Indian Political Discussion

BJP has huge vote bank in Maharashtra , they wont risk losing state like Maharashtra. Its the cash cow of India

Hindi speaking communitiy, esp the business community and banker community will dominate Vidharba. Hindi speaking community will vote as per the template already set in Hindi speaking MP and UP. This mean one more Hindi speaking state( at least partially) in BJP's vote bank. In Maha ever since Balasaheb's passing away, BJP has copted the SS pro Maratha movement into a Hindutva movement. UT and RT will not be able to easily decouple them. They dont have the pull and charisma that Balasaheb did. For the past 17 years the BJP has been pulling an ideological vast one on the SS and they didnt even know it. What the Fuddu AIADMK is today to BJP in TN, SS was to BJP in Maha.
This freeze will end in 2026 and then UP/Bihar will be rewarded with more seats while other states that are implementing population control policies will be punished. Same happened in Finance commission recommendations.
So those states that are implementing honest population control policies should suffer only cz other states failed in such policies.
We contribute highest taxes yet we don't get a say in national power sharing ,why? Cz we have less population , hence less seats.
Thats why theres a saying the road to becoming PM passes through UP. Thats why Modi contested from Varanasi.
Most of this countries rulers have come from UP. Modi is also from UP as he won from Varanasi
Hahaha what a joke! Population control policy! Where? When? How? Come out of your delusions, there is no population control policy anywhere in India except recently introduced in Assam, which ironically again was criticized by same Social Justice warriors that use over population as argument.

Also have you ever seen population density table of India? Kerala has more people per Sq Km than even UP! Still a voter from Kerala has more say in Parliament than a voter from UP. Population control :ROFLMAO: read my previous post updated for example.
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Its in the constitution , freeze on number of seats will end in 2026 and delimitation will take place after 2031 census

No, this is not essential and can be done basis all party agreements. That's why we have a 40 year freeze. We should bring back the congress to make sure that agreeement continues.
Hahaha what a joke! Population control policy! Where? When? How? Come out of your delusions, there is no population control policy anywhere in India except recently introduced in Assam, which ironically again was criticized by same Social Justice warriors that use over population as argument.

Also have you ever seen population density table of India? Kerala has more people per Sq Km than even UP! Still a voter from Kerala has more say in Parliament than a voter from UP. Population control :ROFLMAO: read my previous post updated for example.

kerala population growth stopped in 1990. Andhra Population, like most south India is acutally FALLING. UP/ Bihar/ BJP States is actually INCREASING. We aren't gonna let our positions in parliament be compromised because north Indians voted buffoons into power.
No, this is not essential and can be done basis all party agreements. That's why we have a 40 year freeze. We should bring back the congress to make sure that agreeement continues.

Congress is another Delhi Durbari party of Hindi wallas. Seriously we need a national party that based in Deccan India( Maharasthra + 5 southern states). TRS tried to bring about the Federal front, but stupid Stalin torpedoed it for the congress. When it comes to protrecitng the Hindi speaking states, congress and BJP are in the same boat.
Congress is another Delhi Durbari party of Hindi wallas. Seriously we need a national party that based in Deccan India( Maharasthra + 5 southern states). TRS tried to bring about the Federal front, but stupid Stalin torpedoed it for the congress. When it comes to protrecitng the Hindi speaking states, congress and BJP are in the same boat.

yes but they generally stay away from extremes. Plus, the Kerala congress usually has a lot of clout in the centre because it gives out good cash for the party to function.
Hahaha what a joke! Population control policy! Where? When? How? Come out of your delusions, there is no population control policy anywhere in India except recently introduced in Assam, which ironically again was criticized by same Social Justice warriors that use over population as argument.

Also have you ever seen population density table of India? Kerala has more people per Sq Km than even UP! Still a voter from Kerala has more say in Parliament than a voter from UP. Population control :ROFLMAO: read my previous post updated for example.
Read this article
Congress is another Delhi Durbari party of Hindi wallas. Seriously we need a national party that based in Deccan India( Maharasthra + 5 southern states). TRS tried to bring about the Federal front, but stupid Stalin torpedoed it for the congress. When it comes to protrecitng the Hindi speaking states, congress and BJP are in the same boat.
I hate Stalin and his anti Hindu stand. He is fanning seperatist trends in TN.
Anyways apart from PVNR (out of compulsion) , deve Gowda (useless) , Morarji Desai (again useless) , all PMs have come from UP , be it Gandhi family , LBS , ABV , VP singh , Chandrasekhar etc etc.
MMS was on RS.
Not a single PM from Western , Central , eastern and southern india(except TL and KA)
kerala population growth stopped in 1990. Andhra Population, like most south India is acutally FALLING. UP/ Bihar/ BJP States is actually INCREASING. We aren't gonna let our positions in parliament be compromised because north Indians voted buffoons into power.
So from 3 decades population is not growing at good rate, yet population density higher than UP!

90 se pehle kya karte the bhai?!!!! Also what happened after 90? Sanjay Gandhi castration policy proved too costly? Wasn't he from Liberal, Right of Choice, Human Rights wali Party?

You people are jumping from one tree to another, when I proved actual value of vote from UP is lesser than that of Southern states and your victim card is a joke you people inserted growth rate and what not.

Either stay divided on language or talk about size, the people who can't think beyond language and identity are lecturing to a state where language change every 50km and still its so cohesive. Don't let your tiny mind trouble you with whom we elect, overburdening those 2 little cells may actually confuse you.

Enough with abusing any state by you or anyone, consider this pre warning. If you want to debate, debate on facts not on abuses hurled at any state or religion or anyone.
So from 3 decades population is not growing at good rate, yet population density higher than UP!

90 se pehle kya karte the bhai?!!!! Also what happened after 90? Sanjay Gandhi castration policy proved too costly? Wasn't he from Liberal, Right of Choice, Human Rights wali Party?

You people are jumping from one tree to another, when I proved actual value of vote from UP is lesser than that of Southern states and your victim card is a joke you people inserted growth rate and what not.

Either stay divided on language or talk about size, the people who can't think beyond language and identity are lecturing to a state where language change every 50km and still its so cohesive. Don't let your tiny mind trouble you with whom we elect, overburdening those 2 little cells may actually confuse you.

Enough with abusing any state by you or anyone, consider this pre warning. If you want to debate, debate on facts not on abuses hurled at any state or religion or anyone.

why are you talking nonsense?
That's finance commission dear, it relates to money distribution had nothing to do with proportional representation. Don't mix up everything.

If you want to talk about money distribution, taking into account only tax collected, or trade will ignore regional disparity of natural resources. Some states are rich because they are better connected to world and are on trade route due to their geographical location, some are rich because of geographical resources, some are too poor as nature made them like it (read all states on himalayan boundary). Its the responsibility of country to distribute resources to reduce this disparity. If you don't like it well tough day, that's how it's work, these are states not independent countries.

I hope you understand the point behind it instead of irrational argument of we pay most. You don't pay most, as a individual you pay as much as I do (rate). If you club state on base of money you can't object when others group taking population as base or anything they are strong at. What will happen than? Think.
yes but they generally stay away from extremes. Plus, the Kerala congress usually has a lot of clout in the centre because it gives out good cash for the party to function.

They are not extremists like Modi's BJP, but they keep pushing the Hindi agenda in a subtle manner. Anyway unless they get rid of the Gandhi's no hope for the party and i don't trust them to put up a fight. South Indians needs to rally around our own.
Racism, ethnicity, regionalism, religious targeting is strictly prohibited.
kerala population growth stopped in 1990. Andhra Population, like most south India is acutally FALLING. UP/ Bihar/ BJP States is actually INCREASING. We aren't gonna let our positions in parliament be compromised because north Indians voted buffoons into power.

Cannot be true given the muslim popouation of kerala. Are you trying to sell that they dont make kids anymore?
The member was warned before but still unable to help himself. Racism, ethnicity, regionalism, religious targeting is strictly prohibited.
Cannot be true given the muslim popouation of kerala. Are you trying to sell that they dont make kids anymore?

he starts with 'cannot be true' (with no acknowledgement of the fact that he is ignorant) and follows it with 'given muslim population if kerala (a logic he just pulled out his @$$)

with specimens like this, why won't north be in the dumps I wonder.
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he starts with 'cannot be true' (with no acknowledgement of the fact that he is ignorant) and follows it with 'given muslim population if kerala (a logic he just pulled out his @$$)

with specimens like this, why won't north be in the dumps I wonder.
I have almost never used moderating powers but your continuous diarrhea on North South is repulsive. You were pre warned before and now officially too. Keep at it and you will earn a deserving break.
They are not extremists like Modi's BJP, but they keep pushing the Hindi agenda in a subtle manner. Anyway unless they get rid of the Gandhi's no hope for the party and i don't trust them to put up a fight. South Indians needs to rally around our own.
BJP is still better than Anti Hindu and anti India DMK , commies. INC sets up an office in Turkey , what for???
Even DMK has extremist agenda against non Tamils and Hindus. These Atheists crooks continuously degrade Hinduism which Hindus wont tolerate
BJP is still better than Anti Hindu and anti India DMK , commies. INC sets up an office in Turkey , what for???
Even DMK has extremist agenda against non Tamils and Hindus. These Atheists crooks continuously degrade Hinduism which Hindus wont tolerate

DMK has from the days of Periyar Ramaswamy advcated for the low caste of the TN and much like the anti upper caste rhetoric of the BSP and other pro dalit parties there is thin line between anti upper caste and anti Hindu rhetoric. But those days are in the past and anti Hindi semtiments runs rife in every south Indian state, DMK or no DMK. This current Hindutva wave is nothing but the new avatar of the pro Hindi movement from 60's and we need to stop this lest it take this country down with it.
I have almost never used moderating powers but your continuous diarrhea on North South is repulsive. You were pre warned before and now officially too. Keep at it and you will earn a deserving break.

Why not ban numbers then? It's numbers that say south has better hdi and development and has controlled population
Cannot be true given the muslim popouation of kerala. Are you trying to sell that they dont make kids anymore?

According to UNO and WHO TFR of about 2.1 children per woman is considered the Replacement-level fertility. Kerala has a TFR of 0.7% which was lowest recorded in the country( in 2019) and Bihar with 26.8% was the highest. Statistically speaking Kerala is not adding to its population, but merely replacing its existing population in the total life death cycle. Muslims women in Kerala have the highest TFR among the various demographic groups in the state , but their TFR is significantly lower than the TFR of Hindu women in UP and Bihar. Given the chronic poverty, poor litaracy levels and abysmal Human development values in these northern states, they are actually adding more poor people to our total population.