Mirage 2000H, MiG-29UPG, Jaguar DARIN III - Medium Multirole Aircraft of IAF


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Nov 30, 2017





DARIN-III-equipped Jaguars receive Indian IOC

The Indian Air Force (IAF) has received initial operational clearance (IOC) for its upgraded SEPECAT Jaguar fighters featuring the locally developed Display Attack Ranging Inertial Navigation-III (DARIN-III) avionics suite for precision bombing.

Subhash Bhamre, minister of state for defence, told parliament on 16 December that the twin-engine combat aircraft have also been equipped with an open system architecture mission computer, an engine and flight instrument system, and a smart glass cockpit.

The IOC for the Jaguars fitted with the DARIN-III avionics suite had been approved in November by the state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), which had upgraded three of the fighters for testing.

DARIN-III-equipped Jaguars receive Indian IOC | Jane's 360

The SEPECAT Jaguar is an Anglo-French jet attack aircraft designed and developed by a joint venture between Breguet of France(Now part of Dassault) and UK based British Aircraft Corporation (BAC).It was built by HAL under licence.It was retired from British Royal Air Force in 2007and from French Armee de I’Air in 2005,But it served its service to INDIAN AIR FORCE till Now.

HAL Conducted the successful maiden flight of Darin III, the upgraded Jaguar ground attack aircraft,in November 2012.This aircraft is indigenously upgraded by HAL.The HAL upgraded navigation system,electronic warfare system and weapon delivery system but the IAF was not satisfied with that so HAL planned to upgrade more features

The Darin III allows the Jaguar can carry new generation weapon systems like new generation ASRAAM Air to Air missiles more powerful AGM 88 HARM missiles for SEAD role, more powerful LGB/PGM’s with CBU-105 (Censor Fuzed Weapon). The Jaguar comes with RLG inertial navigation and a digital terrain mapping system which is a very good alternative to terrain hugging and avoidance Radar systems.

The Jaguar also comes with Israeli Listening pods for better recon and pin point ground attack missions with using of LGB/PGM. The DARIN III comes with IADS suites which allow the Jaguar escape from any kind of Airborne and Ground threats.

The Maritime version comes with Radar named Agave which can fire Sea Eagle Anti Ship missile, a primary maritime strike aircraft for IAF. This can be upgraded into DARIN III Standard with newer Israeli ELTA Radar, which is capable to fire the new Generation Harpoon Anti Shipping Missiles from Jaguar IM Aircraft. HAL has already completed the DARIN III Upgrade of Jaguars and IAF has accepted its performance and IAF will soon receive the upgraded Jaguar from HAL.

The SFC Jaguars comes with nuclear strike Missions. Currently IAF have only one certified Aircraft which can carry nuclear bombs. More than 20+ Aircraft’s are under SFC control and are capable of carrying out nuclear Gravity bombs.
The Jaguar Aircraft has armed with 2x30mm DEFA cannons guns with 5 hardpoints 4 uder wing and 1 under center-line pylon stations .It is also equipped with 8x Matra rocke pods with 18x SNEB 68mm rockets each.

Missiles include AS.37 Martel anti-radar missiles,AS-30L laser guided air-to-ground missiles and 2x R550 magic Air-to-air missiles.

Bombs included are various unguided or laser-guided or 2x WE177A nuclear bombs and 1xAN-52 nuclear bomb.It has also ECM protection pods,Reconnaissance Pod,ATLIS laser/electro-optical targeting pod,external drop tanks for extended range/loitering time.
Upgrade of India's Mirage fighter fleet in jeopardy as maintenance contracts lapse

Picture taken 12 February 2003 of two Indian Air Force Mirage 2000 fighters taking off during the Indo-France joint air force exercise at Gwalior, 12 February 2003, in Madhya Pradesh state. (AFP PHOTO/Prakash SINGH)

NEW DELHI — The upgrade of India’s Mirage 2000-H fleet could face a roadblock, after the maintenance warranty from original equipment manufacturers Dassault Aviation and Thales of France expired with nobody willing to continue footing the bill.

The two companies are demanding an annual maintenance fee of around $15 million from state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd, the prime contractor on the upgrade, to extend the tooling & test machinery and equipment warranty that expired last month. HAL is refusing to pay, instead asking Indian Air Force to make the payments; IAF argues however that the annual maintenance fee is part the upgrade contract with HAL.

HAL executives refused to comment officially on the subject, but a company source said the company is pursuing the issue with the service. HAL is currently undertaking upgradation of 47 Mirage fighters independently — an effort that kicked off in 2015. Seven aircraft have been delivered to the IAF thus far.

HAL is currently undertaking upgradation of 47 Mirage fighters independently, under a contract awarded in 2015. Seven aircraft have been delivered to the IAF under that deal. India signed $2.1 billion with Thales and Dassault Aviation in July 2011 for upgradation of 51 Mirage 2000H upgraded to Mirage 2000-5 version. Under this deal, four aircraft were upgraded. Two french companies are also supplying new sub-sustems that are being incorporated into modified Mirage 2000-H aircraft.

A separate $900 million agreement was also singed with HAL in 2011 to carryout upgradation of the 47 Mirage aircraft in India. Thales is the lead integrator for the upgrade program, whereas Dassault Aviation is the OEM and weapons support is provided by MBDA of France.

The upgrade program involves installation of new mission computers, pulse doppler radars, advanced navigation and electronic warfare systems, advanced communication systems and identification systems. In addition, cockpits of Mirage 2000-H are incorporated with two lateral displays, advanced head down display systems and glass cockpits.

The modification of electronic warfare units involves installation of new radar warning receiver, missile approach warning receivers, jammers to track multiple threats simultaneously, counter measure dispensing systems and escort jammers for jamming surveillance acquisition radars. The modified aircraft will also be equipped with digital video recorder; data transfer system and real time simulation management system.

The upgrade of Mirage fleet is aimed at enhancement of performance and incorporates new weapons, which will provide an expected increase in total technical life to 40 years from original 25 years. Another IAF official said the cost of upgrade does not include HAL’s man-hour costs to upgrade 47 aircraft, which it would undertake with technical assistance from the French suppliers.
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The Indian Airforce Planned to upgrade it's MiG 29 Fleet into modern standard that is the UPG version which will makes the UPG better in all variant of other MiG 29. as of Now the Indian Navy alone operates world's best MiG 29 version the Mig 29 K and KUB version, even after only the Russian Navy placed an order to acquire a squad of Mig 29K to it's Navy, Mostly The Mig 29 operates from the Carrier the Vikramaditya. but can also used from Shore based Naval Runways. IAF planned it's MiG 29 fleet should be more equal to the Navy's MiG 29.The Indian Air force Operates more than 70 MiG 29 B fighters.

Actually the Initial Mig 29 B which is perform only Air superiority Mission, which can intercept Dog fight and Flew CAP, but the new UPG standard allows the Fighter to Attack moving ground Targets, Air to sea warfare and decent Day night and all weather capabilities.

India signed an agreement to the Russia to upgrade the total IAF MiG 29 B fighters into latest UPG Standards the deal signed at $900 million. the deal also covers the first six of the Mig 29 will be Upgraded in Russia while remaining migs will be Upgraded in India, and the Contract Signed in 2009. the Upgrade plans to make the Mig 29 more service life and improved performance.the Major Modernization aspects are the Radar, Sensor Suite, modern Airframe, Modern Cock pit, improved Avionics,

Radar Zuhk ME

The Phazatron Zhuk ME Radar
The N010M Zhuk-M radaer is the Passive Radar which is most suitable for advanced Air to surface mode to fly and Attack at very low due to the Radar's Terrain Mapping and Following who guide the Pilot to fly at very low altitudes. the radar can pick upto sixty Airborne Targets and able to detect targets beyond 200 kilometers. the Radar also allows the Pilot to attack multiple Targets in same time.also a good option of Monitoring a single unit or Building for long time. which is a Very useful option in non conventional and hybrid warfares

The Radar also incorporates the IRST. A infrared search and Track optics which can launch heat seeking missiles without using the Radars also used for launching TV guided Missiles.

Avionics and Sensors

Here again the Indian Master piece mind think that adding Indo Israeli French Avionics and EW suites into the System, A variety of sensors being installed produced by the French firms and Indian Mission computers and Communication links produced by BEL and HAL, also the Avionics suites Software and Data links are came from Israeli's . same like what the Su 30 MKI version having.


Top Sight 1 HMD, Tejas, Mirage 2000 and MiG 29 K Uses the same
the Pilots Helmet Mounted Display Manufactured by the Thales Samtel named Top Sight. which is a modern multi mission capable HUD. which can improve the Missile Launching and Flying performance, the Same HUD also used by Indian Mirage 2000 and Naval Mig 29 K fleet.


The upgrade also include changing the Main Engine into more Powerful series 3 Kilmov RD 33 engines each can produce 50 kN in normal and 81 kN in full afterburner mode. those series 3 engines will be fitted in the MiG 29 K, UPG and Russian Air force MiG 29 SMT versions


MiG 29 K cockpit similar cockpit is in UPG versions too

The Upgrade also include change the entire analog Cockpit into Multifunctional Digital Display. which can help the pilot took decisions faster, able to collect Target information, Surveliiance mission and can able to perform more in Combat Air Patrol Missions.


Deal also include structural change of Airframe earlier Models doesn't have wet points to carry more External fuel Tanks and Internal fuel tank is also smaller, but newer version include added upto five We points also large modification behind the Cockpit to carry more internal fuel to Saty in the Air more time, also earlier Mig 29 doesn't have IFR (Inflight Refueling Probe ) but the Upgraded versions include the Refueling Probe.

The deal also include array of Air to Air, Air to Surface and Air to Sea Missiles, the Upgrade standard is same equal as the Russian Upgrade standard of SMT, also The Russians already completed and returned all six MiG 29 UPG to India, and India also successfully upgrade a MiG 29 in home to the Standard of UPG, and It's successfully flown and meets all Mission requirements
I think I never said so...
M2K is one of the jet with highest availability of more than 80% at any instant of time.

Ok then other guy whose Name I usually confuse with yours, since both u post similarly .

What he said is, probably because of lack of spares , few mirages might have been taken out for spares.

And upgradation is moving very slowly.

Numbers available atm to be around 35 ..
Not My Bill! IAF and HAL Fight Over Who Pays Mirage-2000 Upkeep Contract

India might find itself in trouble trying to maintain and upgrade its aging Dassault Mirage fleet of fighter jets as the two responsible bodies point fingers at each other demanding the other one should pay.

The maintenance warranty for India's Mirage 2000 fighter jets is expired, and nobody wants to pay for renewal of the contract, which might end in the absence of a new contract altogether, Defense News reports.

According to the report, French weapon manufacturers Dassault Aviation and Thales demand an annual payment of $15 million from Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) to extend the warranty for tooling and test machinery and equipment that expired last month. HAL, however, reportedly refused to pay, asking the Indian Air Force to provide money instead. The Air Force responded by pointing out that the annual maintenance fee is part the upgrade contract with HAL.
Hindustan Aeronautics executives have not yet commented on the issue.

Hindustan Aeronautics is currently responsible for upgrading India's 47 Mirage jets under a contract awarded in 2015. The company managed to deliver seven upgraded jets to the Air Force since then, Defense News reports. Another contract, signed in 2011, puts HAL in responsibility of upgrading of another batch of 47 Mirages.

Interestingly, Thales and Dassault are also tasked with upgrading another 51 Mirage jets under a contract signed back in 2011. Despite the longer timeframe, only four jets were delivered to the Air Force. Thales and Dassault also have important roles in HAL's own upgrade programs.

Squeezed between two potential adversaries — China and Pakistan — India seeks to upgrade and simultaneously increase its fleet of planes from 34 squadrons to 42, which means procurement of some 150-160 more planes. However, their fleet of Soviet-era jets are aging and some 13 squadrons are expected to retire by 2027. This debate over responsibility for their Mirages is just one more headache to worry about.

For the most part, the Indian Air Force is equipped with Soviet and Russian aircraft, Cold War familiars like the MiG-21, MiG-27, MiG-29 and newer Su-30MKI. French-built Mirages stand out as one of the few Western-manufactured aircraft alongside the SEPECAT Jaguar, although both are Cold War relics of similar age to their Soviet jets. The IAF only sports one home-grown plane: the HAL Tejas fighter.

Not My Bill! IAF and HAL Fight Over Who Pays Mirage-2000 Upkeep Contract
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Jaguar IM DARIN-II of IAF No. 6 Squadron DRAGONS during Platinum Jubilee celebration from 02 to 04 December 2017 at Air Force Station, Jamnagar.

Note - AM39 Exocet (inert) along with different GP bombs and munition.
DQVrHTwWsAAmYBN (1).jpg
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Indian Air Force to upgrade Jaguar planes with Rs 5,000 crore firepower

The IAF has five squadrons of Jaguar aircraft, which have to be maintained by equipping them with new engines from American firm Honeywell to maintain the present force-levels.


Ajit Kumar Dubey | Posted by Christopher Gonsalves

New Delhi, January 1, 2018 | UPDATED 10:55 IST

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In a bid to maintain force levels and enhance firepower, the Indian Air Force (IAF) is pushing its plans to upgrade the capabilities of the Jaguar deep penetration strike aircraft by equipping them with new engines under a deal worth over Rs 5,000 crore, which has been stuck for more than six years now.
The deal would be crucial for the IAF to maintain its standards in the coming decade as the squadron strength would be going down due to indecision by the UPA from 2004-2014 in procuring any fighter plane for the service.
The IAF's sanctioned strength of fighter aircraft squadrons is 42, but it has been operating at a much lower strength due to delays in acquisition of replacements for MiG 21s and delays in deciding on the new fleet of multirole combat aircraft.
It has 32 squadrons at present. The IAF has five squadrons of Jaguar planes, which have to be maintained by equipping them with new engines from American firm Honeywell to maintain the present force-levels.
"The stuck project is being revived and pushed by the Air Force. A number of sticky issues with Honeywell have been sorted out and it is expected that there will be some movement forward in the deal in the coming times," a senior government official said.
As per the programme, the Indian Air Force will re-engine around 100 of its Jaguar planes deployed in Jamnagar, Gorakhpur and Ambala with Honeywell power plants.
The Jaguars are currently powered by Rolls-Royce Adour 804/811 engines which are to be replaced with Honeywell's F-125N engine. The new engines are supposed to provide almost 1.5 times the power the existing engines provide to the aircraft.
On December 19, 2011, the UPA government had stated in the Parliament that the Jaguar upgrade would be completed by December 2017, but that deadline expired on Sunday and still, no decision could be taken on the issue.
IAF officials said though the planes are almost three decades old, but there is still plenty of life left in them and they will help India maintain force levels in critical times.
As per IAF projections, it would have air superior Su-30MKI as its main work horse in the coming years. The Force will have 13 squadrons of these planes while it would be retiring its MiG 21s and Mig 27s in the next few years.
"If upgraded and re-engined, the Jaguar can serve as a potent fighter while the government can go on deciding on new aircraft to be procured for the air force," a source said.
Recently, MoS for defence Subhash Bhamre said in the Parliament, "The IAF will have 32 fighter squadrons and 39 helicopter units by 2020." The Air Force currently possesses 32 squadrons but, as the minister put it, "Three squadrons of MiG-21 aircraft will be phased out by 2020."

Indian Air Force to upgrade Jaguar planes with Rs 5,000 crore firepower
After Rafale splurge, a sensible Jaguar upgrade

The Indian Air Force (IAF), after being criticised for spending $9.2 billion on 36 Rafale fighter aircraft, is closing in on a far more prudent deal — the rejuvenation of 80 ageing Jaguar fighters into highly capable, multi-role, combat aircraft for a mere $1.5 billion or so.

This long-delayed project, which was resurrected last month, involves replacing the Jaguar’s underpowered engines.

Separately, the uprated fighter will get state-of-the-art avionics for striking ground targets more accurately, hitting maritime targets far out at sea, and winning aerial dogfights with enemy fighters.

For a decade, the Jaguar upgrade proposal has remained stalled on the issue of cost. Honeywell was made responsible for “re-engining” the Jaguar, and the US firm quoted an unacceptable $2.5-3 billion for taking full responsibility for installing its new F-125IN engines in 80 Jaguars.

But now, breaking that logjam, Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) has been nominated the lead integrator, while Honeywell has stepped back to the more restricted role of engine supplier. HAL will buy F-125IN engines from Honeywell and install them in the Jaguars, replacing the current Rolls-Royce Adour 811 engines.

Hitting air pockets
  • Of the 145 Jaguars that HAL built for the IAF, only 119 are currently flying, comprising six IAF squadrons of about 20 fighters each
  • IAF pilots joke that the Jaguar’s current engines are so underpowered that the fighter only gets airborne because the earth is round

HAL chief, T Suvarna Raju, claims his company can do the job more easily, and cheaply, than Honeywell, having built more than 145 Jaguars under license over the years. “Installing the F-125IN requires 10-12 relatively minor modifications. HAL can handle this easily,” he said.
“The earlier tender stands withdrawn. In its place, HAL will take a quote from Honeywell for its engines and, after adding its own expenses, submit a ‘total project cost’. Based on that figure, the defence ministry will sanction the project. The contract will now be between the IAF and HAL,” said Raju.

The HAL chief says there will be no time-consuming competitive tendering, since Honeywell is the only vendor. Rolls-Royce has declined to participate, since they do not have an engine that meets the IAF’s specifications for the Jaguar.

Honeywell will require 36 months for the F-125IN engines to start rolling off the production line, but HAL wants to go ahead with engine integration, using two engines that Honeywell had built earlier when it was to have the lead role.

Raju says he recently travelled to Honeywell’s facility in Phoenix, Arizona, to “ensure that we benefit from several years of work they have already done on integrating the F-125IN onto the Jaguar. We need to cut down on time and expense, and avoid re-inventing the wheel,” he points out.

Besides building two F-125 engines, Honeywell also bought a Jaguar airframe from the UK. It remains to be seen whether the US firm will cooperate with HAL for mutual benefit, or demand financial compensation for the work it did earlier.

The first indicator, say defence ministry sources, will be the terms that Honeywell demands for supplying two engines to HAL – sale, rent, lease or gratis.

Of the 145 Jaguars that HAL built for the IAF, only 119 are currently flying, comprising six IAF squadrons of about 20 fighters each. Since 39 of these would complete their airframe lives by 2025-30, the IAF considers it uneconomical to re-engine these. That leaves 80 Jaguars, whose service lives would be extended to 2035-40 with new engines.

With each of those fighters requiring two engines, and an additional maintenance reserve of 40 engines, HAL would require 200 F-125IN engines from Honeywell. Aerospace industry experts estimate a price of $5-6 million per engine, which would place Honeywell’s bill at a little over a billion dollars. The remaining cost would be incurred in integrating the engines onto the fleet.

With engine supply starting only three years from the contract date, substantial numbers of re-engined Jaguars would probably materialise only after five years, i.e. around 2024. IAF pilots joke that the Jaguar’s current engines are so underpowered that the fighter only gets airborne because the earth is round – and its curvature makes the ground drop away beneath the moving aircraft. With the Rolls-Royce Adour 811 engines output (25 kiloNewtons of dry thrust and 37.5 kN with afterburners) being replaced by the F-125IN (27.7 kN of dry thrust and 43.8kN with afterburners), Jaguar pilots believe they would have the last laugh.