I will be interested in more details on this aspect. How was this problem solved. My family has a history of type-2 diabetes in old age.
Ok I will tell you what I have been able to figure out. I will of course defer to trustworthy doctors but my individual experience has been to have a very heavy bias towards the research of people like Neil Bernard and mark Hyman both of whom are highly qualified Ivy League educated doctors and the biggest diabetes studies in the world. Especially Neil Bernard.
The following is the new premise for high sugar buildup. A standard diagnosis for diabetes is to check the blood sugar levels and not insulin levels. This is because in many cases there might be sufficient insulin production but it is useless because your body is unable to use it. It is like a key that allows glucose to enter the cells where mitochondria can use it to generate energy. This is called insulin resistance. Key issues with type 2 diabetes in most people is not insulin sufficiency but insulin resistance.
because the glucose cannot enter muscle cells it gets trapped in the blood where it keeps getting built up until it messes up sensitive tissues of kidney, eye etc. at the same time your cells don’t get the energy they need (this causes the sudden weight loss that is usually a symptom of type 2 diabetes)
Now then the most important question is what causes insulin resistance?
You ask doctors and pharma companies they say even after almost 100 years of research that ‘we don’t know for sure and things aren’t clear’- this is why it is a scam but more of that later.
About 30 years ago Bernard and a number of others were called in to study the problem especially from diet point of view and their findings are becoming more mainstream. His explanation is as follows
Higher fat consumption leads to buildup of lipid inside the cells and this prevents insulin from acting and letting the glucose from entering the cells. Remove the lipid by following a diet that address this and you reverse diabetes. Key point is that lipid buildup inside the cells is most important. Which is why some people can be thin from outside yet be diabetic. The fat that is built up inside the cells is the problem not just fat.
Modern diet has increased concentration of fat and empty carbs. So his approach is to maintain a diet for long term so that the problem doesn’t come back. There is another additional insight that has come in recently. The hypothesis previously was the pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin once destroyed can never come back-this can be the case with people who have uncontrolled diabetes for long time. Recent research has observed that this may not be the case. It takes time but if normal sugar levels are maintained the cells do regenerate and insulin levels rise in the body.
Neil Bernard program has high success rate and even people who have been on insulin for years or decades typically get off it in weeks. In fact it is a must to be medically monitored during the period because the drop can be so dramatic that the patient might end up with low blood sugar if they are on insulin due to natural lowering of sugar levels. My next post will address questions of is diabetes a scam and isn’t this explanation too simple for people to miss after lunch