Ukraine - Russia Conflict

US is willingly to pay the local billionaire or Pvt companies whose bosses & major shareholders all live or invest in West..... Money goese back to US & west one way or the other.
If the billionaires bought shares then they paid money for those shares, which was accepted by the sellers, this is the principle by which all commerce works.
You are an idiot.....
Wow, so you've ran out of any sensible arguments...
Ukraine going to retreat all the way back to polish border
Only if Russia is prepared to lose every single member of its population and spend over 2 centuries fighting. If Russia gives up it loses Ukraine, if Russia doesn't give up it loses Russia, slowly and painfully, man by man. They spent 10 centuries invading that territory, so it's only right that they spend a few centuries losing it because a little bald man couldn't admit that he was wrong. :ROFLMAO: 🤡
Wow, so you've ran out of any sensible arguments...

Only if Russia is prepared to lose every single member of its population and spend over 2 centuries fighting. If Russia gives up it loses Ukraine, if Russia doesn't give up it loses Russia, slowly and painfully, man by man. They spent 10 centuries invading that territory, so it's only right that they spend a few centuries losing it because a little bald man couldn't admit that he was wrong. :ROFLMAO: 🤡
Ukrainian establishment is literally kidnapping man on the street to go fight zelensky war in East 🤣....we can all see who is running out of manpower..... More & more Ukrainian man are already running to polish border to save their a** lol

You are an idiot..... Ukraine going to retreat all the way back to polish border
If russia can maintain its current momentum, it'll take it over five centuries to reach the Polish border.

The idea of a russian victory is absurd.

In the meanwhile, russia's everything is crumbling. It's still an incredibly corrupt nation where embezzlement is the national sport.
5/ Thus "the construction of the clinic, currently intended for the treatment and rehabilitation of the wounded in the Special Military Operation zone, has not been completed, and the opportunity to use the unfinished facility will not present itself for a very long time."​
6/ The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel reports that military investigators have opened a criminal case against officials of the Military Construction Company and a branch of the Ministry of Defence's construction department.​
7/ The general director of KapEnergoStroy SPb, Valery Yuryevich Klepikov, is reported to already be in custody in a similar criminal case relating to thefts during the construction of other military facilities.

Ukrainian establishment is literally kidnapping man on the street to go fight zelensky war in East 🤣....we can all see who is running out of manpower..... More & more Ukrainian man are already running to polish border to save their a** lol

And Russian establishment is literally kidnapping and torturing Indians into fighting Putin war in the West. You walked right into that one. :ROFLMAO:

About half of russian armored fighting vehicles that were in storage before are gone. Now the first to go are of course the ones in the best conditions. So while a naive approach would be to say it took two years of war to empty about half their reserves, so they can last two more years before running out; in reality the remaining stored vehicles are becoming more and more complicated to return to service. Part of them have been cannibalized for spare parts, parts of them are so thoroughly rusted through that they can't return to service. Likewise, the more modern vehicles have been taken out of storage first. So now there's no T-90 remaining in storage, but they still have plenty of T-62 and T-72A.

So, russian infrastructure...
That's about two broken levees per week.

... and russian economy...

... are going well!
Another episode of "russians brag about committing war crimes on their own state TV":

Another episode of things going boom in russia.

Ground photos of Morozovsk. Beautiful. All russian military airfields should look like this.

Various russian accounts are claiming the Armed Forces of Ukraine attempted to enter the Kursk region. I don't believe russians, as a rule, and that would be a surprising change in strategy for Ukraine; especially when they're still generally not allowed to use western equipment against russian territory.
Premières images (confirmées) des F-16 en Ukraine : analyse des capacitée

First (confirmed) images of F-16s in Ukraine: analysis of capabilities

At an official ceremony, the Ukrainian Air Force took delivery of its first F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft. The images from the ceremony show that the aircraft seen are not just ex-Dutch aircraft. In terms of weaponry, two air-to-air configurations were visible, as well as an improved self-defence capability.

Official reception

During a ceremony, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and other senior Ukrainian authorities officially welcomed the first F-16AM Fighting Falcon aircraft into the Ukrainian Air Force. The ceremony provided an opportunity to see the first official images of the Ukrainian Fighting Falcons. The aircraft retain their traditional Ukrainian markings, with the Ukrainian Air Force emblem on the tail and a roundel (yellow and blue) on each wing. The aircraft identification numbers, located on the tail, still appear to be present but have been blurred to prevent exact identification of the aircraft. However, no coloured numbers appear to be visible on the fuselage.

The video shows a long-range missile launcher from a Patriot PAC-2 battery (1:37) and a TRML-4D radar (back of antenna visible) (1:40).

Just ex-Dutch F-16AMs?

At least two F-16s were in the air, but other Fighting Falcons were also on the ground. Two aircraft are visible at 1:59. A freeze frame shows a 450 W lamp under the cockpit of the first aircraft, but not the second. This light is fitted to Danish (from production) and Norwegian (after production) F-16s and is used to identify aircraft during night missions. However, the various official statements announced the delivery of six Dutch F-16s (including the aircraft in the background) and, shortly afterwards, Danish Fighting Falcons, with the aircraft in the foreground. This identification of the two different nationalities of the aircraft present confirms that the Ukrainian Air Force has just over 6 F-16AMs on its territory.

Short-range air-to-air

An F-16AM was filmed during the landing phase. It is equipped in short-range air-to-air configuration, with two AIM-9L/M Sidewinder short-range air-to-air missiles, the latest versions of the Sidewinder before the very recent AIM-9X Sidewinder. This missile uses an infrared sensor to guide the Sidewinder towards a major heat source: the engines of the enemy aircraft. The survival of the enemy aircraft then depends on just one thing: the pilot's speed. By firing infrared decoys, he can try to fool the Sidewinder. However, when the Sidewinder approaches from a certain distance, the impact is almost certain. This distance of several kilometres is known as the "no-escape zone". In terms of range, the AIM-9L and AIM-9M can hit a target more than 18 kilometres away, with a speed of 2,414 km/h (or 1.95 Mach) (USAF).

Long-range air-to-air

Other aircraft were armed with Sidewinder missiles (two) as well as two AIM-120B AMRAAM long-range air-to-air missiles. Unlike the Sidewinder, the AMRAAM uses a radar sensor; the launching aircraft must have a radar lock on the enemy aircraft. Information about the target is then transmitted to the missile, which is then fired. An aircraft-missile data link enables the missile to refine its trajectory, until the missile's radar sensor guides AMRAAM to its target. As specified by the US Navy, the AMRAAM is a missile that is "independent" of the launching aircraft; if necessary, the latter can change target, direction, carry out defensive manoeuvres, etc. without the missile being able to head towards its target.

On a more technical level, the AIM-120B has a range of more than 64 kilometres (sources vary between +50 kilometres and 75 kilometres), a warhead of 22.7 kg and a speed of Mach 4 (or 4,939 km/h) (according to the Greek Air Force). These missiles are expected to be used primarily for long-range firing and therefore for pure air-to-air hunting, with the aim of hunting down Russian aircraft. Conversely, the full Sidewinder configuration is more likely to be used in very short-range aerial combat; it is likely that this configuration will be used to protect strategic installations from possible Russian drone raids, for example. Other configurations are of course expected and have already been confirmed, including the JDAM-ER precision glide bomb. In air-to-ground mode, the F-16AM can carry both air-to-ground munitions and air-to-air missiles (multi-mission).

A special pylon

The rest of the aircraft have external tanks... but a careful eye will see that a special pylon is located between the missiles and the external tanks. Initially identified as the Pylon Integrated Dispensing System Plus (PIDS+) suite, the absence of a decoy launcher but the presence of cameras in a section at the rear of the pylon clearly suggest the Electronic Combat Integrated Pylon System Plus (ECIPS+) suite.

In concrete terms, two pylons are fixed to the aircraft (one under each wing). The three AN/AAR-60 cameras, produced and developed by Hensoldt, offer enhanced passive defensive capability, with the ability to detect missiles heading towards the aircraft. To increase the aircraft's defensive effectiveness, the ECIPS+ suite can, as soon as it detects a missile, automatically launch the aircraft's decoys without the pilot having time to react. It also includes an AN/ALQ-162(V)6 radar jammer, developed and produced by Northrop Grumman. This jams radar-guided missiles as they approach the F-16.

It should be noted that an aircraft can be fitted with an ECIPS+ as well as a PIDS+ pylon; it retains an image-based missile detection capability, a radar jamming capability thanks to the ECIPS+ as well as the ability to carry infrared decoys (flares) and chaffs (thanks to a PIDS+), the former being designed to decoy infrared-guided missiles, the latter for radar-guided missiles. It should be pointed out that while no PIDS+ (or other variant of the Terma pylon) has been seen (at least with any certainty), the countries delivering the F-16s have these different pylons and will therefore also deliver them with the promised Fighting Falcons.
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The russians are crying a lot about a supposed Ukrainian incursion in Kursk. So far the only supporting evidence are vehicles with a triangle sign, and some light damage on a russian town. Might be something, might be not.

Really, what matters is that russia continues going boom. The more russia explodes, the sooner the war will be over.
So it seems that something is actually happening in Kursk. Maybe Ukraine has decided to establish a sanitary zone to protect Sumy. I'd joke about liberating ancestral Ukrainian lands from Bryansk to Krasnodar, but there's no way this happens. However, if they can strike russia where it wasn't expecting an attack, and inflict a lot of damage, especially to russian logistics and depots, that could be a good play, especially if it forces russia to move troops away from Donbas region. Still, it's risky. Not sure it'll pan out.
The russian might have lost an aircraft?
Ukrainian troops made many prisoners.
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