Ukraine - Russia Conflict

For all the obsessive tankies who absolutely want to blame the west for russia deciding to perform a genocidal invasion of Ukraine, this is a fun watch:

See you later, Alligator


And, surprise, russia continues to feel very, very safe from NATO.
2/ The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel reports the views of a source on the border situation in Kaliningrad: "How do they guard the border (with Poland and Lithuania) in the Kaliningrad region now?​
3/ "No way, God willing, 17% of the personnel remain, the rest are on a mission in the Belgorod region (where they send people from all departments, whoever they can find)."​
4/ "150 people were sent, 120 returned and immediately went on vacation for 2 months. Then back to training and on a mission. The only hope is for conscripts."​
5/ "At the same time, the FSB stubbornly does not want to establish, recruit [a unit of] former military personnel and officers who previously served in the MMG [Motorised manoeuvre group of the Border Troops of the USSR and Russian Federation] …​
6/ …and DShMG [Airborne Assault Maneuverable Group], which were engaged in the protection and defence of the border in the [Collective Security Treaty Organization] zones."​
7/ VChK-OGPU does not explain the FSB's reluctance, but it may be concerned about protecting its own role in defending the border, or potentially about the loyalties of discharged veterans.​
8/ The FSB took over the formerly separate Border Guard Service of Russia in 2003. With about 170,000 members, the Border Guards are one of Russia's largest armed formations, but are entirely separate from the Russian Armed Forces. /end
Those idiots who tried invading the Kharkiv region are slowly realising that they can be encircled now.
Come in rubber duck, we just got f...

The Ukrainian army has published footage of the entry of military units into the Kursk region of Russia on August 6. The video shows a battle with a Russian stronghold and shows destroyed Ukrainian equipment and a military medical service vehicle. The Ukrainian army is bringing up reserves, and the Russian army is doing the same. In the video, you can also see the evacuation of a Ukrainian VAB armored personnel carrier in the Kursk region and the evacuation of an International Maxxpro armored vehicle by an M88A2 Hercules repair and recovery vehicle. In some cases, the evacuation is carried out without hindrance. The Ukrainian army has begun to dig in in the Kursk region and is bringing up heavy equipment. According to experts, if the situation does not change within a week, the fighting will turn into a positional war and will drag on for a long time. Against this background, rumors have emerged about the need for a new wave of mobilization in Russia, officials deny its necessity. But according to experts, the 1,500 km long front line, the entry of Ukrainian troops into the Kursk region and the threat to the Bryansk region indicate that there is a shortage of 700,000 personnel, especially units with drones.

But according to experts, the 1,500 km long front line, the entry of Ukrainian troops into the Kursk region and the threat to the Bryansk region indicate that there is a shortage of 700,000 personnel, especially units with drones.
The good news is, I know where russia could find 690 000 personnel to guard its internationally-recognized borders in Kursk, Bryansk, and Belgorod oblasts. They're currently in Ukraine's Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzia and Kherson oblasts for no good reason.

But of course, the tin of poo will not want that. He wants to be a 19th century tsar! So what will happen instead is that russia will lose 700 000 men.

Isn't it funny how we got so fast from "Ukraine must capitulate and accept all of russia's terms" to "russia needs 700 000 more men urgently to defend its borders"? It's as if russia simply had no hope of winning, that it had lost this war when it lost the battle for Hostomel, that the wars of today are just too expensive to ever be worth it and that it was a stupid idea from the start. And now russia will emerge from this conflict much weaker than before.
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