Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Things are going well in russia: russians are advised to stock up on firewood for the coming winter.
The implication is that the heat networks will not be repaired. Because instead of spending money to fix up his country, poo-tin only wants to spend it to make the other countries worse. All money must go into destroying Ukraine, there's no funds left to repair russia.

The mighty russian navy is flexing its muscle with a massive demonstration of its incredible power in an international exercise with iran:
The Collective West is shaking in its collective boots.

Let's admire the speed and efficiency of the "russian" "justice" "system":

So they'll keep the corpse of Navalny in prison? But let's take a look at who they're releasing from prison instead:
Ah yes. Of course.
Another of russia's newest counter-battery radars, estimated at around $250 millions, got himarsed.

Always remember, russia has no money to repair itself; all the money must go to destroy Ukraine.

This means that russia in 2025 will be a lot weaker than it was this year; and in 2026 it will be even worse. That's why russia's only hope for victory against Ukraine is that the West stops supporting Ukrainian resistance to russian fascism.

Unfortunately for russia, since all its efforts are geared toward war, it cannot afford to go back to peace. So even a victory would be a crisis for it, unless it is followed immediately by another war. The russian economy is slowly dying because of the war, but an end to the war would be a lethal shock.

So there are only three paths for russia's future:
- defeat and collapse
- victory and collapse
- victory and new war -- against Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, or perhaps even NATO... -- and then collapse
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Finding willing sacrifices is getting harder and harder:

At the same time, the meat is getting depleted faster and faster:

2024 will remain a difficult year for Ukraine. 2025 will be a difficult year for russia.

The "russian" "parliament", the Dumbass, has decided to act against all those videos of russian soldiers complaining about how everyone else is dead and they're the only survivor out of their 300-strong group. Because it does make it harder to find new lambs for the slaughter, and so they have to keep increasing the suicide pay, and they don't have enough money for that. So they just had a genius idea: they're gonna ban all the smartphones and similar devices so that the meat cubes will no longer be able to upload their complaints to the Internet.
This is very good and I do hope they will ban and confiscate all communication devices from their next batches of meat cubes.

The way this russian acts is testament to the morale of the russian troops. No delay, no hesitation, no bargaining.
It'd actually be kind of sad, if the colossal amount of war crimes they have committed, in Ukraine and elsewhere, didn't fully drain any empathy I could still feel for russians. It's the third year of this war, he can't claim he didn't know what would happen, he still chose to participate in poo-tin's imperial war of recolonization.

Speaking of suicidal russians:
Just a mafia thing, perhaps?

Pretty funny:
- quality housing: you can't have that because money is spent on the war instead
- decent car: you can't have that because western parts are not available anymore because of the war
- safe, predictable society: you can't have that because your leader is a fascist dictator that wants war
- save money: you can't have that because your government needs your money to fund its war
- buy goods and get paid at fair price: you can't have that because of the inflation caused by the war

Maybe one day they'll realize they've been lied to. But that depends if they have any neuron left that weren't burned by vodka or jingoism.

So, back to the ban on smartphones. It was already obvious that it was to stop the flow of videos showing the actual conditions of the special zombie operation, like this one:
But there's a bonus reason, too! It allows to send people to the storm-z suicide battalions to replenish them, because the only way they can seize territory is through meat waves and they're starting to run low. The russians think that the Ukrainian Armed Forces will crumble before russian forces do.
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