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This shouldn't be a problem..... @Ashwin
Well I uploaded a number of other pics in the same thread, had no problems. As soon as I upload that one pic this is what I get.
Screenshot (28).png
Message to moderators

If you don't like me using the word "Balls", then don't use them yourself. Have the courtesy to use the right language and not fall to pdf level yourself. And no, I'm not afraid of being banned. So be by guest. The Original post was not even offensive.

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Fixed the captcha issue on registration.

Thank you! Damn thing's been preventing me from logging in for months:mad:. Now could you merge this account with my normal one - Nordic Wolf? I seem to be having trouble resetting my password. Don't worry, it's nothing on your end (apart from that captcha error). Just new security stuff I'm trying out.

Thank you! Damn thing's been preventing me from logging in for months:mad:. Now could you merge this account with my normal one - Nordic Wolf? I seem to be having trouble resetting my password. Don't worry, it's nothing on your end (apart from that captcha error). Just new security stuff I'm trying out.

Done, Apologies for the Inconvenience.
In mobile, while viewing picture, if I press back button, it goes to previous page / closes the page instead of getting back to same thread page ( like in Twitter )

I just have to touch screen else where to close the pic and remaining in same page.

Not difficult but can we have similar to Twitter, so it's easy..
In mobile, while viewing picture, if I press back button, it goes to previous page / closes the page instead of getting back to same thread page ( like in Twitter )

I just have to touch screen else where to close the pic and remaining in same page.

Not difficult but can we have similar to Twitter, so it's easy..
I browse thru phone.... click again on the pic... do not use the back button
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@_Anonymous_ Hey man, apparently the mods here only seem to nut up when it comes to banning Indians, they have all the patience in the world for Pakees and Pakee lovers; so I'm outta this place. If I ever come back around I'll tag ya. Peace!

Just avoid bad words alright, which would force mods to act.
By the concept we can it as difference of opinion, but foul words, even if u didn't mean it, it compels action.

U know very well, Pak member s here are more open minded than elsewhere.
They are willing doubt their country narrative and trying to find out truth. Probably here.

If they get out of their sphere, mods will take action, u don't have to worry about it.

Just my suggestion.
LOL, these mods are arbitrary as hell. They act when they feel like it, and it's been overwhelmingly selective. Certain Indian members and most Pakees get an absolute free reign here in the name of "freedom of expression" and "allowing different viewpoints." Absolutely bloody farcical

Yea...right. Pakistanis will be Pakistanis. The less smart ones are like Arsalan, the more articulate/deceptive ones are like The Deterrent - meaning they also talk BS but they make it seem very sophisticated. If Indians after 70+ years are still deluding themselves that they'll make Pakees talk or see reason, Idk whether to laugh or cry.

Yea right LOL, you seem to forget I've been here and been watching these "mods" in action from the very beginning of this blog. Your mods can't do jack to Pakistanis, they just engage in power/ego trips against Indians.

Ultimately, I'm more or less done with this place. I was originally told to move to I*D*F* from P*D*F* which would be a place for Indians with proper modding, and from there we came here. I didn't know it'd just be P*D*F with a less overtly pro-Pakee stance. Any bullshit runs here in the name of "discussion", "open mindedness" and other meaningless buzzwords.

At least this place used to be somewhat interesting when Aashish was around, but he's long gone with his tidbits of info, never to seemingly return (we've been told for more than a year now that he'll come back). And now even Falcon is mostly gone.

So you folks can keep your forum, and let Pakees & others run riot all you want. But it's time for me to find an openly and unabashedly Indian forum that isn't afraid to put anti-Indian and Pro-Pak bullshit in its place with speed and effectiveness.

Your blog runs on the same principles as India's diplomacy with Pakistan for the last 6 decades.
That's a long post bashing the forum and members! If you feel so strongly about leaving I don't think anything can be done.

Total number of Pakistanis on this forum are 2, one posts once in weeks/months other just came 2 weeks ago, don't you think you are exaggerating just way too much?

Mods barely act here except on that India-Pakistan thread and members too stay civil and respectful so they don't need to. Most people even with Moderator tag ban only Spam account and rarely do they delete any post unless it's outrightly abusive. I would suggest you to stay but if you feel so strongly about leaving that's cool too brother, why to waste your time and efforts on a place that agitates you this much. Eitherway have a good day.
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My frustrations with this place are collective, since the very day it began. Nobody dared to say or do anything to bonobashi no matter how he smeared and insulted us just for having different viewpoints, it took the Mods forever to remotely restrain his sidekick vsdoc, and even then he ultimately left of his own accord, and while his protege Guynextdoor for the last week has been somewhat less of a nuisance than his usual self - the fact that he's not permanently banned from this forum after all his nonsense is truly the biggest miracle since the Immaculate Conception itself.
Those members have left long ago man, and GND is complaining every other day of thread ban or forum ban and you still think it's unfair? Relax man.
And now we can add Pakistanis and their bullshit to the mix, currently we may only have 2 active Pakistanis, but there have been others in the past, and once again the mods did precious little to stop their propaganda in the name of freedom of expression and different viewpoints.
Their viewpoints or propaganda is busted point by point and whatever truth they speak is accommodated what's better than that? Do you want your government to lie to you just to feel more powerful than Pakistan? Remember this is exactly how Pakistanis live, in denials and complete lies.

Just like Indian police, these mods hardly manage to deal with the real problems, but they're instantly there whenever they have to flex their muscles at commonfolk.
Awww that's quite an insult :cry: ab bas yahi sun na reh gaya tha.

users who I followed here like Aashish and Falcon permanently return, I may consider coming back
Thats not how it works man, I too wish Aashish to come back and Falcon is always here, anyway it's their own decision how much to indulge and when, nothing others can do, others coming or going wont have any effect on them.