Sometimes truth is a very bitter pill to swallow.
War itself is fluidic and dynamic. You would do well to read how we 'walked' into a military conflict with China in 1962. Did China cross into India or did we, north of McMahon Line of what was then NEFA? Seems people do not want to read and learn from history.
The systemic weaknesses that saw our forces' combat preparedness degrade in the intervening period from 1949 to 1962 are again rearing their head today. A lack of serious effort to upgrade technology to maintain the technological superiority has resulted in India today being almost at par with Pakistani forces in terms of relative integration of technology. In 1950s, IAF was the first AF to have jets in its inventory in the region. I won't write too much on it, just to get the gist of things.
Today, we are at the same point in time. We are barely having resources to win a quick war against Pakistan, with severe crunch in a two front war. It is very nice to claim things, but when they do not correlate with the capacity of the nation, and here I am referring to Indians as a whole, to sustain their forces through a two front war, I do oppose whipping up of a war hysteria by those neither qualified, nor volunteering to be the first to engage the enemy, against an enemy whose capacities are quiet well known.
Will India be able to hold it's own against China? No doubt. But at a great cost in terms of lives of soldiers lost because Indians have failed in ensuring that the elected Government gets them the equipment needed to win quickly. Because the very same Indians also are the ones who look for quick buck by importing stuff from China and putting a 'Made in India' label without capacity building which requires time for Return on Investments. But this subset is at the forefront of 'swadeshi movement', seeks tax write offs and bemoans 'regulations & taxation'.
Amusing, right?