Tejas Mk2 (Medium Weight Fighter) - News and discussions

Or you could simply look at the LCA pics and admit, that any longer payload would interfere with the gearbay, or are you denying that?
Buddy, I am well aware that we have only 0.5m space available behind but I told you about loading the missile such that it extends forward and not backwards. Most BVRAAMs have their CG nearly at 55% of their length. What I have written allows us to carry two Meteor easily under intake pylons without interfering with main gear.
No, I am looking at the size restrictions of the intake stations and as you might heard, the airframe extention is behind the cockpit, which takes the intake part further back, so location of the stations and the gearbay doesn't change.


The design has changed significantly.
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Actually 5 in total. And only 4 are usable at any one time.

The 2 inner wing hardpoints. And 3 centerline hardpoints. And all 3 centerline hardpoints are heavy. But only 2 of the points are usable at any one time, where they can put fuel tanks.

Like this:

What's interesting about this loadout is if HAL manages to put 2 BVR missiles on the LCA Mk1A's centre pylon, then Mk1A itself will match Gripen E's configuration.
If Gripen-E has four heavy hard points, I cvan say in such a case MWF will have seven. The addition of another spar to the wing adds to the weight tolerence of every pylon. The inner most go to 1500 kgs, the mid ones to about 1000kgs and the outermost to about 400kgs. provided we have the issues of controllability resolved.
Thx for confirming what I said
Have you heard of increased wheel base of MWF and do you know what it means? have a look at what you posted yourself. An aircraft must have a CP and CG so positioned that it should be able to rotate at about 80% of its take off speed. For that the location of Main gear changes everytime you make a change to your length and CG. The formula has something to do with inverse of Tangent of the height of the metacenter and the distance between the main gear oleo and airrcraft CG. The nose wheel location is also decided based on the amount of load which it shopuld carry. And the nose wheel position has to provide a load which is within 10-20% of the total wieght of the aircraft in any configuration. The main wheels will move backwards for MWF. They have to.
The main wheels will move backwards for MWF. They have to.

It will, because the airframe plug is in front of the wing section, but it's not just the gear that moves back, but the entire rest of the fighter. So the position of gear to intake / intake station doesn't change,...

...while the position between rear gears and front gear will, which reduces length restrictions at the centerline.
It will, because the airframe plug is in front of the wing section, but it's not just the gear that moves back, but the entire rest of the fighter. So the position of gear to intake / intake station doesn't change,...

...while the position between rear gears and front gear will, which reduces length restrictions at the centerline.
somewhat correct but not entirely. The nose gear weight will remain slave to wheel base and location of main gear. we will have more of the aircraft ahead of nose gear than present LCA but the Main gear must move back to stay within the load limits which are extremely crucial with respect to even landing wieght and vertical velocity limitations. The main gear will be farther back from intakes compared to present LCA.
As expected, IAF made a mess of Mk1 then Mk1A drama and now Mk2. They just dont want it to succeed, very happy with substandard foreign fighters.

Don't take Ajay Shukla serious wrt IAF, he has a habit of attacking IAF with false claims.
ADA had declared MK2 to be an MWF nearly 1 year ago and not now. Just as the weight increase is based on the structural changes of MK2, to fix the problem of the MK1s, not on IAF demands.

I always stated, that the weight will increase with fuselage widening, extention, additional fuel, and avionics changes, rather as reduced as some people claimed. Now with Canards, 3 useless stations, IRST (which I still doubt), it only added further weight. Add the payload increase and you get to the medium class, while the capability is still limited as many light class fighters.

My main concern is, that ADA will fail once again to provide the required flight performance, which makes 18 years of development (2009 till 2027, projected delivery date of MWF) a complete waste.
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My main concern is, that ADA will fail once again to provide the required flight performance, which makes 18 years of development (2009 till 2027, projected delivery date of MWF) a complete waste.
I fully agree with you here. They are going to make a complete hash of this project.
Sir, could you elaborate on this statement?
They will fail to deliver. As the design shown in AeroIndia has not even been subjected to wind tunnel teasting and they had three designs for it. One without canards, one with tail plane and one with canards. They don't even know what they want and want to design a fighter. Its complete waste of resources.
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They will fail to deliver. As the design shown in AeroIndia has not even been subjected to wind tunnel teasting and they had three designs for it. One without canards, one with tail plane and one with canards. They don't even know what they want and want to design a fighter. Its complete waste of resources.
But isn't the end user - IAF & the manufacturer - HAL on board? What are they up to? Aren't they supposed to be flying the first prototype by 2022-23? Where's the time to validate the design in such a short timespan?
Thx for confirming what I said

It disproves what you said. The entire aircraft from the inlet onwards has been extended by 1.35m. Which means the distance between the inlet and engine nozzle is now 1.35m greater than on the Mk1.
They will fail to deliver. As the design shown in AeroIndia has not even been subjected to wind tunnel teasting and they had three designs for it. One without canards, one with tail plane and one with canards. They don't even know what they want and want to design a fighter. Its complete waste of resources.

One without canards is an older design. The one with canards is AF-MWF version and one with tail plane is N-MWF. And N-MWF is still in design stage.
How many years have we seen for Mk1A? wait is endless.

Mk1A is only delayed by a year, because negotiations are still not complete. If you recall, it was called SOP-18. 18 signifies the year. And the design was ready for production in 2018.

The contract should have been signed in July last year. But the govt has delayed it by setting up a new committee because of the higher than expected cost, and then the committee recommended restarting contract negotiations. So all the delays are now bureaucratic.
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The IAF has approved the MWF.
Vstol raised serious issues with the design and consequently development and manufacturing. What's your counter? Has the ADA frozen a design with the concurrence of the IAF? Has it been validated by wind tunnel tests , etc?