Force, the mass production of these machines was deployed in 2000. Based on the base version, several new modifications were created: Su-30MKM - for the Malaysian Air Force, Su-30MKI (A) - for the Algerian Air Force. At present, the Su-30SM (serial, modernized) is being actively supplied to the VKS of Russia. In 2016, the Russian Knights moved to these fighters.

The youngest Su-27 heirs - the multifunctional Su-35 fighter and the Su-34 fighter-bomber - practically correspond to the fifth aviation generation in their characteristics. On board the Su-35, the latest Irbis radar and more powerful AL-41F1S engines than on the Su-30SM are installed.

Su-34 bomber can attack targets in all weather conditions, as well as effectively conduct electronic warfare. These cars differ unusual for "dryers" cockpit. To improve the comfort of the crew during long-distance flights, the pilots were decided to be landed nearby.

Fifth Generation: The Future of Su-57 Combat Aviation
The main difference of the fifth generation is the use of stealth technology, cruising supersonic speed mode, more advanced avionics.

The first tests of the Russian advanced aviation front-line aviation complex (PAK FA) began in 2010. Until August 2017, the plane was known under the factory index T-50, then it received the name Su-57.

Most of the characteristics of the Su-57 are classified, but it is already known that it is equipped with a fundamentally new integrated avionics complex that provides intellectual support to the crew. The Su-57 radar system differs from conventional aircraft side radar. The fighter installed a radar with AFAR (active phased antenna array).


Su-57 aircraft

The first flight of the fifth generation Russian fighter took place on January 29, 2010. Since then, several hundred test missions have been successfully conducted. To date, created ten flight prototypes.

In 2018, a contract was signed with the Russian Ministry of Defense to supply the Su-57 installation batch aircraft to the troops. And in May of this year, Vladimir Putin announced the purchase by the Ministry of Defense of 76 Su-57 fighters, which should be put into service by three aviation regiments by 2028. This contract may be a record in the history of the United Aircraft Building Corporation (UAC).
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