Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Lots of captures.

Lots of kills.

Always funny how russian "citizens" suddenly realize their beloved god-king doesn't give a fig about them.

The russians have such good friends! China, Iran, North Korea, the Houthis, the Hezbollah, the Talibans... Who would even want to be friends with the evil west when you can instead pally with these benevolent luminaries?
2/ Russian drone manufacturers are heavily dependent on imported Chinese components. According to research by the Yermak-@McFaul International Expert Group, 67% of the components in the Shahed-136/131, Lancet and Orlan-10 drones come from China.​
3/ The 'Vostok Battalion' Telegram channel reports that Ukraine's recent successes in its Kursk offensive were aided by a previously unseen ability to evade enemy electronic warfare systems. The Russians say they themselves lack this ability due to problems with Chinese supplies:​
4/ "After the operation undertaken by Ukraine, military analysts subjected all the features of Ukrainian tactics to a detailed analysis. Technical nuances were noted that provided Ukraine with an advantage.​
5/ "For example, the frequency ranges of the UAVs used turned out to be outside the range of suppression by our electronic warfare – shifted, as analysts say.​
6/ "This allowed the units going for a breakthrough to act more effectively than it could have been with equal competitive capabilities. And what provides these capabilities? Or who?​
7/ "With your help, we participate in this technology race, and being a small division by the standards of state corporations, we strive to be as flexible as possible: we constantly monitor changes at the front and make adjustments to the equipment that we transfer to the front.​
8/ "But the most powerful obstacle in this matter for us is our dear China. Recently, we finally received a batch of components in the "shifted" range - that is, different from the most common ones.
9/ "Almost the entire batch turned out to be defective, despite the fact that the products were not cheap.
10/ "Delivery times, payment terms, quality of deliveries, periodic bans on shipping certain types of goods - we can say that China honestly follows all Western guidelines in relation to us.
11/ "Ukraine, however, does not encounter such problems - no one prohibits China from trading with it goods of either dual or direct use.
12/ "It is wildly annoying to feel such dependence on such a "friend" who will only be glad of our weakening - to bargain for even more discounts on oil." /end

Let's talk about how infinite russia's resources are infinite forever and ever so we should just capitulate and let the tin of poo become dictator of the entire world:
2/ The "Philologist in Ambush" Telegram channel comments that although Russian reserves are being brought up to serve as a "fire brigade", they "continue to be insufficient even for sustainable stabilisation of the situation, let alone the defeat of the enemy grouping.​
3/ "They are insufficient not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively. On the enemy side, there are fairly well-equipped units and formations. So far we have a patchwork of fire brigades, and not enough in terms of numbers.​
4/ "I won't take it upon myself to judge some units and formations of the strategic reserve, but, as the events of the last few days have shown, we don't have many operational reserves at all – to stop the crisis, reserves are being transferred from other parts of the front, …​
5/ …and not only from the nearest Kharkiv direction, but also from other directions (including those in which our troops have had at least some limited successes in the last few months), thus further weakening our already thinning ranks in these directions.​
6/ "Reserves arriving from other areas are, by definition, mostly undermanned due to existing losses.​
7/ "These losses are often quite high due to the poor organisation of combat work with poorly supported attacks within the framework of a strategy that requires an offensive in all possible areas.
8/ "Plus, not all formations and units can be pulled out from other directions entirely, because they are directly involved in offensive actions.​
9/ "As a result, against initially fully equipped formations and units of the enemy group, we have to a large extent a scattering of grouplets of the type of the sagging BTGs of the summer of 2022.​
10/ "Add to this the enemy's advantage in military-technical means (including communication systems and UAVs), organisational structures (primarily in individual units and subdivisions of strike UAVs) and a flexible operational control system that allows them to…​
11/ …adequately respond to changes in the situation and promptly inflict fire damage on identified targets, and we get a very specific assessment of the activities of our top military leadership, including, first of all, Chief of the General Staff Gerasimov." /end​
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A third Chechen war soon? Some russians are starting to get angry about Akhmat. Now to be fair, I personally believe it's just cowardice from these pretend-soldiers; but maybe they're actually covertly fighting against russia; that's always a possibility.

Some brass got bagged.
But more interestingly, allegedly some russian troops are getting out of Ukraine and back into land that is internationally recognized as being russian. Now if the rest of them could follow suit...

A very profitable operation so far.
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Captures, captures, captures...

... and some more convoy destruction!
Pretty funny that this war has been going hot for two and a half years and the russians still haven't learned not to drive in big massed convoys. At this point I don't think they'll ever learn not to.

But it's said they came from Kharkiv. More and more russian troops are leaving Ukraine to try to reclaim a little bit of actual russia. It looks like the Ukrainian plan is working so far!
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