Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Pretty funny that the russians were actually trying to repair the Rostov-na-Donu. Remember how it looked like after it was hit the first time?
Yeah, I'd trust those hull repairs about as much as I'd trust the Oceangate Titan.

Blyatiful blast at Morozovsk.

Usual outcome of a yolo cavalry charge:

What oilexport doing?
russian sources confirm that one Su-34 was destroyed in Morozovsk.

This will help russian morale, surely.

I think he's referring to the video from Anna Komsa's tweet in my previous post. Murder or execution? Not sure the difference is all that relevant. If it's a murder, then the motive is probably desertion.

Ukrainian strategy remains to exchange territory against russian lives, while minimizing Ukrainian losses. Footage shows flawless evacuation.
This also demonstrates the usefulness of precision munition (none of the russian shells attempting to destroy the vehicles hit) and proper armor to protect against shrapnel from near-misses. Also shows proper convoying technique, as the two vehicles are quite far apart and follow two separate routes; instead of being all bunched up in close proximity like the typical russian convoy.
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It's finally official. The aircraft arrived on the last day of July, but they were apparently disassembled and transported by trucks. But now they're operational.

In the meantime, Ukrainian legacy aircraft keep working efficiently. As well as their drones and missiles.
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US was willing to pay for it, Russia is trying to steal it.
US is willingly to pay the local billionaire or Pvt companies whose bosses & major shareholders all live or invest in West..... Money goese back to US & west one way or the other.
US is willingly to pay the local billionaire or Pvt companies whose bosses & major shareholders all live or invest in West..... Money goese back to US & west one way or the other.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

russia is not adverse to corruption; in fact one of the complaints of russians was that the Ukrainians have resisted despite all the bribes they spent. Now it wasn't true everywhere -- the fall of the Ukrainian south and especially of Kherson shows that russian bribes did work; just not everywhere.

On the other hand, how many credible (i.e. not debunked a thousand times) accounts are there of American bribes in Ukraine?

There's a logical trap that russian propaganda has successfully laid, that basically amounts to claiming that people do not have agency. If they revolt against dictatorship and corruption, it isn't because people did not like dictatorship and corruption, it's because they were bribed by the CIA. russia is systematically promoting this narrative, and finding a lot of useful idiots to parrot it.

So popular uprising against Yanukovych or against Maduro are presented by russia and its useful idiot parrots as "coups" while the military takeover by russian-backed junta over elected presidents in Mali, Niger, and Burkina aren't. This is how you can tell that russia never really left the soviet union. In the USSR, every polity was a "democratic people's republic", despite not being democratic in the slightest, the people having no power or ownership, and the organization of the government definitely not being a public affair. (Republic -> res publica -> public affair.) Today, russia keeps the same sort of rhetoric masquerade; when confronted by real democracy, by real popular movements, they scream coups and foreign interference; but when they're engaged in imperialist and colonialist acts themselves, they pretend it's anti-imperialist, anti-colonial liberation.

In russia, history books don't tell about the nazi extermination camps. Because those weren't a problem for russia. Exterminating Jews and Roms and Poles? Who cares; russia did the same thing and to even more people! That couldn't be a crime. No, for russia, the definition of a nazi isn't the ideology or the crimes committed; it's just the betrayal of russia. The only crime of Nazi Germany according to russia was that Hitler betrayed his ally Stalin. That's why you have a country where about 10% of the population sports Nazi tattoos, where the youth is indoctrinated to serve as cannon fodder, where dissent is punishable by death and propaganda constantly talks about expanding the empire to conquer the entire world, telling that no, it's the rest of the world that's nazi.