Ukraine - Russia Conflict

First we could push the PAF AWACS further back and with IACCS, S-400's lethality further increases.
No, 450+ km is the detection range of new PAF aews. We'll outside s400 theoreticall engagement range.
FYI,paf aews are now on par with PHALCON AWACS on detection range. We procured phalcon some 15 years back. No follow on AWACS order,thanks to Mr ji.
No, 450+ km is the detection range of new PAF aews. We'll outside s400 theoreticall engagement range.
FYI,paf aews are now on par with PHALCON AWACS on detection range. We procured phalcon some 15 years back. No follow on AWACS order,thanks to Mr ji.
S-400's radar has detection range of over 600kms and engagement range of 400kms. That is frightening capability for a country like Pak whose depth isn't too much.

During full fledged war, S-400 will work with Phalcon and Rafale(with Meteor) which won't bode well for our adversary, let me reassure you.
S-400's radar has detection range of over 600kms and engagement range of 400kms. That is frightening capability for a country like Pak whose depth isn't too much.

During full fledged war, S-400 will work with Phalcon and Rafale(with Meteor) which won't bode well for our adversary, let me reassure you.
400 km engagement is a theoretical range. You won't get a kill at Dmax
Everything was shot down but two units of Novocherkasskaya power station are out:

You are free to believe that. But it's not facts.
If India is neutral then so is China. They are neutral officially too remember.
The Russians were fine with integration of Ukraine with the EU,
Absolute lie.

but they wanted to be part of the discussion because a large chunk of Russians would end up in the EU fold and that would restrict relations with Russia. So they wanted open trade with Donbas at the very least.
You know that's not how the EU works, see Brexit for details.
And there was literally a coup. Yanukovych was literally thrown out of the country.
Nope, he attacked protestors, then he shot >100 of them. The protestors were asking for a general election.

And why the frig would anyone in the majority agree to a general election during the middle of their term?
Because he strayed from his mandate, which defeats the purpose of a democracy, and means he no longer has a majority. If he had a majority he couldn't have been removed in a country like Ukraine. This is not some tin pot republic, it's a country of 40 million in Europe.

Are you out of your mind? Haven't you been keeping up with British politics and how many PMs have been chosen already? It's ignorant geniuses like you that make the world a kooky place. Don't you know the loser always wants a redo? Were you never a kid?
There was nothing about a redo until Yanukovych changed course on the EU and broke his mandate. he then chose to leave and Russia had already invaded Crimea 2 days prior. Stop lying to yourself about what happened. There was no planned coup, it was a justified protest, due to a massive alteration in economic course by an incumbent.
Exactly. He doesn't need popularity, he had it already, nearly 80% approval rating.
He literally has no need to kill his own people to do anything. The Russians had already prepared to upgrade the war well before the attack took place.
So why the desperate attempts to link it to Ukraine. Look at Putin's track record from 1999. Killing his own people is nothing to Putin. 1,000 die everyday in Ukraine, what's a hundred more to Putin?
You have been getting dumber and dumber with every post. You don't understand anything that's happening.

We need a facepalm emoji. @Ashwin
You get dumber and dumber everytime you talk about a coup in Ukraine. In 2004 Yanukovych ran and his opponent was posioned with dioxin by Russia and the ballots were stuffed. They had to redo the election due to protest and he then lost. In 2010 he promised one thing and then did the Russian thing instead. Everything I've stated here is verifiable fact. Yanukovych went from cheating and poisoning during an election to simply lying. His track record from 2004 and corruption should have been enough to disqualify him outright on their own.
As if west is full of angels, ever heard of guantanamo bay prisons?
Mild water-boarding for people who murder thousands outside of the US. Russia just publicises brutality pre-trial before verifying any facts.
Israel can bomb hamas but russia should treat ppl who were caught doing the crime with all due process. hypocrisy of highest order.
Around the world ppl are seeing how israel is bombing palestine, double speak is why west stands isolated today.
If Israel had Hamas in custody they wouldn't need to bomb them.
"filmed themselves committing crimes against humanity again," savior of humanity has spoken .🤣
you see russians every where but not your own atrocities. either with us or against us , suit yourself. have no facts but will keep throwing tantrums.
Everything I've said is factual. Go check out Putin's involvement in the 1999 Moscow Apartment bombings. Meanwhile Russian media and Rajput have already decided Ukraine is involved even though there's zero evidence and the attack is frankly meaningless in terms of the war.
40N6/E is fully capable of 400kms interception against a big and slow flying target like AWACS.
Yeah, just not your enemy's AWACS? :ROFLMAO: 🤡 Frankly after watching the Ukraine War I'm surprised anyone still has faith in Russian IADS.
You can see the Happiness Index rates Russia quite highly for an emerging market in 2010-12.

And it only fell during the pandemic.
Everyone not happy gets gulag.

The Novocherkassk DRES power plant is on fire on a large scale in Russia ❗️ The station was attacked by drones​

U beleive in many things, two year's ago you were expecting Russians will finish Thevar in a month,right?
Russia has come face-to-face with the realities of modern warfare against a determined opponent. It's also stretched itself elsewhere too. Now it's brazenly publicising the inhumane treatment of Muslim suspects, which doesn't seem like a smart plan. Yet the 4D chess master persists.

Russia has come face-to-face with the realities of modern warfare against a determined opponent. It's also stretched itself elsewhere too. Now it's brazenly publicising the inhumane treatment of Muslim suspects, which doesn't seem like a smart plan. Yet the 4D chess master persists.

0 sympathy towards Islamic terrorist. They deserve much worsened treatment.
West is supplying weapons to israel
America is. Not the West in general.

israeli arms imports are basically 70% US, 30% Germany. And besides a few submarines, which are not used in the war in Gaza, the German stuff is comm systems and radar equipment. They have a few trainer aircraft (M-346, Grob-120) from Italy and a whopping four SAR copters from France; that's basically the extent of their non-US systems. All the actual combat stuff is American or domestically made.

0 sympathy towards Islamic terrorist. They deserve much worsened treatment.
Ruscist terrorists deserve even worse, then.
America is. Not the West in general.

israeli arms imports are basically 70% US, 30% Germany. And besides a few submarines, which are not used in the war in Gaza, the German stuff is comm systems and radar equipment. They have a few trainer aircraft (M-346, Grob-120) from Italy and a whopping four SAR copters from France; that's basically the extent of their non-US systems. All the actual combat stuff is American or domestically made.

Ruscist terrorists deserve even worse, then.
There is no doubt that Russian war on ukrain is illegal. But you are comparing a state with an an organised Islamic terrorist who targets only un armed civilians.