Ukraine - Russia Conflict

"russian" "stock" "exchange"

How things are going in russia:

1. soldiers are being recruited in kindergarten. Literally.

Speaking of, since prisons have been emptied, prison managers are put in charge of said kindergartens now.

2. Untrained conscripts who are not supposed to see combat are sent to the meatgrinder.
3/ The mother of one conscript says: "My son called and said that the command had already compiled lists for sending conscripts to the Kursk region. They answered all their questions - this is Russian territory and you must defend it. He has been serving since May of this year.​
4/ "He also said that they are persuading everyone to sign contracts."​
Alexey Mashkevich, a journalist from Ivanovo, says that his son – serving since the spring of 2024 in the 217th Regiment of the 98th Airborne Division – is also being sent to the Kursk region.​
5/ Mashkevich wrote on the Russian social media network VK: "And what would you feel now – patriots and not – if you found out that your son, a conscript in the Airborne Forces, after the young fighter course, will be sent from Ivanovo to the Kursk region?"​
6/ Another VK user responded: "I understand you better than anyone else, I haven’t been able to come to my senses for 2 days after this news… Our sons are in the same company."​
7/ A woman commented: "Our children are also sent there. Conscripts from Kamenka, Leningrad Region. And also after the KMB [Young Fighter Course]... Unfortunately, this is the reality of our life. Strength and patience. Health to my son."​
8/ Conscripts and contract (professional) soldiers serve under very different terms. Conscripts serve for only 1 year, cannot be sent to fight outside Russia's borders, and cannot be sent to combat without at least 4 months' service and training in a military specialisation.​
9/ The conscripts in this case clearly don't meet the latter criteria. As recruits from the spring 2024 intake, they won't have completed their 4 months' service, and if they have only just completed their Young Fighter Course (basic training) they will be barely trained.​
10/ As conscript soldiers, they have to serve indefinitely – at least until the end of the war in Ukraine – and they can be sent to any of Russia's conflict zones, including Ukraine. They will get better pay but probably won't receive any of the recruitment bonuses.​
11/ It's likely that Russia is turning to conscripts because of its shortage of contract soldiers, who it appears are fully committed in the ongoing battles within Ukraine. /end​

3. Popular bloggers are telling women of russia that their sons/husbands/brothers/fathers are dead, just get over it and stop whining.
Russian volunteer Kashevarova expresses frustration over the thousands of letters she receives from wives and mothers of missing Russian soldiers who have turned to fortune tellers. These fortune tellers claim that their husbands are still alive, but Kashevarova explains that this is a desperate last resort, as the Ministry of Defense provides no information on the missing.​
She urges people to stop writing to her and to let go of false hopes, stating bluntly that if a soldier hasn't made contact for several months, it likely means he is dead.​

4. None of that matters to the tin of poo, ruler of the kremlin, who only cares about his dozens of secret and not-so-secret palaces and his hobby of genocide.
it's been a few weeks since Ukraine launched the Kursk operation... have they seen the results they wanted from it? The common narrative I hear is that they wanted to draw Russian resources out of Ukraine and create a buffer zone.

But hearing about recent Russian advances in Pokrovsk it doesn't seem like they took the bait? Instead is this just stretching the Ukrainians out further? At the end of the day the Kursk farmlands isn't something Ukraine really wants and Russia knows it. The Russians can just use conscripts to contain the incursion, let the Ukrainians play in the fields while continuing to advance in the east.

The biggest win for Ukraine is normalizing to Western eyes and ears the idea of Russian soil being attacked. I guess it's a good bargaining chip for Ukraine to have at the negotiating table whenever peace talks happen.
it's been a few weeks since Ukraine launched the Kursk operation... have they seen the results they wanted from it? The common narrative I hear is that they wanted to draw Russian resources out of Ukraine and create a buffer zone.

But hearing about recent Russian advances in Pokrovsk it doesn't seem like they took the bait? Instead is this just stretching the Ukrainians out further? At the end of the day the Kursk farmlands isn't something Ukraine really wants and Russia knows it. The Russians can just use conscripts to contain the incursion, let the Ukrainians play in the fields while continuing to advance in the east.

The biggest win for Ukraine is normalizing to Western eyes and ears the idea of Russian soil being attacked. I guess it's a good bargaining chip for Ukraine to have at the negotiating table whenever peace talks happen.
They're going for Kursk NPP plus Kursk has significant resources. I don't know what the overall strategy is but they do need to stop the Russians reaching Dnipro obviously. Personally I would attack the surge heading for Dnipro from both sides at its base with a force of 50k and cut off the ones who've advanced.

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Also the russians are destroying their own cities. Which I'm perfectly fine with. Every bomb they drop on Sudzha is a bomb they don't drop on Kharkiv.
(Speaking of Sudzha, why isn't it transliterated as Suja? In Cyrillic it's Су́джа. That дж letter combination is how Russian transliterates the english "j" sound; e.g. "James" becomes "Джеймс". So if you retransliterated it from the Russian, you'd get something like Dzheyms. It's silly. Also, like 99% of all English speakers don't know that "zh" is supposed to be a voiced sound, they just pronounce it like it was z. So Suja ends up being Sudza.)

More russian crap burning.