Ukraine - Russia Conflict

This is the real cost of russia's momentum.

"People are recruited from airfields. There are engineering and technical staff, flight crews are present. Radio operators, mechanics, engineers. It seems there is even one navigator. They fight normally. As everybody else. Everything is provided, no complaint. This is approximately the same as the motorized rifle regiment of the Alexandrov Ensemble."​
I hope you can see the problem hidden behind the sarcasm.

In order to maintain a number advantage over the Ukrainian defenders, russia is transferring personnel from its air force (as well as other branches, like the navy) to the infantry.

Now, on the short term, it's good for russia, because it means they can keep claiming some new treelines towards Pokrovsk or Toretsk. Hurray! They can dazzle people with their "momentum" and how they keep getting more and more territory; conveniently forgetting that they have tremendous losses in the process and that the territory gained has been thoroughly ruined.

But if you think on the slightly longer term... do you think the best use you can do of your trained aircraft technicians and pilots is sending them to storm the trenches in meatwave assaults? Do you think if they die, or get crippled, it'll be no problem to train other people to do what they were doing before they were promoted to stormtrooper?

This is especially noteworthy because, at the moment, their combat aviation is their most devastating weapon, thanks to the huge gliding bombs they use to destroy Ukrainian fortifications. One would be tempted to think that such an asset would be preserved... But what's the point of destroying enemy fortification if you can't storm them before they get repaired?

As always, russia is sacrificing its long-term future for short-term gains. And as always, please don't confuse "large reserves" with "infinite reserves". They are running out of resources. They just try to hide it. But they wouldn't need to basically conscript their aviation personnel if they weren't.
Barn armor demonstrating how it protects a tank about as successfully as russian air defense protects a refinery:

Always nice to see russian factories on fire.

An orc propagandist notes that Ukrainians have a very strong UAV superiority over russia, which prevents russia from accumulating enough forces to exploit breaches when they do manage to make one. Russian losses are huge and there's just no reserve to exploit their success and cause the Ukrainian defense lines to collapse, so it's just slow and grinding meat assaults with small teams to progress field by field.
"For those who don't understand, there is no one physically to advance. The living force has been depleted. All this taking into account that some military leaders are trying to adjust the result to fit the required dates. Everyone understand that by the end of the year there is a possibility that an agreement will begin, they are trying to make it in time."​
The russians are sending their all in to try to gobble as much territory as they can before the US elections. Their goal is to project the image of an unstoppable force. The reality is that the russian forces are nearly exhausted, and they have to use every trick they can to preserve their precious momentum -- including, as Fighterbomber remarked, sacrificing much more expensive personnel such as aircraft pilots and technicians.

"In static areas, the management made a "brilliant" decision not to take away the dead, because it'd increase the loss statistics. In the meantime, the dead lie ownerless, listed as alive but missing. Unfortunately not fiction, but reality."​
The russian losses are huge. Analysts keep saying they are unsustainable. They are correct.

"A simple calculation. At this rate, only the DPR will be cleared in... two years! There is no time to talk about Odessa-Kharkov."​
russia's momentum is slow. Tankies keep zooming the map all the way in so that russians taking over a field looks like a huge advance, when in reality it isn't. Even an orc propagandist admits that it'd take years for russia to take even just half of the regions that they have annexed on paper. And russia does not have years! They should still have enough resources to fight in 2025, but I'm not sure they will in 2026. Their economy is going in the gutter.

Remember that in 2023, all sectors of russia's economy were in a recession, except for construction and military-related industries. This growth was entirely fueled by draining the sovereign wealth fund to finance weapons and the Surovikin line.

And 2024 is going to be worse! The russians themselves know it, as proven by constant-rate bonds not getting sold and variable-rate ones being preferred. Which means that any of russia's potential lenders know the rate is only going to increase, not decrease. If they expected a decrease in interest rate, they'd jump on the constant-rate bonds to take advantage of their current high rates...
God's message to russia is still too subtle imo.

This is the kind of message they need. The orcs in that command post have finally understood they had to go away, and so they did, in vapor form.

Do you think russia will spend any money to repair the power and water infrastructures? It's possible, but I doubt it. The crap can in the kremlin would see it as a waste of resources when he could instead spend that money on bombing a school in Ukraine.
The Russian Su-35S fighter jet shot down a Ukrainian MiG-29 for the first time with an R-37M missile at a colossal range of 213 km. This was reported by specialized Russian resources. It is worth noting that there are no photos or videos confirming this, in fact, it is impossible to confirm this, since the Ukrainian media do not publish footage of destroyed equipment. As reported, the Russian Su-35S fighter jet used ultra-long-range R-37M missiles, a link to a video about them is in the comments to the video. The MiG-29 was detected due to the fact that the Su-35S fighter jet is equipped with the N035 Irbis radar. The Irbis radar has a maximum peak power of up to 20 kW. Which allows it to detect targets at a range of up to 400 km. The MiG-29 has an RCS of approximately 5 m2, the N035 Irbis radar can detect an air target with an RCS of 3 m2 at a range of up to 400 km.

What happens once russia runs out of soviet equipment? Well, then it starts digging into its imperial equipment stockpile!
This new innovation should provide russia with a significant advantage, since the horse does not need diesel to run (so that the refineries are burning is not a problem) and also it can be eaten by the troops, so them having to make nettle soups and steal grain from chickens due to lack of logistics is also no longer a problem.

Truly, russia is winning.