Expected delivery for both is 2025.
MFSTAR gives a really unique look to our ships. It's like our own copyright design.
Ship on the left might be Project-15 destroyer, judging by lines of the superstructure
Expected delivery for both is 2025.
MFSTAR gives a really unique look to our ships. It's like our own copyright design.
2050s hypersonic ships with RBU6000 MKIThe undying love of IN for the RBU-6000 and AK-630M.
Well it is a fav as all the tech bases, repairing knowledge etc exist well with the IN. Plus, ARDE is just gathering the manpower for the ER-ASR trials. Not so much as gathering, more like extension of contract. Anyway, several rounds of trials are to happen over next 12-24 months time. So sticking with the RBU is no brainer.The undying love of IN for the RBU-6000 and AK-630M.
I think DRDO will start quad packing VL-SRSAMs on UVLMs. If we can standardize a single type of launcher for our ships only then can we expect an increase in quantity.I think the count of UVLM will not increase on our capital warships. They will just share LR-LACM and Brahmos among those 08 or 16 cells.