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To all who have the following claims to rely on:

1. If IAF 'jettisoned' its load, they would not explode .... simple as that. Any unexploded ordnance recovered by PA?
2. If PAF was deploying loads without fuzes, we would have the same situation, an 'unexploded' ordnance ... did we get any such ordnance?

Think members, think. You will get your answers.

There is too much 'information' floating around, usually a load of bullcrap.
Easier to retweet Messiah for propaganda then think themselves, you are asking too much.
Pak Armed Force personal are a really *censored*ed lot. They die on Kargil heights and don't get the respect from their own. They even get disowned. They die within their territory, yet they do not get the recognition. Take the case of this Wing Cdr of PAF who died. They have not given him the respect which he deserved. Afterall he was their officer who died in harness for his nation.
I am very much surprised by the lack of strategic perspective shown by many peoples here. Peoples are too emotional and they forget what is our strategic aim.

Our strategic aim is to increase the cost of supporting terrorism for Pakistan. Untill today, they arm and train terrorists and send them to India, kill our soldiers and that's it, zero reprications on Pakistan and the terrorist head and it's infrastructure will be safe and sound Inside Pakistan.

That status quo of decades has completely changed. Cost of terror attacks on Pakistan have increased exponentially. For Pakistan, Feb 16th and Feb 26th are two entirely different nights. One was an ordinary day and other is not.

We bombed terror infrastructure, deep inside Pakistan. This have a huge cost on Pakistani state. The freedom they enjoyed for decades to arm and train terrorists inside their country is questioned and the entire terror project is under constant pre emptive strikes from India.

Now, what Pakistan is trying to do here is trying to increase the cost of targeting Pakistani terror facilities by India. Otherwise it will be an open season on Pakistani terror facilities in the future. Everything they are doing is to increasing the stakes to a make sure that India won't do this kind of strikes again.

Pakistan sent a strike package to extract some cost on India for attacking their terror facilities. They lost 1 f-16 and we lost a mig-21. Is that what peoples are bitching about? If you forgot your strategic objective after one aerial engagement, which by the way is in our favour or a draw at worst is pathetic.

At the end of the day, cost of terrorism just increased exponentially for Pakistan. Now Pakistan have more to think about before sending terrorists to India. All we need to do is continue this policy of extracting a cost from Pakistan repeatedly for supporting terrorism. The cost of this flare-up for India is minimum compared to Pakistan.

What need to be done

1) Continue the policy of targeting terrorists and their infrastructure inside Pakistan. Let's change the focus of issues between India and Pakistan to terrorist support of Pakistan.

2) The next steps of escalation is pre-emptive strikes. Even though we. Called this strike a premptive, it is not. If Pakistan didn't show any signs of evening in on terrorists and shut down terror camps, we need to launch pre-emptive strikes. Shake it off what comes after and repeat.

I am not a Modi supporter. But I am fairly satisfied with the way things are progressing. May be its because I wasn't workshiping him as a new god ;). If I see him continuing this policy of striking terrorists inside Pakistan, both as a retaliation and as pre-emptive strikes, I would say that government handled things well.
People looking for hasty actions and conference must look carefully what happened in past few days and learn from blunders of ISPR.

  • In a haste to show strike hit nothing the idiot actually accepted strike did happen and that too upto KPK.
  • By releasing pictures of exploded ordnance it again contradicted own theory of "payload fall off".
  • The action conducted in haste next day to intrude into Indian airspace again went south and lost an expensive top of the line fighter jet in already fragile force. Also in a soup with US because of violation of contract.
  • Hasted press conference lead to biggest blunder in which he claimed 2 IAF jet shot down as 3 para shoots were seen. He inadvertantly admitted 3 para shoots and called it all 3 Indian pilots however contradicted himself by saying one jet fall into Indian territory how come he got 3 para shoot on his side?
  • In the same hastiness to trend on Twitter he revealed one pilot is in hospital, later when he found out it was PAF and no second Indian jet was shot he quietly tweeted 1 pilot under their possession.
Now contrast this with Indian response:
  • India prepared for 12 days and executed flawless strikes deep inside Pakistan with impunity.
  • After their rushed attempt to strike India didn't haste to say anything unless everything was clear, not a single statment and when they were not certain of type of aircraft they shot they didn't claim it as F-16 and the pilot was missing in action as Pakistan did not conveyed anything formally till then. Failing for TV news would have made them a fool.
  • Next day after confirming properly via Human intelligence and ascertaining all the facts via every possible resource which includes recovering of ASRAAM missile only they claimed they shot F-16.
  • The thorough planning also helped them to prepare for any eventuality, one night was all it needed to bring Pakistan on knees and release our pilot. Compare this unprepared hasty raid to satisfy anger of public, they came out as liar again and suffered greater loss, not just that in a event that went into their favour, they couldn't capitalize it as they were not prepared for one single night. Their PM was calling Indian PM, their FM was on line with other nations begging for help. What an absolute disgrace that raid bring to them even after having a favorable event.

Now the end result is ISPR is global joke in which they didn't even know what happened and claimed anything, later proved fools. Indian Airforce though slow on messaging and frustrating social media warriors didn't claim a single thing that was untrue.

So remember your hastiness could put our credibility on line, risk of loss of life and property, stop creating any atmosphere that forces Army to divulge more than needed. Trust them, they know what they are doing.

Political idiots will say anything, reduce them to what they actually are instead of being defensive and demanding more from Army.
Pakistanis are feeling very frustrated and Afraid at the same time

They never thought that their Govt and Military would capitulate so soon and easily
I have a feeling that IAF has conducted
Some more un announced Tactical Bombing

But they are not declaring it

The Balakot was the only declared one

That is why Pakistanis panicked so soon
I have a feeling that IAF has conducted
Some more un announced Tactical Bombing

But they are not declaring it

The Balakot was the only declared one

That is why Pakistanis panicked so soon
They have some real scare of IN. Even in 1999 Kargil conflict, they capitulated when IN fleet made a move towards Karachi. Once again they got shit scared when IN was moved forward.
They have some real scare of IN. Even in 1999 Kargil conflict, they capitulated when IN fleet made a move towards Karachi. Once again they got shit scared when IN was moved forward.

Navy is the last option

But IAF has plenty of space at LOC and Jammu Sector IB

To knock out posts and assets

Some guy was claiming a Tactical hit on Pak Ammunition dump in Athmuqam and Sialkot and Krishna ghati

That is why they came for our Brigade HQ

One Balakot alone won't scare Pakistanis

Army is already having a go at them

Air force too must have had some more fun

release of images is becoming a major demand. Vishnu Som had an argument with a panel asking what was so worng in releasing it now. We need proof. During Uri we only wanted the Pak Army to get the message so it was ok. But now the peopple and state of Pak are involved and they need public proof of our actions.
release of images is becoming a major demand. Vishnu Som had an argument with a panel asking what was so worng in releasing it now. We need proof. During Uri we only wanted the Pak Army to get the message so it was ok. But now the peopple and state of Pak are involved and they need public proof of our actions.

Politics bhaiya politics. They are waiting for Pappu and Kejru for asking proof and calling it fake. :ROFLMAO:
As per the agreement Pakistan can not use F-16s without US permission. So now they should block any spare supply for F-16 to PAK or we have right to see it as US have permitted them for striking Indian base.

Am I reading it right??
As expected right now a Major Taliban attack is going on in Afghanistan on US airbase Shorab, Helmand, largest military installation of US.

Multiple casualties feared including US soldiers. Don't know they are there to steal something or just to hurt US.

Hope better sense prevails and Trump comes to sense and take out Taliban inside Pakistan.
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Why? So that an internet warrior can go and 'win' an argument of egos on the twitter/forum?

What immediate challenges are there? Care to expand on that?

1. What makes you think that we have failed to act? Is not reacting in a knee jerk reaction a failure to act or an act of prudence, allowing time and place to act, while getting the world on your side? What do you think is the more sensible approach?

2. How does it affect our long term goals? And what are those long term goals?

You have no clue, do you? What makes you think that it is Pakistan which is forcing our hand in LC, a region invariably dominated by us save for a few pockets?

If an ant bites you, do you flick it off/kill it there and then and move on or leave your work, get up and go get a hammer to kill it?

I am the last person to bother about needless optics and audio , pain is more when no tears are shed. I hope you get the gist.

Never said failed to act perse but alluded to our failure to stop the body bags from coming in.

We occupy dominant heights and punish them regularly , but has it deterred them to stop completely.

Ant is a poor example for the situation I alluded to.

Anyways all this talk ain't serving any use only thing is I hope to see the day when the problem is permanently removed.

Cheers to that.
A nobody
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