Pakistan AirForce : Updates & Discussions

14x Thunder B handed over to PAF today.
8x already in service.
Current total of JF-17B becomes 22 ship.
Another 4x to be inducted soon and that will be the end of JF-17B Production.
After today all resources will be diverted towards Block III production.
At least 12 ship per year to be produced from now onwards.
The last 4x twin seat Bravo will also be In Block III configuration.
What is the improvement in block III ?
What is the improvement in block III ?
AESA is the only confirmed improvement for now.
Let's wait and see as more confirmed details emerge.
Project Azm MALE UCAV at PAC Kamra.
Early prototype
Wasn't azm your fifth gen programme??
The UAV seems another Chinese knockoff,
But Chinese watchers said that it differs from the Chinese UAV's. Sounds bs but let's see if that UAV can actually fly...
Quora answer
What is Project Azm?

It is a project launched by Pakistan airforce in which PAC Kamra will be turned into full fledged Aviation City where many new institutions will be established plus joint venture projects with Turkish & Chinese aviation giants.

Kamra Aviation City

Here is target list of Project Azm

Next generation fighter jet (FGFA)
Long range endurance MALE UAV drone
High speed targeting drone
AESA radar
Digital flight control system
Manufacturing of aircraft components
Integrated vehicle health monitoring system
and many more small projects.

AvRID is motherboard of all what is already there and what will be constructed in future.

Air University is already up and running since 2002 with more and more faculties being added. Aerospace & Aviation Campus is already near completion in Kamra.

Air University Islamabad

AvID already has completed initial designs of UAV and first of four stages of conceptual aircraft design of FGFA.

Initial design of UAV (MALE)

First of 4 conceptual design using higher fidelity analysis tools and codes.

Pakistan Aeronautical Complex will outsource most of key components from either China/Turkey or both most likely former. This is why you don’t see any mentioning of indigenous engine, radar or armaments.

Chinese AVIC & Pakistani PAC signed an agreement to jointly produce small commercial aircraft MA700 in January which is another step toward civilian aircraft manufacturing. Engines on this will be Pratt & Witney untill Chinese ones mature up. No country builds everything by themselves except US.

PAC and Chinese CAC recently launched integration centre in which aircraft weapon and tech integration and fusion will be done in Pakistan not in Chengdu.

Whole point of explaining this was that Pakistan is looking for next generation fighter jet to be developed partly at home with right infrastructure & industrial capacity at home. Private companies are already being approached by PAC to come and invest in commercial airliners and aerospace technology.

Chinese AVIC and CAC are partners of PAC in these ventures. AVIC is already developing J-31 or FC-31 which is getting better and better with every new prototype.

J-31 will be stealth carrier based platform for Chinese Navy PLAN.

Project Azm will first develop UAV MALE drone and fast speed targeting drone with smaller projects. FGFA is very far away probably a decade & half. We won’t see prototype flight well into early 2030s.

The UAV is the only realistic thing they can achieve and I won't be surprised even with a Pakistani design major subcomponents would either have to be European or Chinese.
AESA radar seems impossible since I have yet to see any kind of radar tech coming out of Pakistan.

The J-31 would go very well with the Jf-17 combo since both use the rd-93.
Do you have some interesting article or some link on what all projects are involved in project azm???
A cgi of the missile was shown. We don't know yet if a prototype exists or not.
Missile itself seems to be a ducted Ramjet.
Heres the video.
Its taken from an official PAF documentary.
Azm Has more than one projects.
Including a hypersonic air to ground missile
Azam is an envelop , a "PACKAGE" under which every imported weapon will be placed. That's how I see it. Its Thin air
See above Which can also be labelled as a AZM project. Ill believe anyone providing the evidence that its Fake but the condition is that same criteria should be applicable to all other "AZM projects" floating around on Internet.
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14x Thunder B handed over to PAF today.
8x already in service.
Current total of JF-17B becomes 22 ship.
Another 4x to be inducted soon and that will be the end of JF-17B Production.
After today all resources will be diverted towards Block III production.
At least 12 ship per year to be produced from now onwards.
The last 4x twin seat Bravo will also be In Block III configuration.
I read China has directly shipped few aircrafts wholly instead of semi finished Ac to PAC. Any idea why Pakistan is not manufacturing them and getting it directly from China?
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Friendly Reminder.
Please keep the thread clean. No need to post funny videos or memes here, there is a dedicated thread for funny stuff.
Please report all off-topic and unwanted posts.

AESA is the only confirmed improvement for now.
Let's wait and see as more confirmed details emerge.
View attachment 18936
JF17 is only a last Mig21 avatar, with DSI...
Nothing impressive to expect. Small nose cone, small output power (single and medium thrust engine), chinese electronic inside... it's at best a stop gap fighter, to be mass product so as to align numerous squad.
The main goal is to show muscles.
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JF17 is only a last Mig21 avatar, with DSI...
Nothing impressive to expect. Small nose cone, small output power (single and medium thrust engine), chinese electronic inside... it's at best a stop gap fighter, to be mass product so as to align numerous squad.
The main goal is to show muscles.
Impressive is its cost to buy.
Jf 17 is nothing but a distraction always was. They are inferior to our mig 21 bisons.
In terms of Jihadi equivalence. Jf 17 is VBIED and F16 is a captured enemy tank. They will be used the same way. Feb 2019 further proved it. The jf 17 is not meant to use to dogfight at best it will be used as an escort for the Mirage while the f16's give air cover and then get anti-climatically shot down...
  • Haha
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