They Died For Us, Do Not Cut Their Children's Study Fund, Writes Naval Chief


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Dec 1, 2017
Gods Own Country
NEW DELHI: Naval Chief Admiral Sunil Lanba has written to Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman requesting the government to withdraw an order that limits the education reimbursement to the children of soldiers who are missing, disabled or killed in action.

In his letter, Admiral Lanba, Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Committee, writes, "this small gesture would assure the families of our brave women and men that the nation cares for them and their sacrifices are truly appreciated by the government."

"These personnel have made the supreme sacrifice for the country and the provision of educational concessions to their wards is a small gesture to recognise their commitment to the defence of the country," Admiral Lanba, who is senior-most among the three service chiefs currently, adds.

The children of soldiers killed in action, those missing or disabled were previously given a full reimbursement of tuition fees, hostel charges, cost of books, cost of uniforms and clothing. This has now been capped to Rs. 10,000 in an order that was issued by the government on July 1.

NDTV has learnt that the Defence Ministry is taking a re-look at the decision. Sources in the ministry say "the Defence Ministry is seized of the matter", though it is unclear if and when the government will reverse its order.

The reimbursement of the education expenses of children of soldiers killed in the line of duty was first introduced two days after the armed forces won the 1971 war which led to the creation of Bangladesh. This was a gesture to convey the country's gratitude and support towards the children and widows of soldiers killed in the war.

They Died For Us, Do Not Cut Their Children's Study Fund, Writes Naval Chief
Govt. reverses decision, will now fully fund education of children of Armymen disabled, killed in action

Removing the cap of Rs. 10, 000, the government will now fully fund the education of children of personnel of armed forces missing, killed or rendered disabled in action, a notification from the Ministry of Finance said Thursday. Earlier, the “educational concession” was up to Rs 10,000 a month.

“Educational concession will continue without the cap of Rs10,000/- per month,” the notification said. “The ‘Educational Concession’ will be admissible only for undertaking studies in a government/government-aided schools. Military/Sainik schools and others schools and colleges recognised by the central or state government, including the autonomous organisations financed entirely by the central/state governments,” the notification added.

The concession is to the children of officers from the armed forces, ‘persons below officer rank’ missing in action, and those disabled or killed in action.

Previously, such children were given a full reimbursement of tuition fees, hostel charges, cost of books, cost of uniforms and clothing. However, in a decision taken by the Seventh Pay Commission, a cap of Rs. 10, 000 was introduced on the same. After that Indian Navy Chief Admiral Anil Lanba had written to Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, requesting the government to retract its order that limited education reimbursement.

The scheme to bear the cost of education of children of our Armed Forces martyrs was announced in the Lok Sabha on December 18, 1971 and introduced in the 1972 Parliament session. It allowed complete exemption of tuition and “other fee” for education school onwards.

Union Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman had requested the finance ministry to remove the cap. The Chiefs of Staff Committee (CoSC), which includes the Army, the Navy and the Air Force chiefs, had also written to the defence ministry requesting it to remove the cap. Around 250 students were affected during the current financial year following the government’s decision to cap the assistance, officials told PTI.

Replying to a question in the Rajya Sabha in January, Minister of State for Defence Subhash Bhamre had said that the annual saving on account of putting the cap would be Rs 3.20 crore per annum. He had said the highest amount drawn has been reported to be Rs 18.95 lakh per annum per student.