Indian Missiles and Munitions Discussion

Possible new integration and testing work of some Agni system to start very soon.

(note: they have year round job for this, but dev flight related activity starts several months before, ie likely another agni dev test anytime in the next 12 months, which agni is anybodys guess)
TBRL looking for assembly trolleys of some articles, which seems interesting


Boy, Su-30 MKI UPG. is gonna be one heck of a formidable fighter😍
Hope we upgrade atleast couple of sukhios with Indian systems for these testing purpose.

So that we can adopt the entire proven systems of Radar, EW, etc missiles & bombs into Mk2, TEDBF and Amca from Day 1.
MKI UPG, MK1A, MK2, TEDBF and even AMCA will have literally the same tech base and we are going to even standardize the launchers/pylons. So consider your wish granted🥰
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Day 1 of what ?
If all systems were integrated in Super Su 30,
Then there won't be need to independent prove subsystems, integration issues etc..

Remember we had issues integrating Israeli LGB with mirages during kargil, later SAAW with mirages in balakot.

And seemless integration of isreali missiles with Israeli radars in whatever platform it may be..

Even in vstol jockey MSA plan he intended to integrate actual subsystem & LRUs even in Tech demonstrator itself saving much of development time.

Su 30 mki currently have various foreign systems, if we upgrade with Indian spectrum of systems, it ll save us lot of development and integration times in future for many programs.

It maybe happening already, as Rajput lion pointed out.
If all systems were integrated in Super Su 30,
Then there won't be need to independent prove subsystems, integration issues etc..
Actually it would , Astra is a perfect example, DRDL project astra got separate running projects for astra integration in LCA and Astra product support mainly aimed for the mk1 specific batch for su30 currently, later to expand in every platform that fires mk1. Same will happen for mk2 and different jet integration. Its probably part of SOP to test any airworthy system on specific platforms so that system can be certified to be used on that platform.
Given DRDO habit of mk1 mk2 etc , even with our own made platforms, mk2 tejas etc , all things , systems, weapons will not come integrated from day 1. rather, each will be introduced bit by bit imo. This is solely due to variety of platforms we use, very hard for code writers to standardise on one standard when we use both nato & rus standard equally.
Actually it would , Astra is a perfect example, DRDL project astra got separate running projects for astra integration in LCA and Astra product support mainly aimed for the mk1 specific batch for su30 currently, later to expand in every platform that fires mk1. Same will happen for mk2 and different jet integration. Its probably part of SOP to test any airworthy system on specific platforms so that system can be certified to be used on that platform.
Given DRDO habit of mk1 mk2 etc , even with our own made platforms, mk2 tejas etc , all things , systems, weapons will not come integrated from day 1. rather, each will be introduced bit by bit imo. This is solely due to variety of platforms we use, very hard for code writers to standardise on one standard when we use both nato & rus standard equally.
Sathya is specifically asking about Radar, EW, Missiles and Bombs from MKI to MK2, AMCA etc.

Actually MKI's radar, IRST is going to be derived from MK2 while its EW is going to be derived from Mk1A. All our projects are feeding off from one another, IMO and it's a good thing.

Talking about weapons integration, seems like MK2 and subsequent ones shall have all Indian weapons integrated from the very first lot. To do that now we're standardizing with just two pylons, one for air to air weapons and other for air to ground weapons. Talking about software side, since the basic radar and mission computers are going to be from the same tech base, so no problem there as well.