Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Footage has been published of a Russian kamikaze drone "Lancet-52" striking a Ukrainian armored vehicle "Kozak-2" in the Sudzhansky district of the Kursk region of Russia. The armored vehicle "Kozak 2M.1" was introduced in 2016 and can have small arms or a 40-mm automatic grenade launcher UAG-40. There were two drone attacks in total, the first strike on the car on the road, after the car went off the road, the second strike destroyed the armored vehicle "Kozak-2".


Kremlin sleeping in a war zone.

Ukraine's offensive should have happened here instead of Zapo.
I bet all the settlements they've captured are actually still settlements too, rather than rubble. All Russia's resources were devoted to invading Ukraine, it was relying on US restrictions/reluctance to defend its own borders. It has had to call up military groups from the far east to defend Kursk. Good time for Japan to take back its island.
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Kremlin sleeping in a war zone.

Ukraine's offensive should have happened here instead of Zapo.
This is no different than pakistan marching into rajasthan desert. It hardly impairs russia's ability to fight. If this had been done at the beginning when they had lot of troops then it would have made sense now they are just thinning it far & wide.

If their idea was to gain leverage during talks then they should hold their ground which doesnt look easy , as deeper they go harder it becomes to hold ground.
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lol, "What is there to even talk about with those who attack civilians and nuclear facilities?"

Yeah, exactly, there's no reason to negotiate with russian terrorists and the can of crap that thinks itself the new Peter the Great. The only thing to do is kill them until they go back to their own swamp. The russian economy is doomed anyway.

“fuel market participants are increasingly faced with extensions of shipment deadlines for gasoline and diesel fuel purchased on the exchange by refineries and even defaults on such transactions… The most critical situation is with AI-95 and AI-100 gasoline, the demand for which is rapidly increasing… Market participants attribute the failure to meet shipment deadlines to a shortage of these grades in conditions when oil companies need to supply their own gas station networks, a shortage of tank cars and the situation in the Russian Railways network.”​
“Exchange traders are paying attention to the increasing delays by oil companies in shipping gasoline and diesel fuel, as well as defaults”​
“According to the rules of the St. Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange, the period for shipping exchange goods should not exceed 30 days, but the situation has worsened in the conditions of increased summer demand.”​
“Default occurs when, in the event of a violation of the 30-day period, the buyer and the refinery are unable to agree on extending the terms of the transaction. In the event of a default, the supplier must pay a fine of 5% of the contract amount.”Oh dear…​
“But if the price of fuel rises by more than this amount, the buyer often agrees to extend the transaction, because otherwise it has to buy a more expensive product.”​
So traders of the choice of​
👉 getting 5% of the original contract price FOR FREE now and making a new contract.​
👉 Keeping the locked in contract price and just waiting longer.​
“the most critical situation is with AI-95 and AI-100. The cost of AI-100 at refineries already exceeds 100 thousand rubles per ton, and the shipping period in some cases is more than two months, notes one of Kommersant’s sources.”​
‼️ LUKOIL’S “Nizhny Novgorod refinery, where the catalytic cracking unit failed at the beginning of the year, is one of the largest producers of high-octane gasoline.”​
‼️ “Although it was reported in June that the unit had been restarted, Kommersant's sources in the industry believe that production has not been fully restored until recently.”​
“Independent petrol stations have repeatedly complained that oil companies sell less high-octane gasoline than the market requires.”​
🍿 Oh dear…​
“Another Kommersant source sees the problems of extending the terms of shipment of goods in the physical shortage of fuel at some oil refineries. Oil refineries sell goods on the exchange from more distant production in order to prevent a sharp reduction in daily sales volumes.”​
Remember how I keep warning you about Russia “wagging the dog” and messing with data?​
Well that’s a good example. This way their daily sales look good!​
“In addition, additional problems arise during shipment — the inability of Russian Railways to promptly accept tanks in some limited directions, as well as a shortage of tanks at some oil refineries.”🍿
In addition, I’ve told you before that every time Russia either implements a gasoline ban OR removes one, it causes difficulties for Russian Railways. 😂By the time they finally get close to untangling everything, Russia changes it and the process starts over.​
In Russia there is a limit to how much the gas station can sell the fuel for. This then allows Russia to manipulate the Consumer Price Index and keep their “official” inflation numbers low.

Unfortunately, the big flaw is that the gas stations may go bankrupt.

See the trend?​
This next part is what I’ve been chewing on. So be forewarned, I have questions here myself.​
So…“Oil companies will need additional volume”To me mean that the refineries aren’t producing enough fuel to meet demand (especially not high octanes)​
And..“a result, they will be forced to reduce sales on the exchange or buy goods from each other”So, these oil companies have their own fuel stations (I think). *sigh* brief explanation​
Your fuel is supplied from the nearest refinery regardless of who owns the fuel station and who own the refinery.​
For this reason, (in the US at least) you will often find that places where 2 or more refineries distribution areas overlap have some of the cheapest prices.​
Sometimes there’s a running joke that fuel next to a refinery it’s more expensive because it’s “fresher” but it’s really just lack of competition and they need to compensate for the cheaper prices in competitive markets.​
So back to our quote:​
“As a result, they will be forced to reduce sales on the exchange or buy goods from each other”​
Makes me wonder if they’re considering making secret deals between oil companies to make sure THEIR fuel stations are supplied.​
This would then leave the independent fuel stations (those not owned by refiners) on their own​
“"Tanks have been submitted, GU-12 permits have been received, but additional approvals from Russian Railways in accordance with the dynamic infrastructure loading model and the daily client loading plan cannot be obtained, which is why downtime occurs," the expert notes.”🍿
I think the “dynamic infrastructure loading model” maybe operating in manual mode.😂
Based on reports, it appears that Russian Railways is struggling to predict when or if a locomotive will be available. Add in derailments, equipment failure, partisan attacks, short notice shifts in priority from the government, Ukraine invading Russia, and so on….​
They’re flying by the seat of their pants. Sort of like they’re operating in triage mode (or perhaps whoever is able to payoff the right person gets shipping)

It’s delicious, and it’s getting worse.​
“In addition, according to him, the shipment times were affected by the consequences of attacks on Russian refineries, which were unable to fulfill all their obligations as a result of repairs.”

Remember that LUKOIL refinery we discussed lost one of their FCC units as result of equipment failure and SANCTIONS kept them down.​
Loss of skilled personnel and sanctions are also hurting refining. Western Engineering services were even cut off via sanctions.In summaryIT WILL GET WORSE

~ The End ~​
So vladimir poo tin has just invented a new way to steal from the russian people so as to fund his precious, precious invasion of Ukraine.
Note: Mortgages are very expensive right now, with interest rates of over 20% not to mention massive labor shortages.
It may be very challenging for people to meet the 3 year deadline. 🙃
In addition people are working longer hours meaning they may not be available to weed the property. If you see where I’m going with this, it might be impossible for people to meet the requirements due to the circumstances that exist in Russia.​

Also, russia can count on the limitless friendship of the chinese people:
An article (or articles) triggered this thread, and I’ve been trying to figure out how to explain the situation. So I’m just going to do my best, and it may or may not be a linear explanation.​
First thing I do want to point out is that Aeroflot is a Russian Government majority owned company.
From time to time, there have funds pulled from the liquid assets of the National Welfare fund to benefit the domestic airlines.​
For example, buying the planes that were on lease and then stolen. Until that problem is fixed, the plane can’t fly internationally, or else it risks being repossessed.​
And it makes relations really awkward when a country is forced to repossess a plane. 😬
Also remember that there are layers of sanctions and blocks related to Russian aircraft for a variety of reasons.​
For example: Even if they bought the stolen leased plane, they still will not be able to fly it in certain areas for SAFETY REASONS. For example in Europe.​
People do not feel confident in the airworthiness of Russian aircraft. And therefore feel it would be unwise to introduce a situation where a plane could crash onto European territory.​
Side note: I feel like this is the same basis that should be used to block the shadow fleet tankers. If they are not adequately insured and maintained, then they are a risk to the waterways of the countries they are traveling through or near. Environmental hazard.​
In terms of Russia’s current domestic fleet, there has been a lot of discussion surrounding spare parts.​
This applies to not only the foreign aircraft such as Boeing, but also “domestic” aircraft like the CURRENT SJ100, because it is made with imported parts.​
Time for me to repeat the usual:​
Evading Sanctions still hurts Russia. It usually results in​
- increased cost​
- increased time​
And often a reduction in quality.​
Russian ground forces are just 10 km away from lyptsi & after it falls Ukraine second biggest city kharkiv will be within Range of Russian artillery bombardment...... This kursk offensive is a just a last ditch effort by Ukrainians hopping Russians divert forces North from South. Russians hasn't taken the bait yet.....wonder how long this latest Ukrainian dance will last with logistics running thin.
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More gains. AFU are now dealing with the head of the snake. This is now approaching ~1500km^2, 25% more territory than Russian has taken in Ukraine since this time last year.
