Ukraine - Russia Conflict

I wonder does Modi really want these soldiers home or not?

FPV drone races russian vehicle to destroy it; but a mine steals its kill.

More russian criminals roaming free in russia, thanks to the prison recruitment program. They took their weapons and fled.

Always nice when russia loses a locomotive. In total, they're got over twenty thousands across all types in service, so any single loss is not a huge impact. But they add up, especially since they always have a lot of them out of service at any given moment and are already constrained by lack of availability; so that'll just make it a little bit worse for their transportation and logistics, as well as their economy.

Tsar poo-tin has decided that all the money that isn't going to one of his many, many palaces should be spent on destroying Ukraine, not on repairing russia. As a consequence of generalized corruption and lack of funds for maintenance, another levee broke, causing another flooding that has destroyed another handful of settlements. But who cares, right? It's not like there's that much of a difference between a russian hovel before the flood, and after.

Since the armor on an MT-LB is just about useless, they've decided to just remove it entirely. That compensates for the added weight of the cope cage. Of course, the cope cage protects even less than the original armor...
Well driven. They should spend more time improving their own rail safety rather than trying to cause rail delays elsewhere in Europe. Silly scumbags.

Footage of a Russian Su-35 aircraft attacking, presumably with a Kh-35U missile, a Ukrainian ATCR-33S radar at an airfield near Kharkov. The Kh-35U missile has a range of up to 260 kilometers and has a 145-kilogram warhead, we previously wrote about them. The ATCR-33S radar was developed in Italy and is designed to control the air traffic of aircraft at a range of up to 83 km. The radar can be equipped with a G-33 parabolic antenna or an antenna with an ALE phased array. The radar's operating range is from 2700 to 2900 MHz, and its azimuth coverage is 360 degrees. As a result of the Kh-35U missile strike, the ATCR-33S radar was completely destroyed. The video also shows the impact of another Russian Kh-35U missile, near the Ukrainian Skala-M air defense radar; the radar was possibly hit by shrapnel.

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Ukrainian forces slowly but surely are on a retreat on all fronts.... Momentum is with Russia now.
Slowly is the key word, with over 1,000 Russians dead or severly injured every day. At this rate the entire Russian population will be dead before Ukraine is conquered.

The average rate of Russian advance is, Russian losses averaged over the last 70 days are 1170/day andUkraine has 604, with 82% (~500, still unoccupied. So to conquer Ukraine will require ~83,000 days (>227 years) and ~100 million casualties with about 1/3rd of those dead. Enjoy a slow death. Basically Russia is fighting WW2 twice over just for Ukraine and the only thing that can save them is orange and extremely stupid.
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Ukrainian forces slowly but surely are on a retreat on all fronts.... Momentum is with Russia now.
Not on the Kharkiv front, where russia is on the backfoot. Ukraine also recently has pushed back the russians a bit in the forest near Kremina. Elsewhere, yes, the russians are progressing.

But this movement, on either side, is not really relevant on a strategic level. At the current pace, it'd take russia decades to get the rest of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. And russia doesn't have decades. People have been commenting for the last two years that russia's losses are unsustainable. Of course, tankies have pointed out that since russia is still sustaining these losses happily, it means that actually, the losses are sustainable forever; because they don't make a difference between "large reserves" and "infinite reserves".

Meanwhile, we've seen several things happening on the battlefield.
- russian troops getting sent back to fight despite having untreated wounds -- sometimes even crippling wounds.
- greater and greater financial incentives for russians to enroll. Theoretically, a contractee from Moscow oblast is now paid more than a US soldier -- despite the abysmal exchange rate from the ruble to the dollar.
- unarmored vehicles such as Bukhanka, Desertcross-1000, and even motorbikes getting used closer and closer to the front instead of armored vehicles; sometimes even using them for storming operations.
- antique weapons like T-54, T-55 are increasingly seen on the battlefield. The M-46 howitzer, which the Soviet Union had removed from service in the 1970s, has been pressed back into service thanks to supplies of North Korean ammunition.

So russia is actually running out of men and materiel. They've had to beg from Iran and North Korea in order to gain some time.

And the russian GDP growth is entirely due to the sovereign wealth fund money getting injected in the economy to fund the war. It's not a real growth. And in fact, it's worse than growth, because it is destroying russia's non-military-related sectors to feed the military-related sectors. There's huge inflation, labor shortages everywhere, and taxes and fees are increasing constantly.

My predictions remain that russia will maintain an advantage over Ukraine for the rest of the year; until winter. Then in 2025, things will swing in Ukraine's favor. The war will be over in 2026, when russia will finally collapse.

What russia hopes is that a Trump win will coerce Ukraine into capitulating, and then sanctions will be dropped and it'll be able to rebuild its economy. I don't believe that this scenario will happen; though. Even if Trump wins.
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Laffo. Deputy prime minister of russia going all, "we're low on oil, have you tried refining more oil? food for thoughts"

More floods to come.

So, Patrushev, one of poo-tin's aides, said that russian shipbuilding industry needs to recruit 60 000 people before 2033 so as to maintain skills and know-how. Yeah, that's not happening. I guess russia will just have to lose its shipbuilding capabilities.