Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Russia downs its new Su-70 Okhotnik-B stealth drone over Donetsk. Presuambly Russia lost control of it and downed it before it could reach Ukrainian territory. The wreckage landed near Kostyantinivka in Donetsk in Ukrainian controlled territory.
Engineering units of the Russian army have begun to build fortifications in the forests and fields of the Kursk and Belgorod regions bordering Ukraine. Engineering units of the Sever group are engaged in the construction of fortifications; dugouts and caponiers are being created. As reported, military fortifications are not being created for defense, but for the development of an offensive by troops from them; they can also be used for temporary rest for servicemen.

Archival footage of a unique battle between two Russian BTR-82A 810 Brigade of the Russian Marine Corps, with nineteen armored vehicles, the 82nd separate airborne assault brigade of the Ukrainian army. The video was filmed in the Kursk region, the 82nd assault brigade on light armored vehicles, tried to enter the rear of the Russian army. Two BTR-82As worked from an ambush, fire was conducted from 30-mm automatic cannons 2A72, armor-piercing ammunition. The positions of the BTRs and the direction of fire are shown in the video, it is partially shortened, the damaged equipment is shown at the end of the video. The official report on the battle is as follows. The Ukrainian column was moving in a composition of nineteen armored vehicles, 12 armored vehicles were able to enter the area of the settlement. Eight armored vehicles were destroyed by crossfire, four armored vehicles were able to drive on, but were also destroyed by other units. Five armored vehicles, before reaching the main road, turned around on a dirt road and drove back. After the main battle, two armored vehicles tried to break through the ambush, shown at the end of the video, but were also destroyed.

The first footage has been published, although this has not been officially confirmed, of the downing of what is believed to be the new Russian S-70 Okhotnik attack UAV. The S-70 Okhotnik drone was shot down, presumably, by a Russian Su-57 aircraft at close range in the skies over Gorlovka. After that, the aircraft turned around to avoid the Ukrainian air defense zone. Usually, the S-70 drone flies in tandem with the Su-57, but we also showed a flight in tandem with the Su-30. The drone fell in the Donetsk region near Konstantinovka. Unofficially, it was reported that a technical failure occurred and the S-70 Okhotnik drone lost control, after which it was decided to destroy it. The drone was a prototype.

Russian Z-war correspondent Egor Guzenko, call sign "Thirteenth", who is also linked to war crimes against Ukrainian civilians and soldiers, was detained and beaten by police upon returning home. A criminal case has reportedly been opened against him, and he may face jail time. More than once, he was openly critical of the Russian army leadership.

So even if you're pro-regime you can still be jailed merely for any criticism whatsoever.

Hello Sir ,.How are you doing

I see that You are still strongly supporting Ukraine

But unfortunately it is loosing steadily
Not on bodycount. The Russian economy is looking suspect too, they raised interest rates 30 points and the market response was for the ruble to continue falling. This indicates a growing belief that Russia is printing money into existence rather than borrowing it.
Sorry for the delay, was just traveling a lot the past few weeks.

Both those countries you're mentioned have even more pathetic TFRs.
I meant in terms of economic growth. There is no developed nation, except Israel maybe, that has good TFRs. All industrialized nations must either accept decline like Japan or accept immigration like the US.

The rest we will just have to agree to disagree. Your thoughts on NATO being a cudgel of the US to stoke Russian paranoia and make them implode could be true. There were devious foreign policy planners in past US admins after all, I just personally don't think that modern US politicians are that capable.

Ultimately time will tell if the Russians or the Ukrainians prevail. I still believe that Russia cannot hope to conquer all of Ukraine or enforce their worldview on Eastern Europe through force. The economic and industrial might of the West just dwarfs them, and the decades of corruption and rot that ate away at their capabilities ruined their initial momentum. I also just don't think that the Chinese will assist the Russians to the capacity needed for them to conquer Ukraine.

Maybe someday, after Putin, the Russians will accept the LIO and come into the fold, until then they will exist on the same spectrum as North Korea or Iran.