Ukraine - Russia Conflict

I remember somebody here complaining that if the Russians had such heavy losses, then we'd see some corpses. Which really only revealed that they went out of their way to avoid looking at frontline pictures.

Anyway, this is for them:
These new air-bursting drones are just death. It's the UCAV on Battlefield 4 before they nerfed it. Automatic targeting on some too now.

Another JDAM/AASM? use.

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@randomradio, your evidence sir.

Lukashenko says concert hall attackers first headed for Belarus, contradicting Putin​

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South America is mostly out of the way of global trade routes, except for the Panama Canal. Not comparable to places like Bab-el-Mandeb or the Malacca Straits. The continent is also largely peaceful; the biggest factor of instability are drugs and revolutionary or counter-revolutionary guerillas rather than inter-state conflicts. So there haven't been much reasons for foreign powers to seek to deploy a permanent military presence.

But legally, nothing stops it. Monroe doctrine has no binding legal value to anyone.

As you can see on this maritime traffic map, there's very little traffic along South America unless it is the origin or destination of said traffic.

Miltary presence in South America is extremely critical for US enemies. But they haven't done it. 'Cause sovereignty is just eyewash.

When Russia annexed Crimea there were massive demonstrations against that move in Donetsk city. Huge crowds waving blue-and-yellow flags. Then the FSB and Russian military removed the patches from their uniforms, claimed to be Donetsk people, and created a fake independence movement.

Ukrainians wanted to be Ukrainians and independent. Including in the Donbass. Your anti-incumbency argument isn't enough to explain an absolute majority not just of voters, but of the actual entire voting base, desiring independence.

That's how it works.

You can see that here.

85%. And in 2019, he had only 53%. People's voting patterns are quite predictable. Trump's gonna have a landslide victory too. So will Poilievre.

The Left always has the upperhand. But the minute they screw up big time, the entire voting base turns on its head. That's pretty much what happened

In France too, Macron seems to be acting up 'cause RN has taken a huge lead in popularity.

Do you really think protests and demonstrations give the right perspective? So you think the trans agenda and climate agenda are correct too? You are just clouded by your own bias. If you were one of the Just Stop Oil freaks, you'd be standing in the middle of traffic too claiming you are right, 'cause you are protesting.

Russia is a corrupt shithole of a country, the most corrupt in Europe.

Ukraine is corrupt due to Russian influence, and their fight against corruption was interpreted by the Kremlin as a fight against Russia.

Are things perfect yet? No. But they were getting better, and Russia invaded to make sure they would go back to getting worse.

It's also no surprise that in the EU, the most pro-Russian countries and politicians are also the most corrupt.

I don't see anything special about all the Baltic states that are in the EU.

Finally, your daily reminders that it's the Russians who are the Nazis:
Fun fact, far-right political parties in the EU got their funding from Russia, because Russia is very invested in spreading Neo-Nazi ideology since Neo-Nazi ideology is indistinguishable from Russian ideology.

Russia is attacking with these vehicles. They're not used only behind the lines, they are used in combat roles.

Russia also experimented attacking with bikes and quads recently.


These guys are everywhere.

RDK fighters posted a new video of the battles in Kozynka, Belgorod region​

These guys are everywhere.
Yeah, but there are far more of them in Russia and the Russian government's policies are definitely ultranationalist if not full Nazism.

I also note you still haven't responded to Lukashenko's claims about the Crocus attackers, which imply that Russia/Putin have lied yet again.

@randomradio, @RASALGHUL Okay, now the ninnies at HT are talking about a mall fire in Moscow? Was there a mall fire in Moscow recently??? What are these crackpots even talking about. India could save a lot of money simply by turning a portaloo upside down, instead of having HT. Content would be the same.
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That's Valkyrie, a very old Slavic symbol. It has nothing to do with the Germans.
Valkyrie, really. Try again when you know what you're talking about.

And who says anything about having to do with the Germans? Neo-Nazi ideology is not necessarily linked with Germany anymore. There's just a love of reusing certain iconography, including runes and symbols like the kolovrat. Sometimes with minor aesthetic changes so as to be plausibly deniable, but they only fool those who want to be fooled.

Miltary presence in South America is extremely critical for US enemies.
Not really. It could certainly be useful in case of direct military confrontation, but is a direct military confrontation with a nuclear superpower and owner of the world's strongest military what you want to do?
But they haven't done it. 'Cause sovereignty is just eyewash.
No, it's because maintaining a permanent deployed base on foreign soil is expensive and only worth it if they can help you secure vital logistic lines or access to resources. Having to maintain a steady flow of logistics across the Pacific Ocean, and protecting this flow so that your foreign bases are not easily cut off in case of conflict, is also a problem.

That's how it works.
Nope, not to that extent. Russia would not have needed to send its military to seize administrative buildings by force, shoot the actually elected mayors, and replace them with FSB operatives, if there was enough "anti-incumbency" to get Donbass people to want to become Putin's slaves.

Also you always talk about anti-incumbency but also believe that Putin's approval rating of 392% is legit.

These guys are everywhere.
Funded by Russia.

I don't see anything special about all the Baltic states that are in the EU.
That's because they got freed of Russian influence very quickly. To the dismay of Russia who, as usual, whines about a supposedly oppressed Russian minority.

No Russian influence => no corruption; no corruption => no Russian influence.
@randomradio, @RASALGHUL Okay, now the ninnies at HT are talking about a mall fire in Moscow? Was there a mall fire in Moscow recently??? What are these crackpots even talking about. India could save a lot of money simply by turning a portaloo upside down, instead of having HT. Content would be the same.
There are mall fires in Russia like every month or so.

Usually they happen either because the wiring has not been maintained since it was laid down in the Soviet era, or because the mall's owner is doing an insurance fraud scheme.
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@randomradio, @RASALGHUL Okay, now the ninnies at HT are talking about a mall fire in Moscow? Was there a mall fire in Moscow recently??? What are these crackpots even talking about. India could save a lot of money simply by turning a portaloo upside down, instead of having HT. Content would be the same.
What are you talking about?
LOL! BTW, I don't get my news from HT.