Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Not what it's sounded like from you jetray and Kaput.

That's your problem, you don't know the difference between a contrarian viewpoint and a position.

Without a contrarian viewpoint, you will turn this thread into a cesspool of Western propaganda.

Do you want to know our official position? It's nothing. We would like the fighting to stop, but as long as the war doesn't go beyond what it is, we are fine with it. To pretty much the entire globe, it's just another war. It's like poverty in Africa, you just accept it and move on.

"Ah, white people fighting again." That's all there is to it. For the general population in India not in the know, any topic about Russia is basically "Are they still fighting? Seriously?" type situation. We simply do not care.

The war in Gaza as well, we are only concerned due to the attack on trade routes. With Russia too, once we fixed the rules for energy, raw materials and food trade, we disconnected from the war. Hell, even I haven't followed both wars properly in the last month or so.

So what's important to you is not important to the rest of the world.

He reneged on the first part

It's not as simple as that. There was a significant amount of miscommunication between him and Russia that led to suspicion. He didn't realize the Russians started losing faith in him.

Also, it was merely an association agreement, it was always up for renegotiation again. The Russians wanted guarantees from both Ukraine and the EU, which failed.

He does that to gain popularity. Many Russians are asking themselves what threat Ukraine is to them inside Russia, so he has to try and implicate them in this attack to make it look like they're a danger to Russian internal security. Putin used terrorism in 1999 to get elected in the first place. He was the nominee of an incompetent drunk, Yeltsin's man, he had no chance of getting elected president without the Moscow apartment bombings. He ended Russian democracy in 2011, it's been a pretence ever since. Everything about Putin is a lie.

Why the frig would he want to gain popularity after elections?

And Putin's a commie, everybody knows that.
There is zero cultural or moral difference between Islamic terrorists and Ruscist terrorists. The only thing that changes is the costume.

Obviously after the atrocious attack at the Crocus City Hall, everyone in Russia feels righteous hatred for the *censored*s who committed this, and so seeing them undergo brutal torture will make them happy. This is why Russian authorities are filming themselves committing such torture, and broadcasting it. Then Russians get accustomed to torture being a natural and normal part of police operations, and it's cool and good actually.
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It already has become one, his aim of flooding the thread with nonsense posts is to if you cant convince them just post rubbish to deviate & mislead.
That's been India's goal all along and yours.
That's your problem, you don't know the difference between a contrarian viewpoint and a position.
your viewpoint doesnt matter, might is right. Need to agree with them as it suits their interests, any facts suggesting other wise is totally haram! ( yeah no difference between those ppl & these ppl, its just one of them is winners).
That's been India's goal all along and yours.
another rubbish's & useless post with zero facts.
That's your problem, you don't know the difference between a contrarian viewpoint and a position.
Sure I do.
Without a contrarian viewpoint, you will turn this thread into a cesspool of Western propaganda.
And with you two it's a pool of regurgitated Russian propaganda. I.e. "Russia only started this war because of Nazis and fear of invasion." What utter hoursesh!t.
Do you want to know our official position? It's nothing. We would like the fighting to stop, but as long as the war doesn't go beyond what it is, we are fine with it. To pretty much the entire globe, it's just another war. It's like poverty in Africa, you just accept it and move on.
"Ah, white people fighting again." That's all there is to it. For the general population in India not in the know, any topic about Russia is basically "Are they still fighting? Seriously?" type situation. We simply do not care.

The war in Gaza as well, we are only concerned due to the attack on trade routes. With Russia too, once we fixed the rules for energy, raw materials and food trade, we disconnected from the war. Hell, even I haven't followed both wars properly in the last month or so.

So what's important to you is not important to the rest of the world.
That hasn't been your position. Like China, your true position is evident in your media.
It's not as simple as that. There was a significant amount of miscommunication between him and Russia that led to suspicion. He didn't realize the Russians started losing faith in him.

Also, it was merely an association agreement, it was always up for renegotiation again. The Russians wanted guarantees from both Ukraine and the EU, which failed.
Why should Russia losing faith in him be a factor for a Ukrainian leader? When you say your priority is integration into the EU in your election campaign that's a binding mandate to your people. Change that and your mandate to rule disappears. Hence why protestors asked for a general election. Why didn't he hold a general election to sort it out, or a referendum? People plotting a coup (as alleged by you and Russia) don't ask for a general election for several months beforehand and wait until you start shooting them to affect it.
Why the frig would he want to gain popularity after elections?
The elections were fake.
And Putin's a commie, everybody knows that.
And yet you talk of elections as if they were real.
another rubbish's & useless post with zero facts.
When have you offered an opinion in this thread that Putin hasn't offered first?
There is zero cultural or moral difference between Islamic terrorists and Ruscist terrorists. The only thing that changes is the costume.

Obviously after the atrocious attack at the Crocus City Hall, everyone in Russia feels righteous hatred for the *censored*s who committed this, and so seeing them undergo brutal torture will make them happy. This is why Russian authorities are filming themselves committing such torture, and broadcasting it. Then Russians get accustomed to torture being a natural and normal part of police operations, and it's cool and good actually.
They've also not thought things through carefully again either, so much for chess. They've basically broadcast themselves torturing Muslims, we all know how that ends.

And they've filmed themselves committing crimes against humanity again, making them almost as smart as early-70s Pakistanis.

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When have you offered an opinion in this thread that Putin hasn't offered first?
you see russians every where but not your own atrocities. either with us or against us , suit yourself. have no facts but will keep throwing tantrums.
They've also not thought things through carefully again either, so much for chess. They've basically broadcast themselves torturing Muslims, we all know how that ends.

And they've filmed themselves committing crimes against humanity again, making them almost as smart as early-70s Pakistanis.

As if west is full of angels, ever heard of guantanamo bay prisons?

Israel can bomb hamas but russia should treat ppl who were caught doing the crime with all due process. hypocrisy of highest order.
Around the world ppl are seeing how israel is bombing palestine, double speak is why west stands isolated today.

"ilmed themselves committing crimes against humanity again," savior of humanity has spoken .🤣
It already has become one, his aim of flooding the thread with nonsense posts is to if you cant convince them just post rubbish to deviate & mislead.

Classic BMD.
There is zero cultural or moral difference between Islamic terrorists and Ruscist terrorists. The only thing that changes is the costume.

Obviously after the atrocious attack at the Crocus City Hall, everyone in Russia feels righteous hatred for the *censored*s who committed this, and so seeing them undergo brutal torture will make them happy. This is why Russian authorities are filming themselves committing such torture, and broadcasting it. Then Russians get accustomed to torture being a natural and normal part of police operations, and it's cool and good actually.

Police brutality is normal in emerging markets. Developed countries do it behind closed doors, typically via proxies.
your viewpoint doesnt matter, might is right. Need to agree with them as it suits their interests, any facts suggesting other wise is totally haram! ( yeah no difference between those ppl & these ppl, its just one of them is winners).

Yep. Our enemies only understand the language of violence, and the West lives by the principle of might is right.
That's been India's goal all along and yours.

You literally proved him right.
That hasn't been your position. Like China, your true position is evident in your media.

You are free to believe that. But it's not facts.

Why should Russia losing faith in him be a factor for a Ukrainian leader? When you say your priority is integration into the EU in your election campaign that's a binding mandate to your people. Change that and your mandate to rule disappears. Hence why protestors asked for a general election. Why didn't he hold a general election to sort it out, or a referendum? People plotting a coup (as alleged by you and Russia) don't ask for a general election for several months beforehand and wait until you start shooting them to affect it.

The Russians were fine with integration of Ukraine with the EU, but they wanted to be part of the discussion because a large chunk of Russians would end up in the EU fold and that would restrict relations with Russia. So they wanted open trade with Donbas at the very least.

And there was literally a coup. Yanukovych was literally thrown out of the country. And why the frig would anyone in the majority agree to a general election during the middle of their term? Are you out of your mind? Haven't you been keeping up with British politics and how many PMs have been chosen already? It's ignorant geniuses like you that make the world a kooky place. Don't you know the loser always wants a redo? Were you never a kid?

The elections were fake.

Exactly. He doesn't need popularity, he had it already, nearly 80% approval rating.

He literally has no need to kill his own people to do anything. The Russians had already prepared to upgrade the war well before the attack took place.

And yet you talk of elections as if they were real.

You have been getting dumber and dumber with every post. You don't understand anything that's happening.

We need a facepalm emoji. @Ashwin
Israel can bomb hamas but russia should treat ppl who were caught doing the crime with all due process. hypocrisy of highest order.
The only hypocrite here is you. Israel has been criticized by the West since they began their campaign. Guess who has vetoed the latest UN resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, though? That's right, your friends Russia and China.

And the moment you decide that some people don't deserve due process is the moment you stop being a civilized country. But that Russia isn't a civilized country isn't new. They were a backwards barbarian hellhole under the Czars, they were a backwards barbarian hellhole under the Soviets, and they are a backwards barbarian hellhole under the Siloviki. Minor cosmetic differences, but the same rotten soul.

Exactly. He doesn't need popularity, he had it already, nearly 80% approval rating.

Russians neither approve nor disapprove of Putin. Russia had basically the same deal going on as China, where people are told to not care about politics if they don't want politics to care about them, so they don't approve of Putin, they just acknowledge he's there and will remain there until he dies. They just don't dare protest against this because, well, those who do protest tend to end in a gulag or in a grave.

When Prigozhin did his ill-fated I-can't-believe-it's-not-a-coup attempt, where was the popular uprising against him? Nowhere. If anything, people on the streets of Rostov-na-Donu cheered the Wagnerites on.

It's actually quite likely that the real votes (not those that came from ballot stuffing and other assorted forgeries) had him at less than 50%. Despite the other candidates being the most innocuous clowns that they could find.

But that's the problem for Putin. For a long time, he wanted his peons to be demotivated so that they wouldn't become unruly; but now that he has pivoted his country into a total war footing, he actually needs them motivated. So he needs something to change a mindset he has cultivated for 30 years. What better for that than some good old false flag terrorism? After all, that's how he got into power in the first place...
The only hypocrite here is you. Israel has been criticized by the West since they began their campaign. Guess who has vetoed the latest UN resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, though? That's right, your friends Russia and China.

The war in Gaza works in their favor. Why will they try and stop it? It's a funny relationship, but it makes sense.

The US cannot afford the war or the escalation, particularly the Democrats, 'cause of their voter base. The Republicans wouldn't have pushed for such a resolution.

And the moment you decide that some people don't deserve due process is the moment you stop being a civilized country. But that Russia isn't a civilized country isn't new. They were a backwards barbarian hellhole under the Czars, they were a backwards barbarian hellhole under the Soviets, and they are a backwards barbarian hellhole under the Siloviki. Minor cosmetic differences, but the same rotten soul.

The issue is the West applies it based on "Western" principles, not humanist principles.

And yeah, there's nothing special about commies, they are all the same. But the Democrats want to make the US one.

That thing about the other 20% decay? Funnily enough, Democrats think the same about Republicans and their supporters.

As for the rest, they are thinking like the West. I don't see anything different about how the West does things. The difference between the Russians and the West is, the Russians are dumb enough to say it publicly.


Russians neither approve nor disapprove of Putin. Russia had basically the same deal going on as China, where people are told to not care about politics if they don't want politics to care about them, so they don't approve of Putin, they just acknowledge he's there and will remain there until he dies. They just don't dare protest against this because, well, those who do protest tend to end in a gulag or in a grave.

Incorrect. He has real approval. It's not fake. He's extremely popular in Russia.

It's actually quite likely that the real votes (not those that came from ballot stuffing and other assorted forgeries) had him at less than 50%. Despite the other candidates being the most innocuous clowns that they could find.

The elections are fake. Even though someone has very high popularity, it doesn't mean that's also the number of votes they will win.

For example, Modi's approval is 75-80%, but NDA is expected to get 60% of the votes in the upcoming elections. It's 'cause approval and voting is not 1 to 1. You can approve of someone and still vote for someone else 'cause that someone else is providing a different benefit that you want in your constituency. It's like saying, "I want Modi to win the PM's seat, but in my constituency the other guy is offering free water, and I want that for my crops."

But that's the problem for Putin. For a long time, he wanted his peons to be demotivated so that they wouldn't become unruly; but now that he has pivoted his country into a total war footing, he actually needs them motivated. So he needs something to change a mindset he has cultivated for 30 years. What better for that than some good old false flag terrorism? After all, that's how he got into power in the first place...

Putin has always maintained a high morale in Russia since the very beginning.

You can see the Happiness Index rates Russia quite highly for an emerging market in 2010-12.

And it only fell during the pandemic.
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@Rajput Lion tell him this a photoshoped & deepfake videos. With s400 in hand its not possible, right?
No system is perfect or invincible. With proper planning even S-400 can be overcomed. But for us the benefits were multifold. First we could push the PAF AWACS further back and with IACCS, S-400's lethality further increases.

But the biggest benefit of S-400 for us is that it allows us to understand its nuances which helps us develop our indigenous super long range IADS. And to tell you the truth, that's exactly what we're doing.
ut that Russia isn't a civilized country isn't new. They were a backwards barbarian hellhole under the Czars, they were a backwards barbarian hellhole under the Soviets, and they are a backwards barbarian hellhole under the Siloviki. Minor cosmetic differences, but the same rotten soul.
your views & opinion , not facts.
Israel has been criticized by the West since they began their campaign.
West is supplying weapons to israel and just criticizing them as a PR exercise. Only brainless morons will take west's virtue signaling seriously.
It has reached such nonsense levels that on the one hand west is providing weapons to israel and then air dropping aid to the ppl getting bombed. Its like arsonist acting like a fireman.