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SAM is rarely used to down small UAV, not worth the cost, mostly Anti Aircraft guns are sufficient for cheap UAV on lower altitude and slow speed. Even Su30 don't use missile first instead 30mm gunfire to down the target unless of course it's super important to shot it down.

There is another and more important reason than the cost.

SAMs, when not in war deployment, will have their Radars powered to ranges within the geographical containment of the nation, in order to preclude Electronic Mapping of the Radar by enemy, who can then identify the set to jam.

This is why, even in PAF's 27 Feb 2019 expedition, SAMs were not used, as the Radars were suboptimal. This will change the moment war starts, with LRTR coming into play along with AWACS/AEW&C
5th march ..something big happened at ib.sources telling .is that the same thing rajnath singh is telling abt.the thirs strike
For once, he is almost correct.

Last night, 'stone' pelting occurred on PA.

From pebbles to boulders. Suppose height was 40 feet, it became 28 feet.

You are also becoming Baba sirji with these cryptic tweets to non military background people.

Why are we escalating now sir? Public pressure is not that much, political leadership is busy with elections, also if we keep killing them like this they will try something desperate, not talking about nuclear but another attack or military attack somewhere. I am just not understanding what's our objective? Are we going to keep them like this till they are bankrupt and then go for final kill or its just temporary at tactical level without any larger objective.

Did you read about that Award won by
Ghafoor of Ispr ONLY for LYING

And what do they call it

Successful Information warfare

All Pakistanis are bloody Liars

That is their only achievement in life
Gafoora on an average help 2 hash tags trend on Twitter, one anti India another anti Nawaz and zardari but since Nawaz is long gone and no new election upcoming both these twitter trends are anti India most of the days with occasional slapping of Nawaz at will.

Along with that he creates massive disinformation so effectively that he is successful in creating doubts in completely clean operations. Even the rational ones, those who knows reality of ISPR fall for it.

For this much effectiveness in largely inept army he definitely deserve award bigger than he is awarded with. He is a liar, no doubt but a damn good one.
Let me post something interesting then:

Sorry for cross posting from the PDF. My post:

View attachment 4912

Quiz: Which Air Force in the world, will still get its *** whipped, even when openly this was written, the writing on the wall? :D

Before 26 th there were many
"near attacks "and infact on 21Feb there were many people on
Twitter and Facebook saying that something has happened in Sialkot

Babaji had also confirmed this
You are also becoming Baba sirji with these cryptic tweets to non military background people.

Why are we escalating now sir? Public pressure is not that much, political leadership is busy with elections, also if we keep killing them like this they will try something desperate, not talking about nuclear but another attack or military attack somewhere. I am just not understanding what's our objective? Are we going to keep them like this till they are bankrupt and then go for final kill or its just temporary at tactical level without any larger objective.

Gafoora on an average help 2 hash tags trend on Twitter, one anti India another anti Nawaz and zardari but since Nawaz is long gone and no new election upcoming both these twitter trends are anti India most of the days with occasional slapping of Nawaz at will.

Along with that he creates massive disinformation so effectively that he is successful in creating doubts in completely clean operations. Even the rational ones, those who knows reality of ISPR fall for it.

For this much effectiveness in largely inept army he definitely deserve award bigger than he is awarded with. He is a liar, no doubt but a damn good one.

All PDF pigs are mini Ghafoors

Ghafoor is their common Daddy
5th march ..something big happened at ib.sources telling .is that the same thing rajnath singh is telling abt.the thirs strike
Something tells me that big thing happened at Rajasthan border on 5th March, confirmed by Rajnath Singh There's no reason why Pakistan is desperately sending drones even after losing them in dozens.... Maybe something to do with Bhawalpur....🤔
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Something tells me that big thing happened at Rajasthan border on 5th March, confirmed by Rajnath Singh There's no reason why Pakistan is desperately sending drones even after losing them in dozens.... Maybe something to do with Bhawalpur....🤔

Rajnath's Reputation has made a U-turn. Whenever he says something, you know someone, somewhere, something has been flattened/maimed, murdered/killed/roasted etc...
Any idea what are all the PaK UAVs that we shot ?
looked like the Burraq. interestingly - it has UCAV capabilities


Buddy, 4xMig-29ks take off with full fuel and a strike package of missiles/glide bombs. They fly about 750Nm and get refueled around Porbander. They press on to Tashkent. I am taking that they will not be checked in Pak airspace as we are talking of range alone.
Once they drop theior drop tanks and also release their weapons, they will be in clean config increasing their return range. They again get refuelled over Porbander to make it back to Deck or can land in Porbander and get refuelled.

That's quite unrealistic. The distance between Porbandar and Tashkent is 4400Km to and fro, well above Mig-29K's range even with three drop tanks and no weapons.

At best you can fly up to Kabul, release Nirbhays to make up for the distance up to Tashkent.
2. Garuds would be keema. LC is not exactly a picnic zone. And no one in their right mind, expected an officer of greater than 14 years service, to break formation and cross LC against ROE. But his bagging a F-16, has been a greater coup, so his sins will be forgiven. Otherwise, he was looking at an early pink slip.

He felt that he would probably return as an F-16 killer or in a body bag or both, that's probably why he pressed on.
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For De escalation

My Suggestion to PM would be
To ask Ghafoor Ispr and FM Qureshi
Come to India , Begging for Forgiveness
And accept ing
all the Damage caused to them :p

And of course bring Masood Azhar and
Hafiz pig to India
As soon as both sides start running low on arty ammo, it will automatically de-escalate.

For me the biggest take away from this standoff was , India graduated from spineless dossier business to some semblance of political entity that can stand on it's feet, hopefully the establishment builds on this.
As soon as both sides start running low on arty ammo, it will automatically de-escalate.

For me the biggest take away from this standoff was , India graduated from spineless dossier business to some semblance of political entity that can stand on it's feet, hopefully the establishment builds on this.
we did replenished ammo for almost 1 lakh crore in past 2 years, we are not gonna get empty soon.
we did replenished ammo for almost 1 lakh crore in past 2 years, we are not gonna get empty soon.
nice, would love to read more about it, can you post a link. thats quite a big number, i usually get confused in lakhs and crors, so help me with this. One lakh crore, i.e lakh= 100000, crore = 1000000 i.e. Rs 1000000000000 ; / 70 i.e usd 14,285,714,285.71429 i.e 14 billion dollars of Ammunition? (if I have my zeroes correct)
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nice, would love to read more about it, can you post a link. thats quite a big number, i usually get confused in lakhs and crors, so help me with this. One lakh crore, i.e lakh= 100000, crore = 1000000 i.e. Rs 1000000000000 ; / 70 i.e usd 14,285,714,285.71429 i.e 14 billion dollars of Ammunition? (if I have my zeroes correct)

Crore has one more zero. Total 7 zeros.
But calcification part u have used it right with 12 zeros .
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