Ukraine - Russia Conflict

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US forces Europe put on Defcon 2 as per Twitter netizens, veracity to be confirmed.
Been so for months now.


Amazing how I compared this Russian invasion of Ukraine with Indo-Pak war of 1971(with India like Russia and Pak like Ukraine), here is an article from Russian think-tank about the Russian perspective of this war. In this she confirms what I wrote earlier:


A Russian response: On Ukraine, India is on the right side of history — it is guided by national interest, not western propaganda

Gone are the times when India had to support – by its wealth and soldiers’ lives – the “right side of history”, as perceived by a white Sahib. Now, it determines what to do not by “soft corners” for somebody but by national interest.

Written by Eugenia Vanina

I would like to thank the editors of The Indian Express for publishing the message from Anastasia Piliavsky (‘Dear Indian friends’, October 6). You have been instrumental in letting Indian readers understand with whom and what Russia has been dealing. No Russian propagandist could write something better to disclose the mindset of Ukraine and its Western bosses. I will not waste time and space disproving Piliavsky’s statement of “bad Russia” and “Putin the tyrant”. She seems to be a worthy disciple of L Denivosa, the Ukrainian ombudsman sacked for concocting too many foolish stories of Russian soldiers raping everybody and everything from humans to telegraph poles – nothing has been verified (ask honest journalists like Adrien Bouquet, persecuted for telling the truth about the staging of the “Bucha massacre”). I will, instead, draw the reader’s attention to the utter disrespect shown by the author to Indians. Madam, do you really believe that Indian foreign policy is driven by a “soft corner” and senile nostalgia for “Hindi-Rusi bhai-bhai”? Are you seriously pretending to be an eye-opener for Indian leaders and people that “Russia is not USSR”? Or has it not just occurred to you that a country like India may build its international relations on pragmatic grounds? That it is a young and dynamic society, not immersed in the reminiscences of Raj Kapoor, but building its future? What a “civilised” approach to treat Indians like children who do not know what they are doing! Smells of racism, doesn’t it?

Your message, Madam, is a hysteria of a slave unable to understand how one dares not to obey their master. For your information, India has been an independent country for 75 years now. Gone are the times when it had to support – by its wealth and soldiers’ lives – the “right side of history”, as perceived by a white Sahib. Now, it determines what to do not by “soft corners” for somebody but by national interest – the term fully forgotten by the “democracies” of the West who are ready to let their populations freeze because Uncle Sam wants to profit by selling its shale gas. Why should India be like them? India needs gas, oil, fertiliser, and weapons for its own people, army and country; it needs a Russian market for its goods. Why on earth does it have to sacrifice its interests for somebody else’s?

India has been neutral in this conflict – unlike the “defensive” NATO alliance, which fans the conflict by showering weapons on Ukraine (about its “defensive” character, ask the people of Serbia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, etc). India follows its own interests and remembers the past too. It remembers how once, in East Pakistan, people had been bombed and killed for speaking the language of India’s national genius, Rabindranath Tagore. At the time, Pakistan also said, “they needed no protection” – like Ukrainian propaganda. People were prohibited from learning their mother tongue at school in East Bengal – just as they are now in Ukraine! However, India stepped in to protect them through military action. Again, India acted as a free power, not manipulated by any other country. If some Indians understand that Russia has done the same, it demonstrates that they can think independently of the Western neo-racists and their Ukrainian chamchas.

The writer is a professor, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences


Link: A Russian response: On Ukraine, India is on the right side of history — it is guided by national interest, not western propaganda
What do you mean push? As long as we are not buying/hoarding it, it should be good.
Isnt all our trade transactions in dollar? where do you think it comes from.
Our currency reserves are in dollar except for some percentage of gold , euro & yen which have all lost value.
only if someone is buying it or forced to buy
You think some one will accept yuan or euro for transactions when it is going down the drain.
When the biggest exporter of goods china itself accepts dollar you dont have much choice, only with few countries like iran there is direct yuan trade.
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A restrained war where they've used twice as many cruise missiles as NATO has used in the last 50 years (ever really) and conducted strikes on schools, theatres, shopping centres, hospitals and crowded train stations.... and made over half a dozen mass graves? As well as losing more tanks and ground vehicles than NATO has lost in the last 70 years? A restrained war with a draft? A restrained war where millions have fled Russia? A restrained war where they've threatened to use tactical nukes?
As I have repeated it is your western point of view world doesnt view that way as the facts dont support it. If you look at iraq , afghanistan or vietnam war US has carried out far more bombings on civilian areas. For example when exiting afghanistan on the last day US drone killed a bunch of children nothing surprising here. Western propaganda just wants to portray themselves as good guys by pushing other actions while masking their own bad deeds.
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You wouldn't be seeing anything differently because you'd have been gassed if the Germans had won.
Wouldnt that be better than being starved to death by the evil empire? 🤣
The problem with the west is they think they can white was their atrocities but highlight others. Colonialist countries have always indulged in mass killings to say germany was bad and west is good is not just outright immoral but totally inhumane.
Terrible arguments as usual. F-
yeah it is terrible when the facts are stacked against the west. when have the crimes against humanity ever been accepted by the west? They either deny it or justify it by comparing it with others.

Have you ever seen such cheap ppl, gold,silver, diamonds ...etc all those expensive assets but ......stealing some ones stuff like nameplate on their house. yeah thats west for you, unlimited greed , morally bankrupt and totally inhumane.

Amazing how I compared this Russian invasion of Ukraine with Indo-Pak war of 1971(with India like Russia and Pak like Ukraine), here is an article from Russian think-tank about the Russian perspective of this war. In this she confirms what I wrote earlier:


A Russian response: On Ukraine, India is on the right side of history — it is guided by national interest, not western propaganda

Gone are the times when India had to support – by its wealth and soldiers’ lives – the “right side of history”, as perceived by a white Sahib. Now, it determines what to do not by “soft corners” for somebody but by national interest.

Written by Eugenia Vanina

I would like to thank the editors of The Indian Express for publishing the message from Anastasia Piliavsky (‘Dear Indian friends’, October 6). You have been instrumental in letting Indian readers understand with whom and what Russia has been dealing. No Russian propagandist could write something better to disclose the mindset of Ukraine and its Western bosses. I will not waste time and space disproving Piliavsky’s statement of “bad Russia” and “Putin the tyrant”. She seems to be a worthy disciple of L Denivosa, the Ukrainian ombudsman sacked for concocting too many foolish stories of Russian soldiers raping everybody and everything from humans to telegraph poles – nothing has been verified (ask honest journalists like Adrien Bouquet, persecuted for telling the truth about the staging of the “Bucha massacre”). I will, instead, draw the reader’s attention to the utter disrespect shown by the author to Indians. Madam, do you really believe that Indian foreign policy is driven by a “soft corner” and senile nostalgia for “Hindi-Rusi bhai-bhai”? Are you seriously pretending to be an eye-opener for Indian leaders and people that “Russia is not USSR”? Or has it not just occurred to you that a country like India may build its international relations on pragmatic grounds? That it is a young and dynamic society, not immersed in the reminiscences of Raj Kapoor, but building its future? What a “civilised” approach to treat Indians like children who do not know what they are doing! Smells of racism, doesn’t it?

Your message, Madam, is a hysteria of a slave unable to understand how one dares not to obey their master. For your information, India has been an independent country for 75 years now. Gone are the times when it had to support – by its wealth and soldiers’ lives – the “right side of history”, as perceived by a white Sahib. Now, it determines what to do not by “soft corners” for somebody but by national interest – the term fully forgotten by the “democracies” of the West who are ready to let their populations freeze because Uncle Sam wants to profit by selling its shale gas. Why should India be like them? India needs gas, oil, fertiliser, and weapons for its own people, army and country; it needs a Russian market for its goods. Why on earth does it have to sacrifice its interests for somebody else’s?

India has been neutral in this conflict – unlike the “defensive” NATO alliance, which fans the conflict by showering weapons on Ukraine (about its “defensive” character, ask the people of Serbia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, etc). India follows its own interests and remembers the past too. It remembers how once, in East Pakistan, people had been bombed and killed for speaking the language of India’s national genius, Rabindranath Tagore. At the time, Pakistan also said, “they needed no protection” – like Ukrainian propaganda. People were prohibited from learning their mother tongue at school in East Bengal – just as they are now in Ukraine! However, India stepped in to protect them through military action. Again, India acted as a free power, not manipulated by any other country. If some Indians understand that Russia has done the same, it demonstrates that they can think independently of the Western neo-racists and their Ukrainian chamchas.

The writer is a professor, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences


Link: A Russian response: On Ukraine, India is on the right side of history — it is guided by national interest, not western propaganda
To a large extent it is quite similar, right from language to atrocities committed , west support of weapons. Only in this case they underestimated the russian bear with nukes and they found a henchman with no regard for human lives.
yeah capturing crimea and mavic drone manufactured in china is one & the same.
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