The Future of the EU

So, boohoo, they couldn't have a monopoly in the EU.

They could still have had a monopoly outside of the EU. That's what Apple is doing.
So, boohoo, they couldn't have a monopoly in the EU.

They could still have had a monopoly outside of the EU. That's what Apple is doing.
I wouldn't be surprised if they do this. Whatever the additional admin costs for having a separate Windows version for the EU versus the rest of the globe is something they will definitely consider. Crowdstrike may have been at fault but at the airports/banks the only thing people being delayed/denied heard was 'Microsoft Problem"
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I get both arguments for this. It would sound crazy if the EU demanded Volkswagen to enable the installation of 3rd party cruise control systems for the interest of competition. Then again, Volkswagen doesn't have 70%+ market share like Microsoft has over PCs.

Right now Microsoft is in a situation where they were legally mandated to give kernel access to CrowdStrike who then used it to bootloop a lot of very important computer systems, and Microsoft is getting blamed for it.
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I spent the past 8 days traveling and hiking around southern Bavaria/Salzburg/Tyrol area and was amazed. Not only by the sights, but how lax security was at Oktoberfest. I was only in Munich for Oktoberfest for 2 days and the security was so lax.. feels like a disaster waiting to happen?

Oktoberfest is basically just a huge state fair, but it draws in crowds from all over. There were tens of thousands of people all having a good time there all day, every day - and the rudimentary bag checks just felt so insufficient. I feel like I'm missing something, is European intelligence just so good as to prevent attacks against these events at early stages or are we just lucky?

Anecdotal thought from this past week. Another note - definitely if you are into hiking there are fantastic hikes all over the area. Phenomenally beautiful area.
I worked in Munich for five years, there's an octoberfest there every year, and there was never a serious incident while I was in Germany.

Pre-war? Pre-immigration?

Any gathering is a potential target.
I spent the past 8 days traveling and hiking around southern Bavaria/Salzburg/Tyrol area and was amazed. Not only by the sights, but how lax security was at Oktoberfest. I was only in Munich for Oktoberfest for 2 days and the security was so lax.. feels like a disaster waiting to happen?

Oktoberfest is basically just a huge state fair, but it draws in crowds from all over. There were tens of thousands of people all having a good time there all day, every day - and the rudimentary bag checks just felt so insufficient. I feel like I'm missing something, is European intelligence just so good as to prevent attacks against these events at early stages or are we just lucky?

Anecdotal thought from this past week. Another note - definitely if you are into hiking there are fantastic hikes all over the area. Phenomenally beautiful area.

People only wake up after something big happens. This is the norm.

But if they bring security in now, people will get scared, it will affect the economy of the place. And that's basically giving in to the "terror" part of terrorism. Making people insecure is the main goal.
I worked in Munich for five years, there's an octoberfest there every year, and there was never a serious incident while I was in Germany.
Agreed. There were tens of thousands of people from all over the world and the worst incidents I saw were people throwing up after riding the Devil's Wheel or some other extreme ride. Idk why they keep such rides in places where people are drinking 5L of beer 😂

People only wake up after something big happens. This is the norm.

But if they bring security in now, people will get scared, it will affect the economy of the place. And that's basically giving in to the "terror" part of terrorism. Making people insecure is the main goal.
It was a good environment, lots of fun. Maybe that keeps extremists from targeting it? I finished a bottle of kirsch with some random guys from Korea and Austria I met at a tent on the first night.

Never felt unsafe, but was very cognizant of how soft a target it was with such a huge international crowd.
  • Agree
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Agreed. There were tens of thousands of people from all over the world and the worst incidents I saw were people throwing up after riding the Devil's Wheel or some other extreme ride. Idk why they keep such rides in places where people are drinking 5L of beer 😂

It was a good environment, lots of fun. Maybe that keeps extremists from targeting it? I finished a bottle of kirsch with some random guys from Korea and Austria I met at a tent on the first night.

Never felt unsafe, but was very cognizant of how soft a target it was with such a huge international crowd.

Drinking is haraam though.
  • Haha
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I spent the past 8 days traveling and hiking around southern Bavaria/Salzburg/Tyrol area and was amazed. Not only by the sights, but how lax security was at Oktoberfest. I was only in Munich for Oktoberfest for 2 days and the security was so lax.. feels like a disaster waiting to happen?

Oktoberfest is basically just a huge state fair, but it draws in crowds from all over. There were tens of thousands of people all having a good time there all day, every day - and the rudimentary bag checks just felt so insufficient. I feel like I'm missing something, is European intelligence just so good as to prevent attacks against these events at early stages or are we just lucky?

Anecdotal thought from this past week. Another note - definitely if you are into hiking there are fantastic hikes all over the area. Phenomenally beautiful area.
By the way things are proceeding in Europe this is the best time ever however dismal things are today. It's present imperfect , future tense .
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You need to be able to adapt to the culture of the country concerned

Your new guests don't understand the concept of culture.


Europe's going through the same revival India's been experiencing since 2014 after a ridiculous era of leftist rule.

No point in talking about culture if your kids themselves don't believe in it. So it's time to teach them their respective national ethos and bring in ruthless right wing unity and efficiency back into Europe (and India).
Your new guests don't understand the concept of culture.


Europe's going through the same revival India's been experiencing since 2014 after a ridiculous era of leftist rule.

No point in talking about culture if your kids themselves don't believe in it. So it's time to teach them their respective national ethos and bring in ruthless right wing unity and efficiency back into Europe (and India).
Munich is in Bavaria, a province of Germany, not in Austria.
Munich is in Bavaria, a province of Germany, not in Austria.

No, I'm saying because your guests (in the EU) do not understand culture, your people (citizens in the EU) are rising up to have them removed.

In France, 10 million voted for RN. In 2027, Le Pen could become the president. That could become the Modi moment for your country.

What I've learned is nothing beats the right wing in Europe when it's done right. Same in India. It's because of diversity, and only right wing can find unity in the sort of diversity we have. The left spends so much time and energy dividing people that they cannot unit them when necessary, and that's their biggest weakness.

Imagine if Hitler had spent all his energy in nation building for another 20 or 30 years before retirement instead of becoming a delusional prick, no different than what modern-day Japan and SoKo have done, without access to natural resources. SoKo in particular, for being the only advanced economy that became rich using its own wealth.
Imagine if Hitler had spent all his energy in nation building for another 20 or 30 years before retirement instead of becoming a delusional prick
While at it, imagine another 20-30 years of ghettoization and dehumanization, of kritallnachts and random murders of a large section of society, who were villified then and are villified now.

Also funny how the second coming of the almighty lost his thousand year reich to communist armies marching across Berlin. Oh and also to a pretty lefty guy in the White House.

Maybe he didn't genocide well enough ig. Or else he'd surely have won.

SoKo in particular, for being the only advanced economy that became rich using its own wealth.
Funny, how Park Chung-hee and Chun Doo-hwan followed economic policies that ran the exact counter to the monetarist, laissez-faire, no state control or regulations approach the right screams from the rooftops.

Ironic, given the way the South Korean state decided which industries you invested in, what research you conducted and how you diversified, or the way it picked and promoted and killed companies would make people scream communism, socialism, leftist whatever whatever.

Even funnier, the way Kim Young-sam f'ed stuff up and the lefty guy, Kim Dae-jung had to preside over the recovery following 1997.
While at it, imagine another 20-30 years of ghettoization and dehumanization, of kritallnachts and random murders of a large section of society, who were villified then and are villified now.

Also funny how the second coming of the almighty lost his thousand year reich to communist armies marching across Berlin. Oh and also to a pretty lefty guy in the White House.

Maybe he didn't genocide well enough ig. Or else he'd surely have won.
I can understand a contrarian position but this doesn't make any sense. It's arguing for the sake of it

Funny, how Park Chung-hee and Chun Doo-hwan followed economic policies that ran the exact counter to the monetarist, laissez-faire, no state control or regulations approach the right screams from the rooftops.

Ironic, given the way the South Korean state decided which industries you invested in, what research you conducted and how you diversified, or the way it picked and promoted and killed companies would make people scream communism, socialism, leftist whatever whatever.

Even funnier, the way Kim Young-sam f'ed stuff up and the lefty guy, Kim Dae-jung had to preside over the recovery following 1997.
The topic was whether RoK depended on external investments to fuel it's rise not what did they do internally with distribution of investment or other shenanigans of the dictators then & politicians subsequently.

Incidentally they were also recepients of largesse from Washington , hence the supposition they reached where they did internally without any external investment or aid is flawed.

As recently as 4 decades ago our own PM IG shared her opinion that some amount of exploitation was inevitable if we've to channel our investments in select sectors focus on them while depriving other sectors of it .

That's been true worldwide . Europe wouldn't have gotten where it did today without colonisation . It's the same for the US & Russia with a whole menagerie of Europeans colonising the Americas & rendering the natives there destitute taking possession of the resources there. Ditto with Russia throughout Eurasia. It's called settler colonisation.

China's following the same precepts as what IG declared by exploiting it's working class . If we've to get there we'd have to resort to similar mechanisms. Arguably we already are in small & not so small doses.
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While at it, imagine another 20-30 years of ghettoization and dehumanization, of kritallnachts and random murders of a large section of society, who were villified then and are villified now.

Also funny how the second coming of the almighty lost his thousand year reich to communist armies marching across Berlin. Oh and also to a pretty lefty guy in the White House.

Maybe he didn't genocide well enough ig. Or else he'd surely have won.

All that's the "delusional prick" part.

My point was what if he didn't do all that... It's an alternate history. Look up all the good things a right wing party does and compare that to all the opposite moves the left does.

For example, Hitler supported private property and small families, the leftists hate both. Do you disagree with that?

Funny, how Park Chung-hee and Chun Doo-hwan followed economic policies that ran the exact counter to the monetarist, laissez-faire, no state control or regulations approach the right screams from the rooftops.

Ironic, given the way the South Korean state decided which industries you invested in, what research you conducted and how you diversified, or the way it picked and promoted and killed companies would make people scream communism, socialism, leftist whatever whatever.

Even funnier, the way Kim Young-sam f'ed stuff up and the lefty guy, Kim Dae-jung had to preside over the recovery following 1997.

That's part and parcel of running an economy. That's how wasteful expenditures are culled when industrialists become too dependent on something that's not under natural order, like subsidies. The entire thing is dependent on the limits of the economy.

So in large countries like the US, China and India, opportunities and employment are much more free, I should say more flexible, than in very small economies like SoKo, all because of the size of the population. Well, population is also a resource too. Take India for example, there are no real issues in terms of labor supply, but there are plenty of issues when it comes to capital. So the govt killed wasteful opportunities like crypto and online gaming with very high taxes, but do their best to indirectly or directly involve themselves in pretty much all other industries, like manufacturing, while making sure to further support the most successful ones like IT and energy. SoKo went through the same process, but with a more heavy hand. It was even worse in Singapore. But whatever they did was successful.

One of the biggest advantages of the right wing is they focus on the growth of the individual. For example, both Hitler and JFK ensured youth were thoroughly educated and were very healthy. So both focused on pushing schools towards a positive direction. Once you take care of the foundation of the country, everything else fits into the system seamlessly.

Listen to JKF yourself.

These are average high school kids; 15 to 18. Imagine that.

Now compare that to the leftist agenda of you taking puberty blockers, becoming a profilic and unhealthy consumer of entertainment and fast food, decriminalizing drugs, pushing for irresponsible abortions, forcing separation of families etc. The leftists killed JFK's fitness program and introduced body positivity. Now it's okay to be obese and useless. And if you don't agree with the left, you are Mr. Far-right Hitler. Funny how nobody talks about JFK then.

This is why a successful right wing govt is scary to all other forms of govt. All 'cause you will find obesity even in China, but not in SoKo and Japan, the two best examples of right wing, despite very similar genetics.

In India too, the incorruptible and progressive nature of the right wing has made people more free, capital has been flowing even more freely, both human and financial, and this has allowed the govt to punch way above its weight class in the international arena, and India is barely where China was in the mid-2000s. This would have been impossible under the left, and at least the middle class and educated people in India recognize that.

Aaaaand it begins. This is what the future of EU will look like. A few points to note . Such skilled labour exists in Germany & the EU but few & far between . However hiring them would cost an arm & leg. Hence you go to places where such skill & labour is available in abundance & comes cheap.

At the same time Germany didn't fall back on its previous policy of taking in "guest workers " from Turkey . I'm presuming the policy of taking in more emigrants is now dead in the waters. That still doesn't account for the illegal immigration within Germany.

While all these temporary measures to keep the economy going are welcome from our PoV they are a reminder that the population of Germany & many other EU countries if not all of Europe is plunging drastically.

Wonder why don't economists factor in TFR before predicting the economic trajectories of nations in the future. I think they will do so shortly.