My thoughts about Queen Elizabeth

Thats a lie feed in to our mind. You do good or bad, ot doesnt matters. Have you heard anything about Yazidis(hope i spell it correctly ), they brutally suffered in hand of ISIS, you think that their forefathers had done bad things in past & current generations suffering because of that by his/her fore father? If yeas, then i will call god or kul dev or what ever as the most sadistic thing existing in this universe along with North korean premiere. Hear that in NK, if you did mistake like conspiring to flee in to another country, you will be put in to jail & your upcoming three to four generations Will be send to labour camps. I am damn sure that god is not be like that.

My point is clear, of you did a bad thing then only you are responsible for the deeds , not your younger generations.
If the young grows on the riches collected upon the misery of others, they too shall suffer. Its universal.

Just because you don't know the whole history doesn't mean it's false. Its what makes everything balanced.
No, i have my own reason to beleive that it will never happen.
1) they all are princely states, in order to integrate it to one mation either these kings needs to submit his power to onr fellow, who will give up their power willingly?
2)integration by force, for a brief period one kingdom may get upperhand. But it will not sustain. The uprising & fall of maraths & mugha kingdom shows that .
3) A mass people movement like what we saw in early 20th century could integrate these states. But do you think that, like British rulers these kings will allow a man from society to come up & lead people against king? His body will hang upside down without head the very next morning.

We were integrated to nation, because british rule gave limited freedom to peoples to gather & move against british ruling. They cannot kill peope at their will. So basically a European nation came here and integrate us as nation first with common rule, this inturn united people living those areas.

Current generation has nothing to do with the atrocities happed during british rule. By that logic entire Iranians must dies with pain, because Nadirsha had done more atrocities to Indians than 190 years of British rule did to us.
some body should break every bone in your body except the head, that will ensure that all the nutrition flows only to the brain and improves your thinking capacity. You should also be thankful to the person who does this.
I have already identified how princely states were integrated into India. the brits wanted puppets not integration
Yeas, thry are not done it exclusively for the benefit of Indians, instead it easy for them to rule us as single country.
If the young grows on the riches collected upon the misery of others, they too shall suffer. Its universal.

Just because you don't know the whole history doesn't mean it's false. Its what makes everything balanced.
It works only in religious texts, not in reality.
some body should break every bone in your body except the head, that will ensure that all the nutrition flows only to the brain and improves your thinking capacity. You should also be thankful to the person who does this.
On really, get a life man.
Yeas, thry are not done it exclusively for the benefit of Indians, instead it easy for them to rule us as single country.

It works only in religious texts, not in reality.

On really, get a life man.

you're a product of both inferior education and retardation. What part of 1857 revolt was to be avoided by never letting Indians integrate again did you miss?
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If they didn't come here, many of the member of this forum would be a foreigner to each other. Think about it, peole are now indians. Or else we all could be a citzen from maratha or mughal empires or mysore or Thirivithamkur or kashmir... All different countries.
You are brain-dead bruh. It's hilarious how much western propaganda you have eaten
Current generation has nothing to do with the atrocities happed during british rule. By that logic entire Iranians must dies with pain, because Nadirsha had done more atrocities to Indians than 190 years of British rule did to us.
You are genuinely stupid. The Iranians only sacked Delhi and stole stuff. The amount of corruption the Anglo has done to our nation is too deep for you to understand.
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2)integration by force, for a brief period one kingdom may get upperhand. But it will not sustain. The uprising & fall of maraths & mugha kingdom shows that .
You do know the Marathas kept delhi as th empower centre and made Mughals the ceremonial king. So in effect it was as centralised as the Raj was under the East India company. The British never had actual control. The Regions that the British actually controlled(Bihar,Uttar Pradesh, Bengal) continued to be the poorest and worst effected regions still. You have no idea about how twisted and evil these alibinids are.