The Faceless Death


Social media admin
Dec 2, 2017
The Faceless Death
Today we bring to you an #exclusive photo from Pakistan occupied Kashmir,which gives you an unique opportunity to be part of a hunt.Here you get to experience the view from the rifle scope of an elite predator ,stalking his prey,who is unaware of the hunter proximity.
The five figures you can see through the scope,are the Pakistani Soldiers from a nearby post ,belonging to Mujahid Force Regiment,going through their regular routine of filling water for their personal use ,from the Sundi Nullah(stream) flowing nearby.They are relaxed and having fun, oblivious to the fact that they have been put on notice by death. A predator has been lurking around,who had silently crept on them , observing their movement through the cross hair of his rifle scope,ready to pounce on his prey any moment now.

It was a beautiful day , in the lap of nature,away from the hustle and bustle of humanity , pleasant weather with the sun shining brightly in the clear blue sky .A pristine silence was spread across the area only to broken by a loud bang of rifle fire ,as a bullet travels through the air, kissing the forehead of one of the Pakistani soldier,shattering his skull and killing him instantly ,without making a sound his lifeless body hit the ground.It was at this very moment, when the reality of being under a grave danger dawned upon the remaining Pakistani soldiers .However before they could react, a second bullet tore through the neck of another solider,who was reaching for his radio,sealing his fate then and there.The realization of being hunted down ,filled the soldiers with panic and fear as they dashed toward the nearest rocks and boulders for cover.As the soldiers were running for their life,two more bullets whizzed past them , missing their target by whisker and instead hitting the ground around them,sending chunks of dirt flying into the air.Two of the soldiers were lucky enough to reach the safety of boulders and take cover behind them.However,the luck ran out for the third soldier who got hit in the leg before he could reach the safety of the cover.He screamed and then dragged himself to the grass outfield as a trail of blood streaked the dirt.As he was trying to crawl on his hand and knees ,another bullet hit him in the lower back,he collapsed down and laid there unable to move.He screamed and moaned ,called his friends for help,but no one came ,as to venture out would have meant a certain suicide for the the Pakistani soldiers behind the cover.Everything had come to a standstill ,there was a sudden silence in the area,only to be broken by the wailing of the wounded soldier ,which echoed in the air as he cried for help and water.As time passed by,the screaming subsided and turned into low moan of despair.
After sometime the faint glow of sun began to appear on the horizon,as the sun began to set.It was time to move,the predator glanced at his wounded prey through the scope of his rifle,as it laid on the ground wounded, but still alive.A gentle squeeze of the trigger ,was all it required to send a bullet screaming down and score his third kill for the day.However ,the predator decided against it and left the place silently to return back to his base after having tasted the blood for the day ,leaving the wounded Pakistani soldier to his fate.
There could be many reasons for the predator to let go off his prey,we can only speculate it.However, one thing is clear - they don't kill because they have to,they kill because they want to.
The Scope and Rifle in the hands of predators will be revealed too


This article is posted in collaboration with Team Shatrujeet @Bornubus @HAMMER HEAD
It would be better if our Predators hunted in packs. Will bring down much more prey in short span, before giving the Prey time to react.
A dual predator team taking positions on opposite sides will be very effective. One predator upwind Starts shooting the prey will run downwind towards cover,that is where our next predator will be waiting having covered all rocks, bushes and protective cover in his sights. Our Second Predator would open fire hitting the prey on the back, taking them out totally surprised. Now the prey will be left in a dilemma which side should they turn their back to and take cover as both sides are covered in a Cul-de-Sac.Its Shooting fish in a barrel from both sides,with nowhere to run or hide.:cool:

As for the reason why our Predator let his prey go off, as he saw it was a fatal wound. A sniper bullet would shatter bone and probably nick some arteries, that itself is fatal, Arterial cut has blood gushing out like a jet spray of blood.If no pressure is applied and artery clamped death will come soon in less than 10 minutes.
The prey would experience a out of body feeling and light headed as he slowly becomes unconscious as his heart goes into Tachycardia( fast heart beat) in order to pump whatever blood is remaining to conserve the major organs of body, most importantly the brain.While shutting down all unnecessary organs of lesser importance , the skin would go cold as the body shuts down thermo-regulation to divert blood from muscles, skin to brain. The prey would feel helpless would feel lethargic and would start praying for any little help he could get, just a drop of water would feel like you won a billion dollars at that time. There is water just beside your camp, but you cannot reach it even though you try to crawl desperately towards it.

Maybe that is why the Predator left the prey alone, instead of finishing the job.
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