Jammu & Kashmir live updates: GOI remove all provisions of Article 370

All this Discussion is Simply

Just Remember that What is happening in Kashmir AND what is being done by Pakistan is a Clash of Civilizations

Barbarians in History have Always Succeeded when the Good people LOST the will to Fight

Stephen i feel you might be arguing with someone who is performing taqiya on you. Maybe you would like to take that into account in your replies and arguments.
Probably first time in decades unprecedented open criticism of India in US so much so that US congressman going even beyond Pakistani line to reprimand India.

Every Tom, Dick and Harry somehow got voice and bashing India. Total collapse of Indian voice, opposition voices only growing and it feels Indian voices doesn't even exists, even Kenya will find more supporters there.

Can't be just for the love of terrorism those Islamists are screaming at the top of their lungs. Modi's open support to Trump in that rally could be one of the major reason why they are creating problem for us as Democrats are only upping the ante. And for that support what did we achieve?

Gathering of 50,000, big opportunity created still can't even close the trade deal forget anything else. Imran got similar respect even after doing nothing.

We need to introspect if this extreme bootlicking of Trump will achieve anything or not. Better reach out to both sides, going so far for this clown has proven to be very very counterproductive so far. With some $8 billion dollars arms deal in play we are only rewarding Trump for leaving us high and dry.

If a single statement in praise of Modi can dominate news channels day and night why this continuous bashing is not making them ask government that what the hell are they doing? Indian High Commission gets attacked every other day in London, nothing there too. Do we even have a government or not?
The Howdy mody event marked a watershed movement in India's historic ties with US political system, which until now has been known for receiving bipartisan support from the both the major parties in US. While traditionally Indian Americans have voted for the Democrats, Indian govt has never actively supported one party against the other. Any shift in this traditional position could be detrimental to our long term interests in US. Modi govts active courtship of Trump seems to have definitely rankled the democrats and to an extent that explains the current spate of human right hearings in the US congress and a spate of stinging op-eds that appeared in pro democrat news papers like NYT and WP....
Bhai kahan kahan beizzati karaoge? Cambodia can throw Indian leader out but didn't even stop Pakistani b@stard misusing the platform to spread the lie.

BJP leader escorted out by security for heckling Suri during speech on occupied Kashmir - World - DAWN.COM

What's going on! Feels like congress is in power again, when we are insulted everywhere with zero response from government. What happened to Palm Oil tariffs? Only source based info so far no such duty hike in real.

If we keep reducing our threats to joke like we are doing nowadays continuously nobody will take us seriously, ever.
Bhai kahan kahan beizzati karaoge? Cambodia can throw Indian leader out but didn't even stop Pakistani b@stard misusing the platform to spread the lie.

BJP leader escorted out by security for heckling Suri during speech on occupied Kashmir - World - DAWN.COM

What's going on! Feels like congress is in power again, when we are insulted everywhere with zero response from government. What happened to Palm Oil tariffs? Only source based info so far no such duty hike in real.

If we keep reducing our threats to joke like we are doing nowadays continuously nobody will take us seriously, ever.
You watch the video... The BJP guy was heckling him after walking right up to the speaker... Anyone would have been escorted out..
Also.. India's palm oil imports from Malaysia fell to 219,956 tonnes in October from 310,648 tonnes in September and 550,452 tonnes in August, MPOB data showed, as Indian traders stopped signing new contracts.

India again has resumed palm oil imports after a month's lull...
The Howdy mody event marked a watershed movement in India's historic ties with US political system, which until now has been known for receiving bipartisan support from the both the major parties in US. While traditionally Indian Americans have voted for the Democrats, Indian govt has never actively supported one party against the other. Any shift in this traditional position could be detrimental to our long term interests in US. Modi govts active courtship of Trump seems to have definitely rankled the democrats and to an extent that explains the current spate of human right hearings in the US congress and a spate of stinging op-eds that appeared in pro democrat news papers like NYT and WP....
More than currying favor with Trump... I think Howdy Modi was a deliberate attempt to rile the Democrats... ( India later invited Right wing meps to kashmir... knowing full well what the western press would say... and now inviting Jair Bolsanaro for republic day...) I dont get Modi's logic.. but he is doubling down on supporting right wing guys...
Maybe being the bad boy, helps further India's interests..:)
The Howdy mody event marked a watershed movement in India's historic ties with US political system, which until now has been known for receiving bipartisan support from the both the major parties in US. While traditionally Indian Americans have voted for the Democrats, Indian govt has never actively supported one party against the other. Any shift in this traditional position could be detrimental to our long term interests in US. Modi govts active courtship of Trump seems to have definitely rankled the democrats and to an extent that explains the current spate of human right hearings in the US congress and a spate of stinging op-eds that appeared in pro democrat news papers like NYT and WP....

Forget about modi ,when was the last time leftist NYT and WP carried anything good about india ? Expecting these leftist to talk good about India/Modi is like asking JNU wallahs not to protest .
Bhai kahan kahan beizzati karaoge? Cambodia can throw Indian leader out but didn't even stop Pakistani b@stard misusing the platform to spread the lie.

BJP leader escorted out by security for heckling Suri during speech on occupied Kashmir - World - DAWN.COM

What's going on! Feels like congress is in power again, when we are insulted everywhere with zero response from government. What happened to Palm Oil tariffs? Only source based info so far no such duty hike in real.

If we keep reducing our threats to joke like we are doing nowadays continuously nobody will take us seriously, ever.
That leader was a local politician Vijay jolly lol. He was thrown out for uncivilized behaviour. U can counter Pakistani propaganda using the same platform. No need to heckle anyone
Let me make it very clear

There is No Sympathy for Kashmiris in Rest of India

We know they want to merge with Pakistan

That is why they will keep Suffering

I would frame it as "There is No Sympathy for pro separatist Kashmiris in Rest of India". Just today, more than 1,200 Kashmiri men joined J&K anti terror force to fight against the militants,putting their and their family member's life in line. Please do not bundle every Kashmir as enemy of India, which is the enemy state's narrative of war and is far from truth.

Photos: Jammu and Kashmir's new police recruits shine in passing out parade - Ahlain News

We should be uncompromising when it comes to dealing with terrorists and its support infrastructure. Narratives can be changed, you will have to shut down the anti state narrative which is propagated by so called overground separatists. Crack down on overground seperatorists have not done in the last 30 years in any meaningful way. It seems like this government has finally decided to change that policy.

We must learn to be Thick Skinned from
The Pakistanis

No amount of Criticism has prevented them from Pursuing their National Interests in Afghanistan , Kashmir and Baloochistan

While we Start Trembling because of a Stupid Congressional Hearings and a few Articles in NYT and WAPO

Well, some take it seriously,but it seems like the GOI didn't care that much and staying in its course. I second that we should defend our national interest without any compromise. Just look at Turkey and how they are defending their national interest even under huge criticism.
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Probably first time in decades unprecedented open criticism of India in US so much so that US congressman going even beyond Pakistani line to reprimand India.
We need to stop responding/acknowledging the circus that goes in US. The problem with westerners is that if we remain silent they think we agree with them. Just send back their ambassador for few weeks that will send the message. The so called hurriyat which is a terrorist proxy was conceived under the blessings of US representatives like robin raphael.

They will constantly use that has a handle to find leverage against us.
India faces challenge from new western Left in US, UK | India News - Times of India

As I said in my earlier post, Modi is doubling down against Democrats, projecting them as a party of Islamists. All three congressmen who spoke this week in favour of India were Republicans. It would not have been difficult for India to find a sympathetic low ranking Democrat to utter some words in India's favour.
And this is wise how? Tomorrow those Democrats will be power what will he do? Putting India's interests in one particular ideology of your own liking is what statesman do? He is PM of India not worker of BJP or Republicans in US, and if one mistake is not enough he is doubling down too?

Let's see some positions of RW of every country-
  • Republicans or right wing of any country is pro protectionism, that means less Indian exports and more Indian imports if you want to be friends.
  • Pro Religion of that country, that means allow missionaries or face the music, aligns with Hindu Nationalist how?
  • Anti Immigration, that translates to less Indians in US, how is it good for India?
  • America First (own country first) how will that create space for India first?
Please double down on these and get us slaughtered. RW pursue their agenda more ruthlessly than LW. LW may fool public by standing for ideal things and when in power compromising heavily(the typical hypocrites they are) on them but RW doesn't do that and Trump, his actions, his words may have made it very clear by now.

I think we should term this "Master Stroke" the new buzz word devotees are using nowadays to praise every stupid thing of their master.
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And this is wise how? Tomorrow those Democrats will be power what will he do? Putting India's interests in one particular ideology of your own liking is what statesman do? He is PM of India not worker of BJP or Republicans in US, and if one mistake is not enough he is doubling down too?

Let's see some positions of RW of every country-
  • Republicans or right wing of any country is pro protectionism, that means less Indian exports and more Indian imports if you want to be friends.
  • Pro Religion of that country, that means allow missionaries or face the music, aligns with Hindu Nationalist how?
  • Anti Immigration, that translates to less Indians in US, how is it good for India?
  • America First (own country first) how will that create space for India first?
Please double down on these and get us slaughtered. RW pursue their agenda more ruthlessly than LW. LW may fool public by standing for ideal things and when in power compromising heavily(the typical hypocrites they are) on them but RW doesn't do that and Trump, his actions, his words may have made it very clear by now.

I think we should term this "Master Stroke" the new buzz word devotees are using nowadays to praise every stupid thing of their master.
Not sure what Modi's logic is... But, it is pretty clear that GOI is biased against UK labour and US Democrats, and doing this knowing full well, that the Democrats might control both houses of US congress, as well as capture the presidency in 2020.
Between, Republicans were historically more pro free trade, Trump turned this on its head.
Also, Democrats have historically had the hots for Pakistan, and more willing to sell them cutting edge weapons at subsidized rates. Democrats are more anti Russia, and would likely enforce CAATSA more strictly.
But, India has little leverage in US politics. So, I still dont see the point in GOI being partisan, and doubling down on baiting the Democrats.
Maybe, Modi feels India has gotten too close to the US for comfort, and wants to bring down the relationship a couple of notches... ? Also, RW are more provincial and dont concern themselves a lot about minority marginalization or universal values. Maybe Modi feels, that RWs would not hamper the Sangh's social project. ( But, there is no way that even RW in US would idly sit by, if Amit Shah realizes his wet dream of making 20 million Muslims stateless through NRC )
I am really out of ideas here, trying to see some gain from GOI behavior.
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Not sure what Modi's logic is... But, it is pretty clear that GOI is biased against UK labour and US Democrats, and doing this knowing full well, that the Democrats might control both houses of US congress, as well as capture the presidency in 2020.
Between, Republicans were historically more pro free trade, Trump turned this on its head.
Also, Democrats have historically had the hots for Pakistan, and more willing to sell them cutting edge weapons at subsidized rates. Democrats are more anti Russia, and would likely enforce CAATSA more strictly.
But, India has little leverage in US politics. So, I still dont see the point in GOI being partisan, and doubling down on baiting the Democrats.
Maybe, Modi feels India has gotten too close to the US for comfort, and wants to bring down the relationship a couple of notches... ? Also, RW are more provincial and dont concern themselves a lot about minority marginalization or universal values. Maybe Modi feels, that RWs would not hamper the Sangh's social project. ( But, there is no way that even RW in US would idly sit by, if Amit Shah realizes his wet dream of making 20 million Muslims stateless through NRC )
I am really out of ideas here, trying to see some gain from GOI behavior.
See it as an experiment by Modi. Trying to boost his image back home via Howdy Modi and trying to butter up Trump to be on his right side by inviting him along for the ride .

It's a short term strategy which didn't endear him to the Democrats. I read somewhere that Jaishankar on his follow up tour to Washington Post Howdy Modi tried meeting up editors of WaPo, NYT etc with a view balance their views on Kashmir by presenting India's case. But the situation there is so polarized by Trump's politics that it's become a game of either you're with us or against us. Needless to say he didn't get much traction. It must be the same with the Democrats. Now the question to be asked is whether Modi's hobnobbing with Trump set the ball into motion?

I personally don't think so. The left liberal lobby out in the West or in here pretty much dominate the academia & the press and have their beliefs etched in stone. I doubt whether the intensity of their hostility would have been any lesser. Let's not forget the pressure Clinton brought to bear on the PVNR GoI thru Robin Raphael. Arguably it was a long time ago but closer to the present timeline, rumours of Hilary Clinton digging up dirt on Modi with a view to sanction him if & when she became President has persisted for some time now.

In such a situation, what's the GoI to do ? They'd do what they're doing now. Build a closer relationship with the Republicans while trying to mend fences with the Democrats & try to contain the fallout of a hostile press.
Arguably it was a long time ago but closer to the present timeline, rumours of Hilary Clinton digging up dirt on Modi with a view to sanction him if & when she became President has persisted for some time now.
I don't see there has been much patching up with the Democrats. Allowing Right wing EU MEPs while denying US congressmen, who think they are lords of the earth, permission to visit kashmir, is classic Democrat baiting. Also, the way Modi Gov. has been conducting its foreign policy in the second term, any US sanction on Modi, and GOI will ensure that Indo-US relations will be massively downgraded.
I don't see there has been much patching up with the Democrats. Allowing Right wing EU MEPs while denying US congressmen, who think they are lords of the earth, permission to visit kashmir, is classic Democrat baiting. Also, the way Modi Gov. has been conducting its foreign policy in the second term, any US sanction on Modi, and GOI will ensure that Indo-US relations will be massively downgraded.
That boat sailed when Hilary lost the election. I don't think sanctions will be part of the armoury the US will ever deploy against India irrespective of whether the Houses are Republican or Democrat dominated & the President is either a Republican or a Democrat. We're far too big & too important for that . Besides, the US has already opened up a lot of fronts. But they'd definitely try & needle us more so if the Democrats are in control of the House or the presidency.
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