Ukraine - Russia Conflict

That would mean calling it 'a war' though, which would make Putin look an ars for locking people up for doing just that. It would also become even more unpopular very fast. Right now the war only has limited popularity because idiots can cheer from the sidelines. Start sending them to The Hotel California and things will change.

Russia has sent many train and convoy loads of equipment and people to the war since in started. You know this if you've been following the thread. The original allocation of tanks and APCs is gone. They've used thousands of cruise missiles and Iskander-Ms since the war started. They'd used 2,000 cruise missiles (doesn't include Iskander-Ms) as of early May, and about the same again since. The US only used 955 in the Iraqi in 2003, and only 35 CALCM and 288 Tomahawks in Desert Storm. The Russians are far more stretched than you are capable of admitting.

Yes, they are creating conditions necessary for going to war, ie, mobilisation. Taking Luhansk and parading PoWs will do the trick.

I guess you are one of those, "The Russians are running out of X,Y,Z" people.
The Russian Ministry of Defense showed the firing of the Kornet ATGM mobile crew at the positions of the Ukrainian army. Russian intelligence has revealed a camouflaged firing position of Ukrainian soldiers at an abandoned enterprise. Having received the task, the Russian mobile crew arrived in the designated area, deployed weapons and, according to the received target designations, fired from the Kornet ATGM.

Yes, they are creating conditions necessary for going to war, ie, mobilisation. Taking Luhansk and parading PoWs will do the trick.

I guess you are one of those, "The Russians are running out of X,Y,Z" people.
They could try forcing people to fight but they might just end up coming back the other way.

Just being realistic, their losses have been huge, failing to accept that is failing to accept reality.
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The lend-lease compensated for civilian systems while the Soviets transitioned to a war economy. It happened because it worked in the favour of both sides. The same thing's not happening in Ukraine because this is modern warfare, not WW2-era warfare. Now there are missiles and aircraft that can shut down factories with precision.

This is something a lot of the Indian "we must be completely indigenous" folks also don't understand. Meaning, a country cannot fight a war with a large power without protecting production facilities.

And Western supplies to Ukraine are not coming in the numbers necessary. It's not even 1% of what's actually needed.

Lol. Uh-huh.

'We Would Have Lost': Did U.S. Lend-Lease Aid Tip The Balance In Soviet Fight Against Nazi Germany?​

-Nikolai Ryzhkov, the last head of the government of the Soviet Union, wrote in 2015 that "it can be confidently stated that [Lend-Lease assistance] did not play a decisive role in the Great Victory."

Such assessments, however, are contradicted by the opinions of Soviet war participants. Most famously, Soviet dictator Josef Stalin raised a toast to the Lend-Lease program at the November 1943 Tehran conference with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt.

"I want to tell you what, from the Russian point of view, the president and the United States have done for victory in this war," Stalin said. "The most important things in this war are the machines.... The United States is a country of machines. Without the machines we received through Lend-Lease, we would have lost the war."

Nikita Khrushchev offered the same opinion.

"If the United States had not helped us, we would not have won the war," he wrote in his memoirs. "One-on-one against Hitler's Germany, we would not have withstood its onslaught and would have lost the war. No one talks about this officially, and Stalin never, I think, left any written traces of his opinion, but I can say that he expressed this view several times in conversations with me."

US/NATO is holding back giving Ukraine what it needs for a decisive outcome in their favor we're only a month from US/NATO approving such heavy offensive weapons. It took time to train soviets to fly US aircraft, ect ect... the US has a crap load of offensive weapons it can give to Ukraine.

US has over 2300 M1 tanks in reserve storage and if wanted could give Ukraine 800. It also has 2000 M2's and M3's Bradleys in storage and can give Ukraine 800 of those. Same goes for M109s and M777s. Problem is US wants to try and stay out of this conflict so it trickles in weapon systems to Ukraine incase if Russia decides to target depots in western Ukraine where weapon systems are being stored and come so that it doesn't cause collateral damage involving US and NATO personnel.

I think once you see HiMARS/MLRS start deploying in quantity the frontlines will start changing drastically. Ukraine has done a great job holding the mighty Russian goliath with its soviet era equipment thanks to intel.
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Its not just oil, saviors of humanity are also importing uranium from russia. They have conveniently decided to exclude that from ban list.
Near Izyum, the occupiers lost five tanks from the 12th tank regiment of the Kantemirov division

Lol. Uh-huh.

'We Would Have Lost': Did U.S. Lend-Lease Aid Tip The Balance In Soviet Fight Against Nazi Germany?​

-Nikolai Ryzhkov, the last head of the government of the Soviet Union,wrote in 2015 that "it can be confidently stated that [Lend-Lease assistance] did not play a decisive role in the Great Victory."

Such assessments, however, are contradicted by the opinions of Soviet war participants. Most famously, Soviet dictator Josef Stalin raised a toast to the Lend-Lease program at the November 1943 Tehran conference with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt.

"I want to tell you what, from the Russian point of view, the president and the United States have done for victory in this war," Stalin said. "The most important things in this war are the machines.... The United States is a country of machines. Without the machines we received through Lend-Lease, we would have lost the war."

Nikita Khrushchev offered the same opinion.

Both credit each other for winning the war.

People barely understand the scale at which this war was fought.

US/NATO is holding back giving Ukraine what it needs for a decisive outcome in their favor we're only a month from US/NATO approving such heavy offensive weapons. It took time to train soviets to fly US aircraft, ect ect... the US has a crap load of offensive weapons it can give to Ukraine.

US has over 2300 M1 tanks in reserve storage and if wanted could give Ukraine 800. It also has 2000 M2's and M3's Bradleys in storage and can give Ukraine 800 of those. Same goes for M109s and M777s. Problem is US wants to try and stay out of this conflict so it trickles in weapon systems to Ukraine incase if Russia decides to target depots in western Ukraine where weapon systems are being stored and come so that it doesn't cause collateral damage involving US and NATO personnel.

I think once you see HiMARS/MLRS start deploying in quantity the frontlines will start changing drastically. Ukraine has done a great job holding the mighty Russian goliath with its soviet era equipment thanks to intel.

Let's see what sort of numbers we will eventually see transferred on the ground.

Ukraine: Severodonetsk "fully occupied" by the Russians, "street fighting"
25/06/2022 | 17:57

Adds Severodonetsk "entirely" in Russian hands, separatists announce entry into Lyssychansk of Russian and pro-Russian forces, background on Desna, Biden's departure for Europe, lack of progress on Sweden's membership in Nato, according to Turkey

KIEV (awp/afp) - The strategic city of Severodonetsk in eastern Ukraine, the scene of a fierce battle in recent weeks, fell "entirely" on Saturday to Russian and pro-Russian forces, who also entered the neighboring city of Lyssychansk, where "street fighting" was taking place, at the start of the fifth month of conflict.

Kiev has also accused Moscow of wanting to "draw" Belarus "into the war" after the Ukrainian army said it had fired 20 missiles from that country, as well as planes, at an important Ukrainian military center in Desna, in the north, on Saturday at around 5:00 a.m. local time (02:00 GMT).

This village in the border region of Cherniguiv, where no casualties were reported this time, had already been the target of strikes on 17 May, which, according to the Ukrainian head of state Volodymyr Zelensky, had then killed 87 people.

The first attacks from Belarusian territory took place at the very beginning of the invasion of Ukraine on 24 February.

Joe Biden left on Saturday for Europe, where he intends to consolidate the ranks of the West against Russia.

The American president must first participate, on Sunday, in a G7 summit in southern Germany, where aid to Ukraine will be discussed, and then, from Tuesday in Madrid, in another NATO summit.

Major advances by the Russian army

In eastern Ukraine, the Russian army recorded major advances on Saturday.

Severodonetsk is "entirely occupied by the Russians", acknowledged late afternoon on television its mayor Oleksander Striouk, the day after the announcement by the Ukrainian army of its withdrawal from this city of about 100,000 inhabitants before the war to better defend the town of Lyssytchansk, located on the opposite bank of a river, the Donets.

At the same time, the separatists said they had "taken full control of the industrial zone of the Azot factory" in Severodonetsk and had entered Lyssychansk with the Russian military.

"Street fighting is currently taking place there," they added, with no independent confirmation immediately available.

An advance on the ground crucial for Russia, which wants to conquer the entire industrial basin of the Donbass already partially in the hands of the pro-Russian separatists since 2014.

The Russian army for its part said it had killed "up to 80 Polish mercenaries" in a shelling, also destroying 20 armored vehicles and eight Grad multiple rocket launchers in high-precision weapons fire on the Megatex zinc factory in Konstantinovka, in the eastern Donetsk region.

This information was also not verifiable, while Moscow frequently assures "eliminating foreign mercenaries" who have gone to fight in Ukraine.

In Kharkiv (north-east), the second largest metropolis in Ukraine, which has resisted the pressure of Russian troops since the beginning of the offensive, missiles are again falling daily on the city center.

On Friday night, one of them hit an administrative building near the hotel where a team of the AFP was staying and a fire was caused, according to the Ukrainian rescue services. The building had already been bombed before. "The Russians finish what they started", commented Saturday for AFP a military on the spot who did not decline his identity.

In the south, the Russian Defense Ministry said Saturday that "more than 300 Ukrainian servicemen and foreign mercenaries and 35 heavy weapons units" had been "liquidated in one day in the Mykolayev region."

Units "exhausted"

At the same time, Kiev blasted Moscow's condemnation of the green light given Thursday by the EU to Ukraine's application.

"This only shows the weakness of Russia," tweeted the head of Ukrainian diplomacy, Dmytro Kouleba.
On Friday, Moscow denounced a "geopolitical grab" of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) space to "contain Russia", assuring that "this aggressive approach of the European Union has the potential to create new schisms and much deeper crises in Europe".

The massive bombardment in the east has finally made the Ukrainian soldiers give in, but without necessarily fundamentally changing the situation on the ground, according to experts.

"The Ukrainian units are exhausted, bloodless. They have suffered terrible losses with battalions completely neutralized," explains a high-ranking French officer on condition of anonymity, mentioning units of 300 or 400 men of which only 20 or so are still alive.

But for all that, "the overall vision - a slow war of entrenched positions - has hardly changed," Ivan Klyszcz, a researcher at the Estonian University of Tartu, told AFP. "The withdrawal was probably planned before and can be considered as tactical," he analyzes, stressing that the Ukrainian resistance has allowed Kiev to consolidate its rear.

The Ukrainian forces "are in the process of carrying out a professional and tactical withdrawal in order to consolidate positions that they will be better able to defend," also judged an official at the Pentagon, on condition of anonymity.

"I stressed the need to achieve parity of fire with the enemy, which will allow us to stabilize the situation in the most threatened region of Lugansk" where Severodonetsk is located and now almost completely conquered by the Russians, said the commander in chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Valery Zaluzhny, reporting on his Facebook page of a telephone conversation with his U.S. counterpart, General Mark Milley.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday that no progress had been made on Sweden's willingness to join Nato, after a phone conversation with Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson.

Sweden and Finland applied to join the Atlantic Alliance in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but were blocked by Turkey.

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That's easy, you just watch which one Modi and Khan are trying to eat while killing each other over the fact.
Modi is a vegetarian, so anything that walks or flies is off the list. Biden certainly needs a notecard to make out, while Boris will run after anything that moves. Poor Khan had spent more time begging than eating.
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People barely understand the scale at which this war was fought.
those numbers look bit less, red army grew to nearly 14 million in numbers, their causalities were also huge in scale around 5-8 million.

On a side note ironically India & china lost more civilians due to food shortage created by imperial powers who diverted the food supplies to feed the troops elsewhere.
_Anonymous_ has been sighted in Ukraine.

Okay, I guess see which one Modi is worshipping then.

Speaking of which.

dumb photoshop the ground doesnt have a drop of blood.
Okay, I guess see which one Modi is worshipping then.
reverence is different from worship, these are things which are beyond the understanding of intellectually underdeveloped morally bankrupt fledgling materialistic civilization whose knowledge library does not extend beyond one borrowed book.
What a good move from MODI :

"But Russia has not said its last word and to mitigate the economic consequences of these sanctions, the country is now turning to the Brics (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). Moscow is "actively redirecting its trade flows and external economic contacts towards reliable international partners, above all towards the Brics countries", explained Vladimir Putin, on Wednesday, addressing participants at the Brics Economic Forum on the eve of a virtual summit of these countries.

Read also: The Russian economy sinks inexorably into recession

Increase in cooperation, especially on oil

In detail, the head of state affirmed Russia's willingness to develop with its Brics partners "alternative mechanisms of international transfers" and an "international reserve currency" to reduce dependence on the dollar and the euro. Already in 2015, Vladimir Putin had ratified an agreement on the creation of a common reserve fund for the Brics and signed by them to overcome the domination of the United States on international financial institutions.

He also announced that "talks on opening Indian retail chains in Russia and increasing the share of Chinese cars (...) on the Russian market are underway". "Russian oil deliveries to China and India are increasing. Agricultural cooperation is developing dynamically", as well as the export of Russian fertilizers to the Brics countries, according to the Russian president. Beijing's imports of Russian oil jumped by 55% in May over a year, according to official figures published by Chinese customs on Monday. Specifically, 8.42 million tons of oil were purchased by the Asian giant, much more than imports from Saudi Arabia, usually the first supplier of the country. Indian imports are also growing strongly. The country and South Africa abstained from voting on a UN resolution condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

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For those who haven't been following : the BRICS are being dragged around the world at the moment and in particular India which is coming out of a bunch of meetings in QUAD format with Australia and especially the US.

This article misses the point. India by not choosing its side allows a lot of other countries to follow its example. It is not only the BRICS but also the ARABBIC and African countries. India will find itself at the interface of the bad guys and the good guys and is already starting to feel the economical effects.

But this strategic gain is going to have to be defended in particular against China which is not going to appreciate finding itself facing a new economic giant directly on its border.

This is exactly what I predicted and what I hoped for. India does not want to take a stand and is dragging a lot of countries behind it. As a result, it will become a world power, at least in economic terms. It seems that France has chosen the right horse.
I really thanks MODI and India to hold this position.
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There were footage of the work of the T-90M tank in Ukraine. The tank covers the tank group, releases an aerosol screen to protect against anti-tank systems and fires at the enemy.

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