Mizoram MP visits rebel outfit in Myanmar, asks them to join the Indian Union
Mizoram MP visits rebel outfit in Myanmar, invites them to join India due to shared tribal bond.

Interesting things afoot in the East...here's a summary:
- Mizoram MP visits Chinland Council (rebel alliance that controls Myanmar's Chin State region), says he informed Assam Rifles & Mizoram Governor VK Singh (former COAS) before going
- Offers the Chinland rebels to join the Indian Union, cites common heritage with Mizo tribal groups
- Says will brief MHA, MEA on talks held

Of course we have to assume he only went there & initiated these talks at the behest of the Indian Govt. Now if we were to believe that India is considering absorption of the Chin State province of Myanmar into our North-East, we'd have to assume that the next logical step would be to improve relations with the Arakan Army (another rebel group that controls the Rakhine State province).

As shown above, Rakhine contains the Sittwe port - if it even becomes an autonomously-governed part of India, we'd essentially fulfill the dream of getting our North-East access to the Sea, without having to go through Bangladesh.
Of course we should be careful about incorporating territories that are Rohingya-majority. Don't need that headache, the illegal ones we have already are more than enough.
@Ashwin @Gautam @vstol Jockey @randomradio @Rajput Lion @Milspec