Russian Military Technology : Updates and Discussions

As part of the Russian exercise "Ocean-2024", sailors of the Caspian flotilla repelled an attack by a simulated enemy on an oil rig in the Caspian Sea. Russian combat swimmers and reconnaissance divers, from the detachment of underwater sabotage forces and means (PDSS), conducted reconnaissance near the strategic facility and ensured safe approach to it for the assault group to take control of the facility


@randomradio @Rajput Lion wants to know what those alleged mighty s400 were doing.
S-400 is not infallible, in fact nothing is(except the almighty Lord himself). S-400 can be saturated by drone strikes as we've seen in this conflict. But that doesn't mean that it doesn't have any tactical or strategic value.

Patriots haven't been able to stop Russian strikes as well, but we don't see you or your Yankee loving friends like @RASALGHUL questioning Western air defense? By your definition Patriorts/SAMP-Ts/IRIS-Ts etc. also must be junk?