Opinion Health and fitness thread.

You can do that. Increase protein content in your diet and workout around 45 mins per day, 5 days a week. You should take at least 1.5 gms of protein for every kilo of your body weight and sleep at least 8 hrs per day. Cut down carb and fat intake and increase greens.
Doing exactly that. Though workout is little longer than this.
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You can do that. Increase protein content in your diet and workout around 45 mins per day, 5 days a week. You should take at least 1.5 gms of protein for every kilo of your body weight and sleep at least 8 hrs per day. Cut down carb and fat intake and increase greens.
Obviously it also depends on age.
For my son 6 days a week hour and a half of intense exercise is fine. For me three days a week is more than enough and I have to give time to my body to recover.
Obviously it also depends on age.
For my son 6 days a week hour and a half of intense exercise is fine. For me three days a week is more than enough and I have to give time to my body to recover.
True. As one crosses 40, one has to be very careful not to stress out his/her body.
True. As one crosses 40, one has to be very careful not to stress out his/her body.

I guess so.

Some people continue to think they are in their mid to late 20s in their mind.

And then they pick up an injury and are off for months. And then need to start from square one again.

Cheers, Doc
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I am currently getting fat.

And hating it.

Cheers, Doc

Diabetes is a big scam right? Adipose Tissue Disfunction and it's effects have been suppressed as the cause of insulin resistance I believe? My mother had almost 400/250 in sugar last year. She is now off all medication including metformin.
Diabetes is a big scam right? Adipose Tissue Disfunction and it's effects have been suppressed as the cause of insulin resistance I believe? My mother had almost 400/250 in sugar last year. She is now off all medication including metformin.

I wouldn't say its a scam. Not with India being home to the world's largest population of diabetics and growing.

In fact a doctor I am very close to is doing some great work on juvenile diabetes. Like most everything in medicine, you speak to 10 doctors, you will hear 10 opinions.

The internet of course does the rest and makes most lay people into doctors themselves.

Those who are left out, Modi and his motely crew make them doctors.

Its a happy place we are in currently in India where medicine is concerned.

Cheers, Doc
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I wouldn't say its a scam. Not with India being home to the world's largest population of diabetics and growing.

In fact a doctor I am very close to is doing some great work on juvenile diabetes. Like most everything in medicine, you speak to 10 doctors, you will hear 10 opinions.

The internet of course does the rest and makes most lay people into doctors themselves.

Those who are left out, Modi and his motely crew make them doctors.

Its a happy place we are in currently in India where medicine is concerned.

Cheers, Doc


but personally very happy with what has happeed to my mother. Detected 400 (post)/250 (pre) sugar levels. She was not checking up for several years so condition might have been there for long. AT the same time my father had complications so shifted to full veggie diet with low fat and moderate carbs. By default this diet was almost complying with Dr. Neal Bernard diet.

dotcor put her on Insulin for 3 months, numbers came down along with the diet- and stayed there. So he took her off inslin and kept metmorfin 500 mg in morning and evening. She was asked to restart yoga and continue with diet. Her numbers have remianed low for 1 year. So he now is taking her off metmorfin completely. Imagine- just one year and all insulin and medicaiton is off. Her partmet has a lot of old people so I gave her the book and asked them to give it to all. I think my father will aslo recover on the sugar front. This stuff works like hell!
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You know Dawood Ibrahim once commented that he's glad he wasn't around in 1947 , else he'd blamed for Partition .

I wonder if we should be putting Dawood and Modi in the same post.

You never know these days when that knock on the door will come.

Cheers, Doc
I wonder if we should be putting Dawood and Modi in the same post.

You never know these days when that knock on the door will come.

Cheers, Doc
You're right .Kaizaad and KaiKhusro or Farokh & Shahvir can belong to either communities , as per the understanding of B h a K t s
I believe Ghanchi is the word .

I was thinking I had the wrong/Hindi generic word. Thanks buddy.

I was wondering just today morning how Gujarati was slowly fading out of our community.

Nowadays its mostly English and whichever state we live in. Probably with parents if ever. Our kids even less (considering we are the parents now).

Cheers, Doc
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I was thinking I had the wrong/Hindi generic word. Thanks buddy.

I was wondering just today morning how Gujarati was slowly fading out of our community.

Nowadays its mostly English and whichever state we live in. Probably with parents if ever. Our kids even less (considering we are the parents now).

Cheers, Doc

That's a shame, eventually I won't be able to talk to any Parsis in Gujarati then. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
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That's a shame, eventually I won't be able to talk to any Parsis in Gujarati then. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

Its not yet so bad. The kids still speak Gujarati. Just very stilted (not that we are so much better).

All my life I've lived in a non-Parsi environment. So I speak kickass Hindi (a mix of Bihari and Punjabi style).

I guess the bawas @_Anonymous_ (and probably @ManavantraTruti) is used to, who typically cluster in the baugs of Mumbai, they would speak much better Gujarati. And very crappy bambayya Hindi.

Cheers, Doc
I guess so.

Some people continue to think they are in their mid to late 20s in their mind.

And then they pick up an injury and are off for months. And then need to start from square one again.

Cheers, Doc
Not me.
The young girl or boy next to me would be doing 20 Pull ups . I do only what i can ignoring my "manly ego" which always asks me to do more than the girl...although the girl may be 20+ years younger than me.
Yes. One has to be very careful. I injured my back 20 years ago and still don't dare to do deadlift or sqart with heavy weights. I have been trying to reach 300lb for bench press, but so far struck at 285lb.
Try reducing weight for sometime. Do more reps with less weight and then come back for higher weights.
Have a few bulbs of Kashmiri ( yeah ! See the irony ) lehsun first thing every morning on an empty stomach . Do not Eat or drink anything for half an hour to 45 min . Check your HDL in three months .
You need to chew on the bulbs for nearly a minute or more before ingesting . There's a certain chemical in it ( forget the name ) which on exposure to oxygen gives it the properties of an anti oxidant among other similar properties. So goes the theory , in case you're really interested @safriz
You need to chew on the bulbs for nearly a minute or more before ingesting . There's a certain chemical in it ( forget the name ) which on exposure to oxygen gives it the properties of an anti oxidant among other similar properties. So goes the theory , in case you're really interested @safriz
Yup, very interested as high cholesterol is ruining my otherwise very good health.