Shivalik-class & Nilgiri-class (Project 17 A/B) Frigates : Discussions

Both Russian build Talwar will be delivered in a year.
Niligiri class frigates at MDL. All sat pics are from Feb 2024.

1st ship of the class, INS Nilgiri. Both the MF-STAR & the LTR-25 "Lanza" radars have been installed. Work on exhaust stack is almost complete. No main gun yet, work on Barak-8 & Brahmos VLS has begun. The RBU-6000 launchers are being installed. Delivery of this ship is scheduled for mid-2024, it will probably get delayed to late 2024.
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This is probably INS Udaygiri. Work on radar masts, helicopter hangar & exhaust stack is complete. RBU-6000 launchers have been installed. Work on VLS is ongoing. No radars & other electronics visible. Delivery is scheduled for 2025.
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This one is probably INS Taragiri. Both radar masts in place. Exhaust stack in nearly complete. Work on Helo hangar & VLS is ongoing. Delivery expected in 2026.
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INS Mahendragiri seen here parked alongside INS Surat, a P-15B class destroyer. Helo hangar, exhaust stack & secondary radar mount are complete. Main radar mast is missing. Work on bridge is also incomplete. Brahmos VLS clearly visible. Delivery in 2027.
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The undying love of IN for the RBU-6000 and AK-630M.
Well it is a fav as all the tech bases, repairing knowledge etc exist well with the IN. Plus, ARDE is just gathering the manpower for the ER-ASR trials. Not so much as gathering, more like extension of contract. Anyway, several rounds of trials are to happen over next 12-24 months time. So sticking with the RBU is no brainer.
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I think the count of UVLM will not increase on our capital warships. They will just share LR-LACM and Brahmos among those 08 or 16 cells.
I think the count of UVLM will not increase on our capital warships. They will just share LR-LACM and Brahmos among those 08 or 16 cells.
I think DRDO will start quad packing VL-SRSAMs on UVLMs. If we can standardize a single type of launcher for our ships only then can we expect an increase in quantity.

Even then increase in VLS cells probably will happen in the next gen ships.
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First ship Tushil is ready for acceptance by the Indian Navy and is scheduled to be delivered by September. The commissioning crew reached Russia earlier this month,” a defence official in the know said. “The second ship Tamal is expected to be delivered by February 2025.”

In October 2016, India and Russia signed an Inter-Governmental Agreement for the four stealth frigates, two directly imported and two to be manufactured by Goa Shipyard Limited (GSL). A $1-billion deal was subsequently signed for the two frigates under direct purchase. In November 2018, the GSL signed a $500 mn deal with Rosoboronexport of Russia for material, design and specialist assistance to locally manufacture the two frigates, and in January 2019, the contract was signed between the Indian Defence Ministry and GSL. All the four ships are powered by engines from Zorya-Mashproekt of Ukraine.

As per schedule, GSL is scheduled to deliver the first ship in 2026 and the second one six months later. Defence officials expressed confidence that they would be delivered on schedule. “Construction at GSL is progressing and lunch (into water) of the first ship would take place in the next couple of months,” another defence source said.

Rs 70,000 cr means it's 8 hulls, approximately $1 billion per ship. Let's hope this time they can keep the 4-year timeline.

This could also mean that NGC will be deprioritized.
New Delhi: The defence ministry is set to clear a mega ₹70,000 crore order for new warships for the Indian Navy. The stealth frigates will be the most advanced ships to be built in India and are a follow-on of the Nilgiri class that are currently under construction.

Sources said that state-run yards - Mazagon Dockyards Limited (MDL) and Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) - are the frontrunners for the order that is classified as Project 17B. The two yards are currently constructing frigates under Project 17A (Nilgiri class). MDL is making four of the frigates while GRSE is executing an order for three.

While details will emerge after the defence ministry clears the project, there is a possibility that it could be split between the two yards, as was the case for Project 17A. A split order helps shorten delivery timelines for the Navy.
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