@randomradio @_Anonymous_ @Innominate @Optimist @Herciv @Bon Plan
Here is an F-15 and F-22 pilot saying that F-35 is nowhere close to F-22 in Air-to-Air contrary to what our American/British/Australian members are trying to convey:
1.Can you kill an F-35 BVR or do you need to merge:
A. You don’t necessarily need to wait for the merge to kill an F-35, there are ways the F-22 can use to kill it pre merge
(although later he mentions that most of his fights with the F-35 are WVR)
2. Is not having a HMD or JHMCS a disadvantage?
A. Though having a helmet would be nice, with the limited number of resources available, the Raptor remains to be very effective in the WVR arena even without it.
3. Have you fought the F-35, is it a pig as some say or an F-16 w/ F/A-18 AoA.
A. The F-35 is really configured for a different mission set where as the F-22 is tailor made for air to air so its really a different beast, the F-35 does have some pretty good sensors but as for the F-16 w/ F/A-18 AoA, I really can’t comment on that.
4. Will the F-22 be retired in 2030
A. Put it this way, the A-10 was talked about being retired 20 years ago, but we’re still flying A-10s, anyone who talks about something happening past the next 2 years is presumptuous.
5. Will Dogfighting be a thing of the past.
A. I always look at it from a historical point of view, back in Vietnam they said dogfighting won’t happen anymore, but we all know what happened, so its important for us to always learn from that.
So dogfight is still real
@Innominate and your F-35 is going to get whooped there by any ASF