Israel-Hamas Conflict: Updates & Discussions

I think the video is fake but the event was real.

You can't see IR but if it interacts with electrons present in ambient molecules they can undergo transitions and then release the energy as they transition back to their resting state via other states.

That's just a theory, gotta see if it's true in reality. 'Cause you need insane amounts of power for normal air molecules to generate visible light, like lightning. 'Cause even heat is just IR.

Only the land invasion will tell us their next move.

Honestly, I'd rather the Israelis don't cross into Gaza. It's not worth it. Especially when the situation is still very unpredictable amongst the bigger powers.

And the Israelis will just get sucked into a situation where far too many of them will die. Worse if their northern border opens up.
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If Iran steps in with their own countrymen as proxies, then it's gonna be a bloodbath.

But if Iran does that, then the US can bomb Iran back to the stone age without ever putting troops on the ground. Just destroy all powerplants, refineries, oil derricks and industries, and you will shut Iran down for the next 10-20 years. Israel can also do that level of damage on their own. The Iranians are not ready to deal with the US and Israel yet.
Simple,US need Iran to balance KSA.
Simple,US need Iran to balance KSA.

The US is losing its influence in KSA and that works in Iran's interest. This situation has also helped bring the two countries closer.

Then, what's more, this war does nothing for Iran politically, just get some of their people killed. If Israel crosses into Lebanon or Hamas, then they also lose troops too, without gaining anything politically, except lose a lot of international support in time. It doesn't solve anything, unless Gaza is completely annihilated and emptied, which is also unlikely to happen.

It helps explain why Israel has not yet invaded Gaza. The minute they invade, a lot of independent mercenaries from around the Islamic world will also join the Hamas in Gaza. Perhaps even the Hezbollah. In reverse, we will see Western mercs fighting for Israel. It will be a bigger mess than Ukraine. Worst case, we could see a massive rise in fuel costs.
Well! This is not good.
Biden needs to rein in Netanyahu......

There was never hundreds of dead this was all hamus lie and even though there was clear video showing a rocket launching and breaking up in mid air and a second later a bast at the hospital many idiots bought it hook line.

Everyone including many in mainstream media knew for a fact a JDAM was dropped and now the truth is being revealed by sunlight.

This was a lie to keep Israel from invading Hamas knows they are dead if Israel invades and now they are really going to be dead because many will never believe them again.
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Those primitive Hamas Rockets with 50kg -100kg warhead Cannot cause this much damage.

The extent of damage is fake news.

Video proof released by the Older Forum. Forum/status/1714513625598021868

Replace "Older Forum" with "I.D.F." without the periods.

@Ashwin, is there a need to censor it now? It's been years already.
That's just a theory, gotta see if it's true in reality. 'Cause you need insane amounts of power for normal air molecules to generate visible light, like lightning. 'Cause even heat is just IR.
The video is fake but the event was real. Electrons in the layers of singular molecules take relatively little energy to excite, a laser could do that for many molecules, that is how lasers are produced in the first place after all. Whether they react with the air depends a lot on the composition of the air at the time (dust, mist etc.).
One thing that struck me about this conflict is the massive hypocrisy of the responisbility game. Israel is held accountable for everything, Hamas, the supposed representatives of the Palestinians, is held accountable for nothing, unavailable for comment or answering for their actions, and the leader is sheltering in Qatar. Until the leader is handed over to the ICC I don't think anyone has the right to ask any questions.
The US is losing its influence in KSA and that works in Iran's interest. This situation has also helped bring the two countries closer.

Then, what's more, this war does nothing for Iran politically, just get some of their people killed. If Israel crosses into Lebanon or Hamas, then they also lose troops too, without gaining anything politically, except lose a lot of international support in time. It doesn't solve anything, unless Gaza is completely annihilated and emptied, which is also unlikely to happen.

It helps explain why Israel has not yet invaded Gaza. The minute they invade, a lot of independent mercenaries from around the Islamic world will also join the Hamas in Gaza. Perhaps even the Hezbollah. In reverse, we will see Western mercs fighting for Israel. It will be a bigger mess than Ukraine. Worst case, we could see a massive rise in fuel costs.
They need to do more to emphasise the fact that Russia is behind it pulling the strings.
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How else do you explain the timing @RASALGHUL?

Right now I think Israel should probably think about stopping and spending the money on militarising the border with Gaza and increasing the deployment of Iron Beam, as well as plotting assassinations against key Hamas figures and supporters internationally, right up to Head of State level. This will ultimatelky achieve more in a way that less people will complain about.
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