Ukraine - Russia Conflict

TOR fails to shoot down drone; drone doesn't fail to give TOR's coordinates to nearby HIMARS, HIMARS doesn't fail to make TOR explode.

After TOR explosion, TOS explosion.

And more explosions of TOT (toasted orc trash):

Looks like russia is struggling to find more meat. How to mobilize without declaring a mobilization?
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The United States will deploy to Germany a range of advanced ground-launched weapons, including the SM-6 multi-purpose missile and Tomahawk cruise missile as well as “developmental hypersonic weapons” — a reference to the yet-to-be-fielded Dark Eagle
It's not just Putin, it's the whole FSB mafia state apparatus. After Hitler, Germany was occupied by the allies and the Nazi state apparatus was thoroughly dismantled; and Germans were made ashamed of what their country did. But the totalitarian dictatorship of the Soviet Union got to be one of the victors of WW2, so it was allowed to remain a totalitarian dictatorship. Then when it crumbled in 1991, there was a brief period where they looked at the crimes of the Soviet Union; but quickly pootin arrived in power and associations like Memorial got banned, and the worst monsters of russian history like Stalin or Beria got elevated to the status of wonderful heroes to be worshiped.

And now the average russians are completely brainwashed. There's very little hope for russia to become a normal country again. The death of poo-tin will not change anything if he's just replaced by another FSB stooge with the same ideology and the same agenda. No, the country has to crumble even harder than it did in 1991, and the russian people have to realize that their imperial aspirations to conquer their neighbors is exactly what caused their downfall. If that doesn't happen, they'll just become Greater North Korea.