French Military aviation update and discussion

(air&cosmos (fr), dec.14)

Poker 2022-04: Strategic air raid simulation for the French Air Force (AAE)​

On the evening of December 13, the French Air Force launched its fourth and final exercise of the year 2022 simulating a strategic air raid over France. This operation, called Poker 2022-04, is obviously centred around the Rafale fighter aircraft of the Strategic Air Forces but also includes other aircraft. Indeed, a Poker operation generally includes about fifty combat and support aircraft.

On 13 December, shortly after 22:10 (Paris time), several aircraft of the French Air Force took off from several air bases in France. Some of these aircraft are part of the Strategic Air Forces (FAS) and are participating in their fourth and last exercise of the year 2022: Poker 2022-4 is launched! The objective of the Poker exercises is to train the FAS but also all combat and support aircraft that could be deployed alongside FAS aircraft in view of a nuclear air strike. This exercise is also a reminder of French nuclear capabilities.

A standard 'Poker game' within the AAE​

Depending on the poker game and the units involved, the means and manpower may differ. However, the patterns of most previous Poker operations occur in three phases.

Phase 1: build-up​

This exercise brings together about 50 combat and support aircraft, divided into two forces: a strategic strike force, comprising the bulk of the aircraft and the Rafales of the Strategic Air Forces. The other combat aircraft and a few tankers play the role of an opposition force (OPFOR). The Air and Space Force therefore mobilises a large number of aircraft that must be assembled and prepared:

  • a majority of Rafale and Mirage combat aircrafts
  • A330 MRTT and KC-135FR in-flight refuellers
  • an E-3F Sentry forward airborne lookout and command aircraft (AEW&C)
Once the operation is launched, these aircrafts take off: the task force heads for Brittany and the OPFOR heads for the Massif Central.

Phase 2: long-distance raid​

Once assembled over Brittany, the second phase begins. This is a simulation of the long-distance strategic air raid: the aircraft are refuelled by several tankers over Brittany. The aircraft then flew south to the Pyrenees and then headed for the Mediterranean. A second refuelling was also organised before the beginning of phase 3.

Phase 3: nuclear raid​

This is the offensive phase of Operation Poker: OPFOR must try to prevent the FAS aircraft from reaching a drop point, simulating the drop point of the ASMPA-R nuclear missiles. However, the Rafales are escorted by fighter aircrafts that OPFOR will also have to take into account. By the way, some of our readers may have heard the aircraft as FAS aircraft tend to fly low to avoid detection. It is also possible that one or more anti-aircraft batteries are deployed by OPFOR, hence the need to fly low.

Some visible aircraft​

As the missions of the Strategic Air Forces are classified, little information is available. It is however certain that the FAS Rafales do not carry an active but simulated ASMPA-R nuclear missile. The route is also known because a NOTAM is issued before the operation in order to reserve certain areas of French airspace for Air Force and Space Force aircraft. Finally, the support aircraft are, depending on the aircraft, visible during part or all of the Poker operation. For the last Poker exercise in 2022, the AAE mobilised :

  • 1 E-3F Sentry forward airborne lookout and command aircraft (AEW&C)
  • 1 KC-135FR Stratotanker tanker
  • 1 C-135FR Stratotanker tanker
  • 5 A330 MRTT tanker aircrafts

The exercise probably ended at around 00:55 (GMT+1), at which time the E-3F Sentry left its patrol area to return to its Avord air base. At the time of writing (03:00 GMT+1), most of the support aircraft - and therefore probably most of the fighter aircraft - had also returned to their home or main base. Only two tankers are still visible but are heading back to their base:

  • MARC57 (having changed its call sign to REFU406): this aircraft made several holding circles not far from its departure base at Mont-de-Marsan before heading for Istres air base
  • METIS405: heading for its Istres airbase

A unique nuclear triad

France has three nuclear fire projection forces:

  1. The Force océanique stratégique (FOST), composed of the four nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines of the Le Triomphant class, all deployed from Ile Longue (Finistère). At least one SNLE is constantly at sea and is ready, on presidential order, to deploy its M51 strategic ballistic missiles.
  2. The Strategic Air Forces (FAS), centred around the Rafale fighter aircraft and the A330 MRTT Phénix refuelling aircraft and some KC/C-135FR Stratotankers. These aircraft are deployed from three nuclear air bases: 125 Istres-Le Tubé (Bouches-du-Rhône), 702 Avord (Cher) and 113 Saint-Dizier-Robinson (Haute-Marne). The FAS also has two command centres, located in Taverny (Val-d'Oise) and Lyon (Rhône).
  3. "The Nuclear Naval Air Force" (FANu): this is a unique capability in the world because, with the withdrawal of the nuclear capability of the F/A-18F Super Hornet in 2021, the US Navy no longer has a strategic air capability. Thus, France is now the only nuclear power with a strategic strike force deployed from an aircraft carrier, namely the Charles de Gaulle. Like the FAS Rafales, the FANu's Rafale M can carry an ASMP-A nuclear missile.

It should be noted that, unlike the SNLE, the FAS Rafale and FANu Rafale M have dual capabilities: they can be used to project French nuclear fire but can also be armed to carry out conventional combat missions with conventional munitions.

Finally, this exercise has no link with the war in Ukraine: Poker operations are organised four times a year, and the date of this exercise was known since 24 November, when the NOTAM was issued. /deepl
DGA has taken delivery of the 9th A330 Multi-Role Tanker Transporter (MRTT) Phenix for @Armee_de_lair, after verification operations carried out by DGA flight test experts. 3 MRTTs are still to be delivered by 2023.
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The defense minister reveals in @6AMCaracol that the combat planes are no longer going to be bought. The term for CONPES has expired and for that reason there will be no business. The president and the council of ministers must seek a new CONPES during the year.

Is the Eurofighter in contention here Paddy? You could sweeten the deal by accepting a barter trade in their most famous export. With the economy sinking you guys need something to cope. It's a win win situation all around.
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Dassault Aviation Falcon 8X Archange currently being tested at Airforce Base 125 Istres. It’s the future airborne strategic intelligence program aircraft equipped with the Thales new-generation payload CUGE (universal electronic warfare capability)
- To reinforce the capabilities of signals intelligence (ROEM) by allowing the interception, characterisation and analysis of radio and radar emissions (electronic warfare)
- Evaluate an adversary's strengths and adapt electronic countermeasures accordingly to its means of protection
- Disseminate warning intelligence to a maximum number of actors, as an essential link in collaborative combat

- Unified sensor allowing the simultaneous interception of radio and radar emissions
- Highly sensitive sensor adapted to long-range interception and modern stealth signals
- Program with the ability to evolve towards massive data processing by artificial intelligence algorithms
- Bizzjet-type carrier with a range of use in terms of altitude, manoeuvrability and speed close to that of a fighter aircraft and facilitating consideration of the modern long-range ground-to-air threat and/or stealth requirements
- Falcon 8X engine offering an extension - guaranteeing autonomy in the area - and a flight ceiling - guaranteeing area of coverage - that are clearly superior to the performance of the C-160 Gabriel
- CUGE systems enabling France to regain a strategic collection capability quantitatively comparable to that of the C-160G/DC-8 Sarigue pair
- Carrier natively equipped with high-speed communication means (SATCOM) and offering the potential to host connectivity solutions (tactical data link, software defined radio) de surveillance électronique (ARCHANGE).pdf (fr)
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The Rafale F5 will be a "very different aircraft", according to the Chief of Staff of the Air and Space Force​


Given the delay in the SCAF [Future Air Combat System] program and the hazards it is likely to experience between now and its commissioning [by 2040, if one is very optimistic], France will have to develop a new Rafale standard in order to guarantee the continuity of the airborne component of its nuclear deterrent, which will be based on the ASN4G hypersonic ramjet missile over the next decade.

The ASN4G will be "integrated on the NGF [new generation combat aircraft of the SCAF, nldr] ten to fifteen years after its entry into operational service under the F5 standard of the Rafale, which obliges us to show for this device a certain requirement in terms of ambition, so that its penetration capacity remains credible, at least until 2060”, thus recently explained Emmanuel Chiva, the General Delegate for Armaments [DGA].

Indeed, the 2035 horizon, and as explained by General Laurent Rataud, Deputy Chief of Staff for Program Plans [SCPP] of the Air Force & Space, quoted in a parliamentary report published in 2021, the Rafale "will then have to deal with the most efficient ground-to-air defense systems [...] and operate in extremely scrambled environments, which will require providing it with means of electronic warfare and navigational warfare, as well as possibly effective means of suppressing enemy air defenses”.

In the short term, the AAE and Naval Aviation will have Rafale F4, this standard constituting the “first generation of connectivity”. And the Rafale F5 will embody the second.

“Regarding the evolution of the Rafale standards, […] it makes it possible to develop connectivity, that is to say the exchange of data between the aircraft – fighters, but also support aircraft. The F4 standard will constitute the first generation of connectivity and the F5 will give birth to the second generation, which will provide more secure connectivity,” explained General Stéphane Mille, the AAE Chief of Staff, during the meeting. a recent parliamentary hearing dedicated to nuclear deterrence.

However, this will require significant modifications to the Rafale. "When the F5 standard comes out, the plane will be very different," said CEMAAE. “The radar, the electronic countermeasures and the computer needed for connectivity will have been modified. However, the computing capacities to process hundreds of thousands of pieces of information require wiring that the Rafale as we know it today is not capable of supporting,” he added.

Also, he continued, “several standards will therefore coexist, and this will not be a problem” because “the complementarity of means is our strength, each device having its advantages”.

In addition, the ASN4G should be much more imposing than the current ASMP-A [Air-Ground Medium Range / Improved] implemented by the Rafale B of the Strategic Air Forces [FAS] and the Rafale M of the Nuclear Naval Air Force [FANU]. It is “a big missile”, indeed underlined General Mille. It remains to be seen what consequences this will have on the Rafale's F5 standard... which will be, explained General Frédéric Parisot, AAE's No. 2, "endowed with an impressive number of capabilities, some of which we don't let's not imagine yet".

Ainsi, on apprend que les « travaux technologiques » relatifs à cet ASN4G ont commencé dès les années 1990, « en parallèle de la prépation de l’ASMPA [A pour amélioré, ndlr] et qu’ils se sont « clairement orientés vers le domaine des très hautes vitesses ».

« Depuis, nous avons avons des moyens nous permettant de tester le missile et de simuler le vol de l’ASN4G en hypervélocité », a affirmé l’amiral de Bonnaventure, avant de précisé que MBDA a mené, en cotraitance avec l’ONERA, des études sur l’hypersonique dès les années 2000-2010, dans le cadre des programmes PROMETHEE 1, 2 et 3.

« Les performances de l’ASN4G sont encore meilleures que celles de l’ASMPA-R [R pour rénové, nldr]. L’ASN4G devrait être opérationnel à horizon 2035 et devra le rester au-delà des années 2050 : il est donc nécessaire d’anticiper les défenses sol/air de l’adversaire à cet horizon », a-t-il ajouté. D’où la mise en place au sein de MBDA d’un bureau d’étude réunissant une « dizaine de collaborateurs », chargés de mener une « continue sur la défense adverse ».

Or, a poursuvi le conseiller du Pdg de MBDA, « il apparaît que la très haute performance en vitesse et en manœuvre est la meilleure méthode pour parvenir à être détecté le plus tardivement possible, et compliquer la tâche de suivi d’un radar, voire, d’accrochage, et, enfin, à désorganiser une attaque d’un missile antimissile ».

Pour rappel, l’ASMPA-R a la particularité de pourvoir suivre plusieurs trajectoires [basse altitude, très basse altitude et haute altitude] afin d’échapper aux radars adverses. A priori, il en ira de même avec l’ASN4G… mais à des vitesses beaucoup plus élevées. « Nous entrons dans le domaine de l’hypersonique. Le facteur de charge sera, lui aussi, multiplié en phase terminale pour leurrer les défenses adverses », a insisté l’amiral de Bonnaventure.

Enfin, a-t-il conclu, « l’ASN4G, grâce à son encombrement et son poids limités, sera compatible avec le Rafale et catapultable par un porte-avions, conformément aux objectifs définis par le Président de la République. C’est une réussite technique unique au monde ».

Thus, we learn that the "technological research" relating to this ASN4G began in the 1990s, "in parallel with the preparation of the ASMPA [A for improved, editor's note] and that they were "clearly oriented towards the field very high speeds.

"Since then, we have aquired the facilities allowing us to test the missile and to simulate the flight of the ASN4G in hypersonic flight", affirmed Admiral de Bonnaventure, before specifying that MBDA carried out, in co-contracting with ONERA, hypersonic studies from 2000-2010, as part of the PROMETHEE 1, 2 and 3 programs.

“ASN4G performance is even better than ASMPA-R [R for refurbished, nldr]. The ASN4G should be operational by 2035 and will have to remain so beyond the 2050s: it is therefore necessary to anticipate the ground/air defenses of the adversary by this horizon”, he added. Hence the establishment within MBDA of a design office bringing together “ten employees”, responsible for conducting a “continuous on the opposing defense” [a red team].

However, pursued the adviser to the CEO of MBDA, "it appears that very high performance in speed and maneuvering is the best method to achieve detection as late as possible, and to complicate the task of tracking for a radar, or even , achieving a lock, and, finally, to disorganize an attack of an anti-missile missile system”.

As a reminder, the ASMPA-R has the particularity of being able to follow several trajectories [low altitude, very low altitude and high altitude] in order to escape enemy radars. it is understood that it will be the same with the ASN4G… but at a much higher speed. “We are entering the field of hypersonics. The load factor will also be multiplied in the terminal phase to deceive the opposing defenses,” insisted Admiral de Bonnaventure.

Finally, he concluded, “the ASN4G, thanks to its limited size and weight, will be compatible with the Rafale launched from an aircraft carrier, in accordance with the objectives defined by the President of the Republic. It is a unique technical achievement in the world”.
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Dassault Aviation Falcon 8X Archange currently being tested at Airforce Base 125 Istres. It’s the future airborne strategic intelligence program aircraft equipped with the Thales new-generation payload CUGE (universal electronic warfare capability)
- To reinforce the capabilities of signals intelligence (ROEM) by allowing the interception, characterisation and analysis of radio and radar emissions (electronic warfare)
- Evaluate an adversary's strengths and adapt electronic countermeasures accordingly to its means of protection
- Disseminate warning intelligence to a maximum number of actors, as an essential link in collaborative combat

- Unified sensor allowing the simultaneous interception of radio and radar emissions
- Highly sensitive sensor adapted to long-range interception and modern stealth signals
- Program with the ability to evolve towards massive data processing by artificial intelligence algorithms
- Bizzjet-type carrier with a range of use in terms of altitude, manoeuvrability and speed close to that of a fighter aircraft and facilitating consideration of the modern long-range ground-to-air threat and/or stealth requirements
- Falcon 8X engine offering an extension - guaranteeing autonomy in the area - and a flight ceiling - guaranteeing area of coverage - that are clearly superior to the performance of the C-160 Gabriel
- CUGE systems enabling France to regain a strategic collection capability quantitatively comparable to that of the C-160G/DC-8 Sarigue pair
- Carrier natively equipped with high-speed communication means (SATCOM) and offering the potential to host connectivity solutions (tactical data link, software defined radio) LPM - Aéronef spécialisé de recueil de renseignement et de surveillance électronique (ARCHANGE).pdf (fr)
Thank god for this. You got a real one. Perhaps now we can give Spectra a bit of a rest.
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(leparisien, jan.2023) Increased budget, "all Rafale" and reinforced intelligence... What to remember from Macron's wishes to the armies

The President announced an increase in the budget of the Armed Forces to 400 billion euros for the period 2024-2030. This will strengthen the means of intelligence and especially in the field of cyber.

He said he wanted to have "a war in advance" and an army "ready for the perils of the century". In the midst of the conflict in Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron presented this Friday, from the air base of Mont-de-Marsan (Landes), the future law of military programming 2024-2030, placed under the sign of "transformation". New technologies, increased budget, reinforcements in intelligence ... Here is what we must remember the wishes of the President of the Republic to the armed forces.​
The French armed forces will benefit from a budget of 400 billion euros over the period 2024-2030, within the framework of the future military programming law (LPM). This is a third more than the previous LPM's budget of €295 billion.​
"The LPM reflects the country's efforts in favour of its armies" and "these efforts will be in proportion to the dangers, that is to say considerable", he said, adding that "after having repaired the armies, we are going to transform them".​
The LPM will ultimately amount to 413 billion euros, i.e. 400 billion budget voted in Parliament plus 13 billion in extra-budgetary revenue (infrastructure, frequency sales, etc.), said an Elysée source.​
Increase in the intelligence budget
The credits of the military intelligence services will increase by about 60%, announced Emmanuel Macron. The objective: to have "increased intelligence capabilities that allow us to anticipate crises or threats", and "our own intelligence allowing our autonomy of decision and action", developed the head of state, citing as an example the 2018 Operation Hamilton.​
The budgets of the Directorate of Military Intelligence (DRM) and the Directorate of Defence Intelligence and Security (DRSD) will be doubled.​
More forces in the overseas territories
"Our overseas territories are increasingly exposed," said Emmanuel Macron, listing threats "in all orders and all geographies". To prevent them, the head of state plans "increased surveillance capacities, with drones and means of action and intervention" in the overseas departments, communities and regions.​
More and better equipment
On the equipment side, the president promises more and better. "We will switch to the all Rafale and maintain this exceptional aircraft at the best world level," said Emmanuel Macron.​
Listing his objectives, he also plans a "modernization of land forces, digitization of the battlefield, an increase in the power of frigates, the development of new generation aircraft carriers, remote guided munitions, and the expansion of the use of drones by doubling the budget" dedicated.​
The special forces will be equipped with the "best technology", while the availability of equipment will be rethought, in order to build "accordingly our stocks of ammunition, our logistics, our support".​
Increased fight against computer attacks
Conflicts exist "in all areas, including the Internet, social networks and the impalpable field of information", the President stressed. As a result, Emmanuel Macron announced that he wanted to "double our capacity to deal with major cyber attacks", advocating investments in quantum and cyber security. /deepl
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