MMRCA 2.0 - Updates and Discussions

What is your favorite for MMRCA 2.0 ?

  • F-35 Blk 4

    Votes: 29 12.4%
  • Rafale F4

    Votes: 184 79.0%
  • Eurofighter Typhoon T3

    Votes: 3 1.3%
  • Gripen E/F

    Votes: 6 2.6%
  • F-16 B70

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • F-18 SH

    Votes: 10 4.3%
  • F-15EX

    Votes: 8 3.4%
  • Mig-35

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
“I state categorically that I am not doing a different variant of aircraft for my international partners today,” Heinz told Reuters in an interview at the Paris Air Show.

He said foreign countries who bought the F-35 would be subject to a U.S. disclosure process and U.S. export controls, but the aircraft being sold today were the same airplanes that were also being built for the U.S. military services.
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“I state categorically that I am not doing a different variant of aircraft for my international partners today,” Heinz told Reuters in an interview at the Paris Air Show.

He said foreign countries who bought the F-35 would be subject to a U.S. disclosure process and U.S. export controls, but the aircraft being sold today were the same airplanes that were also being built for the U.S. military services.
There is no contradiction between what he says and what @randomradio says, it is the same aircraft, the difference in capacity is made at the pilot's log in according to his privileges.
He didn't say that. do you want to read him again? You can spin it and apply your deception, anyway you like. You don't have any facts though, do you?
This is now 14 years old and is still wrong. Where are the upset partners, who also fly the US aircraft?

I think the mission EW software reprogramming labs, are confusing a few people and probably some journalists.
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He didn't say that. do you want to read him again? You can spin it and apply your deception, anyway you like. You don't have any facts though, do you?
This is now 14 years old and is still wrong. Where are the upset partners, who also fly the US aircraft?

I think the mission EW software reprogramming labs, are confusing a few people and probably some journalists.
From that article :
Israel seems pretty upset over the potential F-35 sale. However, Israel has a very specially modified version of the F-35. Do you feel their concerns are justified? What could Washington do to further enhance Israel’s military advantages if the sale were to move forward?

Israel has a right to be concerned, in theory. However, there are a number of factors that can be put in place to mitigate their concerns. The US can control the number and sophistication of the black-boxed that go into the UAE F-35s. It can limit the weapons that will be made available. Also, the F-35 architecture is built around period software drops that add the ability to employ new weapons and perform other new actions. The program is currently working on the 3F software block. By limiting or delaying the UAE’s access to new software, Israel’s advantage can be maintained.

Of course this can be done with every users.
From that article :
Israel seems pretty upset over the potential F-35 sale. However, Israel has a very specially modified version of the F-35. Do you feel their concerns are justified? What could Washington do to further enhance Israel’s military advantages if the sale were to move forward?

Israel has a right to be concerned, in theory. However, there are a number of factors that can be put in place to mitigate their concerns. The US can control the number and sophistication of the black-boxed that go into the UAE F-35s. It can limit the weapons that will be made available. Also, the F-35 architecture is built around period software drops that add the ability to employ new weapons and perform other new actions. The program is currently working on the 3F software block. By limiting or delaying the UAE’s access to new software, Israel’s advantage can be maintained.

Of course this can be done with every users.
Who the hell is Harry Kazianis and why should anyone listen to him? what buyer is limited to 3F or even an official suggestion of it? there is no shortage of BS articles..
Still nothing credible Herciv, try and do better.
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From that article :
Israel seems pretty upset over the potential F-35 sale. However, Israel has a very specially modified version of the F-35. Do you feel their concerns are justified? What could Washington do to further enhance Israel’s military advantages if the sale were to move forward?

Israel has a right to be concerned, in theory. However, there are a number of factors that can be put in place to mitigate their concerns. The US can control the number and sophistication of the black-boxed that go into the UAE F-35s. It can limit the weapons that will be made available. Also, the F-35 architecture is built around period software drops that add the ability to employ new weapons and perform other new actions. The program is currently working on the 3F software block. By limiting or delaying the UAE’s access to new software, Israel’s advantage can be maintained.

Of course this can be done with every users.
An ordinary iPhone captures data namely the location , movements etc which are recorded by Apple including the various transactions concluded by the owner EVEN AFTER THESE FEATURES ARE TURNED OFF BY THE OWNER OF SUCH A DEVICE.

This has nothing to do with Apple's famed Find my phone app which when downloaded tracks the device even when the said device is offline or switched off & is a useful anti theft application.

And these yokels here would've us believe that the US of A is one honest entity which streadfastly protects the interests of all it's clients . I can't tell whether they're insulting our intelligence or revealing their own .

Just how did the US of A , UK & Oz reach the pinnacle of material sciences is beyond me . I mean if the members we have here from these nations are taken as samples - pun unintended or as a token representation of their populace then it's amply clear why these nations encourage immigration from talented foreigners.

OTOH I'd like to believe there's such a thing as native brilliance in the west but alas in all the yrs of forum life across continents I've been consistently disappointed by the quality of the output from the 5I's in terms of content . Paddy here is another good example although Paddy's understanding of things technical is good .

Sigh !

There used to be a time in B R F - that venerable premier defence discussion forum of India where naivete of these kind was castrated for being low IQ posts at par with trolling.

UAE at one time flew the most advanced F-16 in the blk-60 version and Saudi's one time flew the most advanced F-15 in the F-15SA.
Sweetie before I get really violent with you & virtually violate your no good a r s e pls check out for when did the UAE or KSA make their purchases of the said FA & kindly confirm to us whether these were frontline FA in your ORBAT for that region THEN or whether they posed a Danger to your Class I poodles in that region.

If you still can't figure out the answer , I suggest you slap yourself hard & read it again or better still run at the maximum speed you can with your head tilted such that it's perpendicular to your torso into a wall & read this post again when you've recovered from concussion.
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Why the hell every softwares can be limited by user rights and this will not be used on fighters ?
Kermit, can doesn't mean it is. If you want to make the claim that the F-35 is downgraded. You need something credible to back it up. If that nonsense article is the best you have. YOU LOST THE DEBATE.
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about ODIN vs. ALIS...

“(...) Given advances in software and other computing technologies, there’s no way this can’t be significantly better. But on the other hand, some of the concerns about the previous system related to operational sovereignty, which probably won’t be addressed by this new system.(...)

As they move forward, the DoD story says that Lockheed and the JPO are may add capabilities so the systems can “host multiple operating squadrons on a single server.” One of the more interesting questions is whether that would allow US and foreign F-35 partners to be managed from single ODIN set-ups.

While the classified portions of each nation’s design are, well, classified, it’s long been suspected that US and UK aircraft possess capabilities other nations may not boast. And allowing other countries to see your aircraft’s planning, mission and maintenance data may be a bridge too far, even for staunch allies
. (...)"
ALIS Is Dying; Long Live F-35's ODIN - Breaking Defense
This is a busy little troll-feast, What good news about the F-35 has been released?

Countries choose what data they want to share and what they don't. Does anyone think this is a new thing?

t’s long been suspected that US and UK aircraft possess capabilities other nations may not boast
By who, other that the journalist speculating? Is australia, who shares the reprogramming lab with the UK? anyone?
I'll do a frog post

Red Flag is held three times a year in Nevada, and each iteration includes different scenarios and focus areas.

The secret capabilities, just shared by 5 eyes
The January event was three weeks long and included the British and Australian air forces, with a focus on China as a potential threat. It was open to all Five Eyes members — an intelligence-sharing group made up of the U.S., the U.K., Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

The downgraded F-35, that Israel and the others have. not worth buying. A rafale is better
The most recent iteration was open to an “expanded roster of international allies and partners.”

The very secret capabilities only the US have. the kill switch for other F-35
The third Red Flag, scheduled for August as a U.S.-only drill, will also focus on the Indo-Pacific region.
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lying frog, do you want me to put up the french link? when a frog posts something, there is a 99% chance it's BS. They are suppose to keep the indian one at 75%,

Oh what the heck, I googled one..less than 50%, what is the 2022 rate again?
I was answering for Indian Rafale only, because we are on the MMRCA thread my dear idiotic kangaroo.
We don't have data for SH B3. The B3 has a lot of advancements that can reduce cost and increase availability compared to B2. For example, it could be even cheaper than what's been quoted.
Fact is that SH18 was not an export sucess. It's strange for a US plane (ie with a huge political support ...)
He didn't say that. do you want to read him again? You can spin it and apply your deception, anyway you like. You don't have any facts though, do you?
This is now 14 years old and is still wrong. Where are the upset partners, who also fly the US aircraft?

I think the mission EW software reprogramming labs, are confusing a few people and probably some journalists.
Uncle Sam don't give them the intelligence datas? Even with ther closest ally they are stingy.
Why the hell every softwares can be limited by user rights and this will not be used on fighters ?
Excuse him, he is only an Australian.
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I accept that is your impression. however it is wrong. This was really sorted out 10 years ago.

Applying software limits is normal in any export program. We do know for a fact that the hardware is the same, but software limitations is normal for downgrades. Even for countries that are highest on the totem pole, they won't get all of the ISR information a US pilot has access to. Furthermore, the US gets updates and upgrades first, so the F-35 will perennially be ahead of all other export jets by default.
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Fact is that SH18 was not an export sucess. It's strange for a US plane (ie with a huge political support ...)

Boeing relied on the F-15 for exports. In India, they brought the SH because we placed MTOW limits. With the limits gone, they are now gonna participate with the F-15EX.

The F-16 was the better option for most countries.
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Boeing relied on the F-15 for exports. In India, they brought the SH because we placed MTOW limits. With the limits gone, they are now gonna participate with the F-15EX.

The F-16 was the better option for most countries.
So why F15 was not suggested to Canada, Germany, Australia (and some others) ?