Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Footage of a head-on battle in Girya, Kursk Oblast, between a Ukrainian armored personnel carrier BTR-4E and a Russian armored personnel carrier BTR-82A. Both combat vehicles are armed with 30-mm 2A72 cannons. In general, the combat vehicles are approximately equal, but the Russian BTR-82A opened fire first, which decided the outcome of the battle, the BTR-4 caught fire. It is worth noting that, according to all the facts of the use of equipment in battles in Ukraine that have been shown over the past 2 years, it was important who first noticed the enemy, this decides the outcome of the battle.

This is no different than pakistan marching into rajasthan desert. It hardly impairs russia's ability to fight. If this had been done at the beginning when they had lot of troops then it would have made sense now they are just thinning it far & wide.

If their idea was to gain leverage during talks then they should hold their ground which doesnt look easy , as deeper they go harder it becomes to hold ground.

Very high leverage if they manage to hold until the next administration comes to power in the US. It's useless if the Democrats remain.

The propaganda value is insane though.
lol, "What is there to even talk about with those who attack civilians and nuclear facilities?"

Yeah, exactly, there's no reason to negotiate with russian terrorists and the can of crap that thinks itself the new Peter the Great. The only thing to do is kill them until they go back to their own swamp. The russian economy is doomed anyway.

“fuel market participants are increasingly faced with extensions of shipment deadlines for gasoline and diesel fuel purchased on the exchange by refineries and even defaults on such transactions… The most critical situation is with AI-95 and AI-100 gasoline, the demand for which is rapidly increasing… Market participants attribute the failure to meet shipment deadlines to a shortage of these grades in conditions when oil companies need to supply their own gas station networks, a shortage of tank cars and the situation in the Russian Railways network.”​
“Exchange traders are paying attention to the increasing delays by oil companies in shipping gasoline and diesel fuel, as well as defaults”​
“According to the rules of the St. Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange, the period for shipping exchange goods should not exceed 30 days, but the situation has worsened in the conditions of increased summer demand.”​
“Default occurs when, in the event of a violation of the 30-day period, the buyer and the refinery are unable to agree on extending the terms of the transaction. In the event of a default, the supplier must pay a fine of 5% of the contract amount.”Oh dear…​
“But if the price of fuel rises by more than this amount, the buyer often agrees to extend the transaction, because otherwise it has to buy a more expensive product.”​
So traders of the choice of​
👉 getting 5% of the original contract price FOR FREE now and making a new contract.​
👉 Keeping the locked in contract price and just waiting longer.​
“the most critical situation is with AI-95 and AI-100. The cost of AI-100 at refineries already exceeds 100 thousand rubles per ton, and the shipping period in some cases is more than two months, notes one of Kommersant’s sources.”​
‼️ LUKOIL’S “Nizhny Novgorod refinery, where the catalytic cracking unit failed at the beginning of the year, is one of the largest producers of high-octane gasoline.”​
‼️ “Although it was reported in June that the unit had been restarted, Kommersant's sources in the industry believe that production has not been fully restored until recently.”​

This is a very bad thing for Europe and India though. Lack of supplies from Russia means increased supplies from Iran, which in turn means greater opportunity for destabilization in the ME and higher energy prices for the both of us.

All that investment coming in from China I guess.

It's worse for Europe than India 'cause Europe is dependent on refined fuel imports.
This is no different than pakistan marching into rajasthan desert. It hardly impairs russia's ability to fight. If this had been done at the beginning when they had lot of troops then it would have made sense now they are just thinning it far & wide.

If their idea was to gain leverage during talks then they should hold their ground which doesnt look easy , as deeper they go harder it becomes to hold ground.
Stop trying to downplay it, they've taken more territory in Russia in the last 5 days than Russia has taken in Ukraine in the last year and they've forced Russia to withdraw units from Ukraine to defend Kursk.

That's 2 + 1 driver?

2+1 = 247 🤡
Ukrainian souther flank of kursk invasion has collapsed as of this moment.... Ukrainian hv been kicked out from giri, balaya, ianowski due to Russians relentless drone strikes on Ukrainian armoured vehicles there. Rest of the kursk front will follow suit soon. What Ukrainian need to do is withdraw as soon as possible before they get obliterated.
This is typical Ukrainian tactics.... Make a dash 🏃💨 click some selfies , claim that they have captured whole of russia...... run back when Russian forces arrive lol.
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Fighterbomber confirms damage to russian airfields last night.

The "collapse" of the Ukrainian incursion, seen by a russian soldier:

The russian forces have arrived, and let's see what happens... oh...

Looks like russia is not holding back anymore, and unleashing its most devastating weapon: Alaudinov's disses.
Love how he insists Ukraine has not completed its objectives and is throwing its forces into a furnace. The russians keep talking to their mirror.
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