@marich01 @Parthu @Ashwin @_Anonymous_ @randomradio et al.
Guys, I found something interesting.
Allow me to push this hypothesis further.
In June 2023, MIDHANI had produced >2.5 m rings made out of "TiTaN-31" alloy. The TiTaN-31 alloy's formula was produced by DMRL & productionized by MIDHANI. MIDHANI says that these rings were made for space applications.
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By "space applications", they probably mean a satellite launch vehicle. This ring will probably be at the interstage of the launch vehicle & will house electronics, guidance, sensors & stage separation equipment.
Right now, India has 2 space launchers under development: NGLV & Veda. As we know now, the NGLV will have a uniform diameter of 5m. So, these rings were meant for Veda then.
We don't know much about the Veda. But we know that it will not have a uniform diameter. We also know that the Veda will get its stages from Indian ICBMs/SLBMs.
View attachment 36870
The largest of our ICBMs/SLBMs so far have a diameter ~2m. So, this 2.5m ring must be for a new stage of an upcoming ICBM or SLBM. So either A6 or K5.
In June/July 2024, ASL had released a tender for the fabrication of rubber seals & end support rings for A5, A1P & K5 missiles. Thanks
@marich01 for this:
View attachment 36875
Notice the nomenclature "K5S1C". This probably means K5 missile-Stage 1-CRMC type solid stage. Here the inter diameter is shown as 2418mm or 2.418 m. This is the outer diameter of the CRMC. Therefore a 2.5 m interstage ring on this stage is very plausible.
@marich01 hypothesized some months ago that Veda is probably K5's 1st stage mated with A5's or K4's 2nd stage. I think he is right.
We got the dimensions for the carbon fiber re-enforced composite payload fairings of the VEDA launcher:
The 2nd one from the left is the VEDA's payload fairing. We knew that for some time. The manufacturer, LMW, calls it "payload fairing for defence":

The payload fairing is 2m in diameter & 3m in height. This fairing can probably encapsulate either:
12-20 satellites of the IMS bus type or
4 sats of the I-1K bus type or
2 sats of I-2K bus type.
For satellite reference:
IMS bus: EMISAT, MicroSat, HySIS, SARAL etc.
I-1K bus: INSAT series, GSAT series, TES etc.
I-2K bus: INSAT series, GSAT series, RISAT series, CARTOSAT series etc.
Also, since the payload fairing is 2m is diameter (same as the A5) the VEDA can probably borrow the A5's MIRV-ed payload bus.

From what we know so far, we can reasonably expect the VEDA to be a 3-stage missile with a 2.5m CRMC 1st stage. 2nd & 3rd stage is likely borrowed from the A5. This combined with the A5's MIRV-ed bus, we have an Indian equivalent to the RS-24 Yars. They may call this missile A6.
Now the centerpiece technology of the VEDA is the 2.5m CRMC 1st stage. With the tender docs we have seen so far, I would argue this motor is a going to be derived from the K5 project.
Theoretically a missile of this class should have the range to reach the entirety of China, some parts of EU, Russia, Canada & USA when launched from India. Due to political reasons, it may not be declared as an ICBM. But make no mistake, this will be our 1st global nuclear strike weapon. It will be truly global when we acquire the ability to launch missiles of this class from our SSBNs.
This is unrelated but I also found a composite nose cap. Probably for an BM. Not sure which one: