Pakistan AirForce : Updates & Discussions

There seems to be an issue with Thunder Block 3.
I am posting this on multiple forums to find an answer, so feel free to write a knowledgeable reply.
As things stand now, Block 3 is using the same old RD93 engine, not the newer RD93 MA .
Block 3 is flying with more electronics, an AESA radar and one additional hard point.
All that will need additional power. From where that extra power will come from when engine is the same?
My opinion- Using bigger power generator/IDG unit. Some degradation in flight performance is the most likely side effect. Like what happened in F16 case
There seems to be an issue with Thunder Block 3.
I am posting this on multiple forums to find an answer, so feel free to write a knowledgeable reply.
As things stand now, Block 3 is using the same old RD93 engine, not the newer RD93 MA .
Block 3 is flying with more electronics, an AESA radar and one additional hard point.
All that will need additional power. From where that extra power will come from when engine is the same?
First of all, the good points must be added, where does the aircraft generate electricity, on the engine casing,
The increased electrical energy demand is negligible relative to the power of the engine
So just change to a better generator.
RD93MA should be postponed by Russia's Klimov Design Bureau, not China's responsibility
There seems to be an issue with Thunder Block 3.
I am posting this on multiple forums to find an answer, so feel free to write a knowledgeable reply.
As things stand now, Block 3 is using the same old RD93 engine, not the newer RD93 MA .
Block 3 is flying with more electronics, an AESA radar and one additional hard point.
All that will need additional power. From where that extra power will come from when engine is the same?
where is the new hard point?
Another observation is here. 3 sensors moved to the bottom. The white dots.
Below is Block 2
Above is Block 3

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Another observation is here. 3 sensors moved to the bottom. The white dots.
Below is Block 2
Above is Block 3
View attachment 22539

View attachment 22540
Now you are going overboard with this nitpicking of minor or insignificant changes. Such type of change are very common. To me What’s more significant is changing those big halogens with what looks like smaller LEDs. Will be economical to maintain and save some electricity too at least during landing and take off.

PS: Chin pylon, dedicated for pods was already in block 2. I’m sure you hay seen those BEYKAAR pods on it multiple times.
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There seems to be an issue with Thunder Block 3.
I am posting this on multiple forums to find an answer, so feel free to write a knowledgeable reply.
As things stand now, Block 3 is using the same old RD93 engine, not the newer RD93 MA .
Block 3 is flying with more electronics, an AESA radar and one additional hard point.
All that will need additional power. From where that extra power will come from when engine is the same?

means the range will be compromised along with engine life if you're running it for more power than optimum range.
There seems to be an issue with Thunder Block 3.
I am posting this on multiple forums to find an answer, so feel free to write a knowledgeable reply.
As things stand now, Block 3 is using the same old RD93 engine, not the newer RD93 MA .
Block 3 is flying with more electronics, an AESA radar and one additional hard point.
All that will need additional power. From where that extra power will come from when engine is the same?
The aesa radar is most likely to lighter than the grifo. So maybe they would have adjusted. Plus jf-17 was never planned to go beyond Mach 1.6
Dude, we are new to fighter jet grade Radar design and development, but quite a few DRDO Labs l have been into AESA radar design and development since almost two decades and we have our own Radar solutions (AESA based) for most of the land and naval use.
BTW recently I’ve been reading about Chinese military and aviation and although I admit that there are many incidents of blatant plagiarism by Chinese, like those J8 and Flanker copies, I must admit that it’s highly exaggerated.
Most of these so called copies are either licensed products or assistance legal means from many US, European, Ukrainian and Soviet/Russian companies.
In many instances Chinese have simply bought the whole company to get access to IPR. Saying that J10 is copy of F16 or IAI Lavi or Mig 1.44 is no different from saying that LCA is M2000 copy, when in both cases The developer got the assistance either legally or commonly employed methods.
I believe same is true about baseless claims about J20 and J35 too.

The Chinese blatantly copied stuff from the 60s to the late 90s. But the J-10, J-20 etc are not copies.

The J-11B, J-16 and J-15 are obviouly copies, but airframe design is not protected under IPR. Basically external shapes and software are not protected under IPR. Which is why even our Akash missile isn't a copy of the SA-6.
The Chinese blatantly copied stuff from the 60s to the late 90s. But the J-10, J-20 etc are not copies.

The J-11B, J-16 and J-15 are obviouly copies, but airframe design is not protected under IPR. Basically external shapes and software are not protected under IPR. Which is why even our Akash missile isn't a copy of the SA-6.
They are doing a lot of design and development work since 80s unlike India which was content mostly in importing off the shelf equipments from Soviets and European companies and assembling them in HAL assembly lines.
We did many half hearted attempts like that HF 24 fighter, but due to lack of dedication and enthusiasm by govt and scientific community, abandoned most of them midway. Even now, unlike PLAAF, IAF is too short sighted to back any in-house project, and loves to play tender game on every damn thing.

OTOH Chinese started fondling with soviet designs quite early even attracting their anger for that. Many of their designs were so close to original designs that they looked identical from outside. But of course there were differences.
BTW until recently J10 was equipped with either Russian or French subsystems just like our LCA and it’s US and French companies that helped them in setting up of modern methods of manufacturing that were essential for something like J10 and J20.

You can see same thing happening with SK with respect to KF21
Will there be restrictions for the usage of air cooled aesa?
To maintain within certain temperature during peace time .. Will they limit the time radar is switched on?
May be during war time, use & throw..
Another observation is here. 3 sensors moved to the bottom. The white dots.
Below is Block 2
Above is Block 3
View attachment 22539

View attachment 22540

Any other photos with different angle?
There seems to be an issue with Thunder Block 3.
I am posting this on multiple forums to find an answer, so feel free to write a knowledgeable reply.
As things stand now, Block 3 is using the same old RD93 engine, not the newer RD93 MA .
Block 3 is flying with more electronics, an AESA radar and one additional hard point.
All that will need additional power. From where that extra power will come from when engine is the same?

If the engine news is true, then it's disappointing for PAF.

The original RD-33/93 has ample power generation to power an AESA radar. It just depends on the number of T/R modules used.
Will there be restrictions for the usage of air cooled aesa?
To maintain within certain temperature during peace time .. Will they limit the time radar is switched on?
May be during war time, use & throw..

Any other photos with different angle?
What is the position of some pitot tubes have to do with any of those things?
It’s most likely an internal space optimisation choices to put a relatively bigger Radar unit in that small nose section.

If the engine news is true, then it's disappointing for PAF.

The original RD-33/93 has ample power generation to power an AESA radar. It just depends on the number of T/R modules used.
And it’s entirely possible that the IDG unit of original RD 33 already has sufficient reserve power to supply electricity to a appropriate sized AESA and UV/IR jammers and MAWS etc
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Gosh, these stupid pakee twitters ghazis are flooding every damn Indian channels with J10, JF17, Z9,10, Su 57, 75, 57, J11, 15,16 , EFT, F16V, F21
CH1,2,3,4,Wing long , wing small, BAYKAR, KAAM-KA, Chinese S400, Chinese S500
Chinese ducks and what not. It’s freaking zoo thease day.

You literally can’t find anything useful by searching anything regarding Rafale ( which these morons annoyingly call Raffal, Ruffel, Raffael, Rafaeel,Rufaail ) and LCAthreads. All are filled with donkey poop.
The Chinese blatantly copied stuff from the 60s to the late 90s. But the J-10, J-20 etc are not copies.

The J-11B, J-16 and J-15 are obviouly copies, but airframe design is not protected under IPR. Basically external shapes and software are not protected under IPR. Which is why even our Akash missile isn't a copy of the SA-6.
Do you know the Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls?
Since 1950, the arms embargo on 30 socialist countries has made China almost inaccessible to Western technology. Since 1960, China's relations with the Soviet Union have deteriorated, and China has not been able to access Soviet technology. China can only rely on itself , India can get any technology he wants from countries in the world,
When China was just founded, it was poor and white, and the East and the West blocked China at the same time. We could only rely on ourselves. Technology can be bought, copied, and stolen, but there is one thing you can't buy, and that is dignity.
The dignity of an ancient nation that has endured 100 years of suffering to stand up again,
When China developed nuclear submarines, the only reference material was a blurred photo of the USS Nautilus submarine in an American magazine.
In 1988, China spent half of the Air Force's research and development funds to ask the United States to improve the J8II. As a result, in 1989, the United States abolished all cooperative projects, and the Chinese were kicked out of the American Grumman Company that night.,Until now, that J8 has been displayed in the museum as a trophy by the United States
In 1995, China developed the J10 and asked Dassault to sell the landing gear technology. France offered $500 million. China felt that the price was too high and asked for a price reduction. The French representative said on the spot, you can refuse the deal, but wait until you find us again. , the price would be four times what it is today
Now, people laugh at China for only copying and envy that China can manufacture J20, but the efforts and tears experienced by the growth of China's aviation industry, only the Chinese themselves know,
The opinions of others are not important. A world-leading Chinese Air Force and a well-developed Chinese national aviation industry are the most important things.
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Do you know the Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls?
Since 1950, the arms embargo on 30 socialist countries has made China almost inaccessible to Western technology. Since 1960, China's relations with the Soviet Union have deteriorated, and China has not been able to access Soviet technology. China can only rely on itself , India can get any technology he wants from countries in the world,
When China was just founded, it was poor and white, and the East and the West blocked China at the same time. We could only rely on ourselves. Technology can be bought, copied, and stolen, but there is one thing you can't buy, and that is dignity.
The dignity of an ancient nation that has endured 100 years of suffering to stand up again,
When China developed nuclear submarines, the only reference material was a blurred photo of the USS Nautilus submarine in an American magazine.
In 1988, China spent half of the Air Force's research and development funds to ask the United States to improve the J8II. As a result, in 1989, the United States abolished all cooperative projects, and the Chinese were kicked out of the American Grumman Company that night.,Until now, that J8 has been displayed in the museum as a trophy by the United States
In 1995, China developed the J10 and asked Dassault to sell the landing gear technology. France offered $500 million. China felt that the price was too high and asked for a price reduction. The French representative said on the spot, you can refuse the deal, but wait until you find us again. , the price would be four times what it is today
Now, people laugh at China for only copying and envy that China can manufacture J20, but the efforts and tears experienced by the growth of China's aviation industry, only the Chinese themselves know,
The opinions of others are not important. A world-leading Chinese Air Force and a well-developed Chinese national aviation industry are the most important things.
Reality is that America transferred many Technologies to china before tiananmen massacre.
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Do you know the Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls?
Since 1950, the arms embargo on 30 socialist countries has made China almost inaccessible to Western technology. Since 1960, China's relations with the Soviet Union have deteriorated, and China has not been able to access Soviet technology. China can only rely on itself , India can get any technology he wants from countries in the world,
When China was just founded, it was poor and white, and the East and the West blocked China at the same time. We could only rely on ourselves. Technology can be bought, copied, and stolen, but there is one thing you can't buy, and that is dignity.
The dignity of an ancient nation that has endured 100 years of suffering to stand up again,
When China developed nuclear submarines, the only reference material was a blurred photo of the USS Nautilus submarine in an American magazine.
In 1988, China spent half of the Air Force's research and development funds to ask the United States to improve the J8II. As a result, in 1989, the United States abolished all cooperative projects, and the Chinese were kicked out of the American Grumman Company that night.,Until now, that J8 has been displayed in the museum as a trophy by the United States
In 1995, China developed the J10 and asked Dassault to sell the landing gear technology. France offered $500 million. China felt that the price was too high and asked for a price reduction. The French representative said on the spot, you can refuse the deal, but wait until you find us again. , the price would be four times what it is today
Now, people laugh at China for only copying and envy that China can manufacture J20, but the efforts and tears experienced by the growth of China's aviation industry, only the Chinese themselves know,
The opinions of others are not important. A world-leading Chinese Air Force and a well-developed Chinese national aviation industry are the most important things.
What was different with China va a vis India and rest of the world is that China is a country owned by a organisation/party and it runs like a business without any well established social and international norms. It does what’s most profitable to that Organisation and has full authority, power and ruthlessness to do what it thinks best for it, just like those US corporates (apple, google,Microsoft etc).

For them profit justifies anything as long as they can get away with it. Same is true for China. And there are inherent advantages to this corporate model of governance, if you are part of that corporation.
While Counties like India have willingly adopted some well known western norms of social governance including the Democratic and Electoral systems (which CCP and Chinese trolls demonise most of the times and also claim to follow it better than others.)
These put high label of checks and scrutiny on the Ruling system that it’s almost is constant state of paralysis most of the times and functions at very slow pace.
You have to make consensus among the masses even for smaller things and there is always a risk of some people willingly opposing it thus jeopardising the whole program.
So good or bad we have chosen a different path for ourselves. And there are pros and cons to both of them.

Chineas Govt and CCP acts like a true Corporate entity unlike any other governments.
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Do you know the Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls?
Since 1950, the arms embargo on 30 socialist countries has made China almost inaccessible to Western technology. Since 1960, China's relations with the Soviet Union have deteriorated, and China has not been able to access Soviet technology. China can only rely on itself , India can get any technology he wants from countries in the world,
When China was just founded, it was poor and white, and the East and the West blocked China at the same time. We could only rely on ourselves. Technology can be bought, copied, and stolen, but there is one thing you can't buy, and that is dignity.
The dignity of an ancient nation that has endured 100 years of suffering to stand up again,
When China developed nuclear submarines, the only reference material was a blurred photo of the USS Nautilus submarine in an American magazine.
In 1988, China spent half of the Air Force's research and development funds to ask the United States to improve the J8II. As a result, in 1989, the United States abolished all cooperative projects, and the Chinese were kicked out of the American Grumman Company that night.,Until now, that J8 has been displayed in the museum as a trophy by the United States
In 1995, China developed the J10 and asked Dassault to sell the landing gear technology. France offered $500 million. China felt that the price was too high and asked for a price reduction. The French representative said on the spot, you can refuse the deal, but wait until you find us again. , the price would be four times what it is today
Now, people laugh at China for only copying and envy that China can manufacture J20, but the efforts and tears experienced by the growth of China's aviation industry, only the Chinese themselves know,
The opinions of others are not important. A world-leading Chinese Air Force and a well-developed Chinese national aviation industry are the most important things.
Not entirely true. All thru the 1950's PRC was the beneficiary of huge largesse in technological & financial terms courtesy the USSR up until the early to mid 60's thanks to the ideological & personality clashes between Khrushchev & Mao.

Where do you think the designs for the atomic bombs or the hydrogen bombs or the N reactors or the N submarines or even the J-7 & it's various variants ( MiG - 15 / MiG - 17 / MiG - 19 / MiG - 21 ) came from ?

Cut to the early 80's & right up to the Tiananmen Square incident the US & Europe had deep defence ties with PRC. The commercial & economic ties including the sharing of technology in the commercial arena continues. That's what explains the huge domestic industry in PRC doesn't it be in cellular phones or consumer electronics or various other commodities . In the event dual use technology wasn't sanctioned till the late 90's & beyond.

Right up until the coming of power of Trump , the US & EU continued to host a vast community of Chinese students there for further studies. A number of studies in the recent past have highlighted the deep penetration of western academia by the Chinese state courtesy their huge student community.

It's an open secret that J-10 was based totally on the Israeli Lavi which PRC paid top dollar to Israel to acquire. In fact it took the threat of sanctions by the US against Israel in the late 90's & early 2000's before Israel suspended it's sale of PHALCON AEW systems to PRC.

Every advanced society in the world has depended on external stimuli or ingression to a certain degree to impart a momentum to their own development. How much does the US Atomic Bomb project owes itself to the Jewish scientific community which fled Europe & more specifically Germany to escape the Holocaust ? Ditto for NASA & the missile projects of the US & USSR post WW-2.

How much does the USSR aeronautical ecosystem owe itself to US & UK contributions during WW-2 & later the seminal decision by PM Clement Atlee to permit the sharing of the Jet engine technology by RR with USSR ? Arguably the USSR would be bereft of the Jet engine for a number of years but for that fateful decision.

Let's not over emphasize the huge advances PRC has made in various fields or even defence technology thru indigenous efforts which without a doubt though commendable is also natural for a nation of it's size & ambitions . Hence let's also cease making a virtue out of a necessity. China did what it had to i.e - China has innovated technology as much as it has copied & plagiarized.

The real trick is in mastering knowledge which was & still is a closely guarded secret like advanced jet engines , semi conductors , etc .

Finally , much is made of the 100 yrs of slavery. The CCP certainly never used such terminologies in PRC during the first 4 decades of it's rule relying on nationalism only since the 90's. How much of it is deflection from domestic tyranny by highlighting foreign tyranny & vast excesses of the CCP rule resulting in millions killed in the Great Purges following the Chinese Civil War , the 5 pests campaign , the Great Leap Forward , the Cultural Revolution etc is something for the Chinese people to ponder & reflect on .