Ukraine - Russia Conflict

You cannot annex a nation half a world apart. :ROFLMAO: That was never an option. Even occupation dont work even in afghanistan.

There is no moral higher ground there.

From WMD now its "we didnt finish 91 war properly" thus we will make up a story and invade and kill half a million civilians. But, thats not "crime against humanity" it was a misunderstanding.

Didnt have WMD either. It fits perfectly, imagined threats.

We just "allegedly" did a hit on canada civilian and breached western sanctions buying oil. Does that mean war with India ?. You can wish but thats not how the world works.

Correct, now you get how the threat is equal. Difference is type of political system. Democratic system have checks and balances you cant expect the same from other systems.
I will add, the whole purpose of Hamas starting the Gaza War was to spark saps into making false comparison. Yes, they hide everything military behind civilians because that is the only way they can fight Israel - in the court of PR - because if they fought by the rules, they would be annihilated in a few days.

Fact: The US is not writing “blank checks” to Ukraine, and most of the money allocated to help Ukraine never leaves the US.
Fact: There has never been more accountability for US military assistance than what is available for Ukraine aid.
Fact: Europe has spent more than the US on Ukraine aid.
Fact: European stability, which Russia is trying to undermine, affects the American worker.


all this ranting about how costly this war supposedly is for the USA is bullshit propagated by Kremlin shills. Reality is that it costs basically nothing to US. They've send old military equipment they don't need anymore or that was going to be decommissioned, and then mark it as a contribution equal to the value of the same materiel but brand new. In truth, they've actually saving money because decommissioning military materiel is expensive, much more expensive than shipping it abroad.
At least some truth from you , rather than usual democracy crap. Its a old trick where you end up selling junk and get some leverage on the country, but here in this case chances getting any thing back from ukraine is pretty much nil.
Every one knows that biggest benefactor is the US arms industry and they are getting huge contracts. Agreed US is sending some old stuff which would be stored in some place or scrap. But once US runs out of old stuff they have to spend on new weapons which are several times more costlier than one being replaced.

Ukrainian naval drones attacked Russian Serna landing boats. Footage of an attack by Ukrainian naval kamikaze drones on Russian landing boats of Project 11770 “Serna” has been published. According to Ukrainian media, the drone attack took place tonight in the waters of Crimea. It is not reported where the boats of the Serna project were located. The quality of the video is quite poor, but judging by the footage, one of the boats was definitely damaged by a Ukrainian drone strike. There are no details about the attack yet, and the model of the Ukrainian drone used is unknown. Landing boats of Project 11770 “Serna” began to be produced in 1993; the boat is equipped with a water-jet propulsion system and is capable of transporting a tank, 92 troops or two infantry fighting vehicles. Now Russia has 16 such boats.


Pivotal Russian RB-301B Borisoglebsk-2 electronic warfare system in the vicinity of Novopetrykivka, Donetsk region. Recognized as the cornerstone of electronic warfare within the Russian Army, the Borisoglebsk-2 boasts the capability to orchestrate four distinct jamming units from a singular command point.
The Borisoglebsk-2 is a Russian electronic warfare (EW) system designed to disrupt enemy communications, radar, and other electronic systems. As part of Russia's efforts to modernize its electronic warfare capabilities, the system integrates several vehicles, each serving a specific function such as electronic intelligence, electronic jamming, and command and control. Its capabilities allow it to detect, locate, and jam a wide range of enemy electronic signals, including communication and radar signals.

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