US or Israel secret Services possibly coordinated swarm UAV attack on Russian Base


Jan 9, 2018
Russia presented some of the UAV's and said that the target data were loaded in the flight systems of the drones before take off.

The explosive Radix in the 60 mm "mortar ammo" has a unique identity and was identified as Ukrainian make.
The time when the attack happened an US Poseidon P-8 was monitored in the area.

Russian Electronic Intelligence captured some of the 23 UAV's equipped with GPS and autonomous guidance .

The UAV's were hard to detect cause of their plastic body.

NOW some BAD GUYS started a new art of assymetric Warfare.

But TURKEY has countermeasures :





Russia presented some of the UAV's and said that the target data were loaded in the flight systems of the drones before take off.

The explosive Radix in the 60 mm "mortar ammo" has a unique identity and was identified as Ukrainian make.
The time when the attack happened an US Poseidon P-8 was monitored in the area.

Russian Electronic Intelligence captured some of the 23 UAV's equipped with GPS and autonomous guidance .

The UAV's were hard to detect cause of their plastic body.

NOW some BAD GUYS started a new art of assymetric Warfare.

But TURKEY has countermeasures :

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Very ingenious . Adds a whole new dimension when terrorist groups get their hands on drones . I wonder if the powers that be in our part of the world are tuned in to this new threat on the horizon . I'd be very interested in what counter moves , if any , are being contemplated by our security managers in Kashmir particularly but also across the red corridor . If you could oblige @Hellfire
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Russian MoD says it has killed group of militants who attacked its airbase in Syria (VIDEO)

A group of militants which attacked Russia’s Khmeimim airbase in western Syria on New Year’s Eve has been eliminated in a high-precision strike, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

The group was found and killed by Russian Special Operations forces, according to the Ministry’s statement.

During the final stage of the operation a Russian Special Operations unit located the base camp of the militant saboteur group near the western border of Idlib province. As the terrorists arrived at the location, the entire group was eliminated with a high-precision ‘Krasnopol’ weapon as they were about to board a minibus,” the statement reads.
Russian military intelligence also found a location in the province where the militants assembled and stored unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). The facility was subsequently destroyed with a high-precision strike.

The same ‘Krasnopol’ shell, which is a large-caliber howitzer-launched guided projectile, was also used in the operation, according to the Ministry.

The Defense Ministry has released two short clips, demonstrating the strikes on the militant saboteur group and the drone facility. Direct hits on targets can be seen in the videos, captured by an aerial monitoring device.

Russia’s Khmeimim Airbase came under attack twice in as many weeks. On December 31, the airfield came under mortar fire from a militant group. Two soldiers were killed in the attack according to the Defense Ministry.

A week later, the airbase and naval supply point in Tartus were targeted by some 13 homemade strike UAVs. Russian anti-aircraft and electronic warfare units repelled the attack, managing to capture three devices intact.

Russian MoD says it has killed group of militants who attacked its airbase in Syria (VIDEO)
I guess this is the first time someone is getting attacked by a swarm of UAV's. Not surprising though, i wonder how cost effective would it be to attack with 230 UAV's instead of 23....
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I have to do some digging bu I read news about base being protected by russian defence systems which can block drones and incapacitate them. Russia had developed some vehicle mounted and and portable anti drone systems. These systems were the reason why many drones were captured.

I am sure Russians would have been aware of this possible use of drones after destroying one of arm depots of Ukraine using drones.
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So much for the S-400 and Pantsir-S2.

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I condemn all terror attacks but I would have thought the Russian air defences could have handled this given their invincible reputation.

But then Russia and Iran are helping terrorists in Yemen too, so 6 of 1.
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I condemn all terror attacks but I would have thought the Russian air defences could have handled this given their invincible reputation.
Evidently , proportional response isn't part of your playbook . You're the kind of commander who'd advise use of 2000lb PGM using a F-35 to target a solitary vehicle containing rebels . Interesting . Very interesting indeed.
Short of laser, there is no practical countermeasure against drone swarms.
I dunno, those two twin barrel 30mm autocannons on a Pantsir-S2 are supposed to engage this kind of target right? Even if it engaged with SAMs it would be more cost effective than getting your jets bombed.
I would expect a Pantsir-S2 to engage drones dropping explosives on planes costing tens of millions.

Photos reportedly show Russian jets wrecked by mortar fire — and it could be the start of Russia's nightmare in Syria

What's the size of drones the Pantsir S-2 designed to engage ? These are micro UAV's dropping mortar shells .Have you factored that in ?

The Russians could relocate to some safer zones or sanitise a greater perimeter around their air bases . Besides , isn't the bulk of the fighting over ? I would've thought the Russians would be de escalating anyway .
What's the size of drones the Pantsir S-2 designed to engage ? These are micro UAV's dropping mortar shells .Have you factored that in ?

The Russians could relocate to some safer zones or sanitise a greater perimeter around their air bases . Besides , isn't the bulk of the fighting over ? I would've thought the Russians would be de escalating anyway .
The drones are far larger than SDBs and the RCS is far larger than say a Storm Shadow. I guess the good news is that MALD won't work because it can't see them, too bad about MALD-J and MASSM though.
I dunno, those two twin barrel 30mm autocannons on a Pantsir-S2 are supposed to engage this kind of target right? Even if it engaged with SAMs it would be more cost effective than getting your jets bombed.
That's the point of swarms, saturating Air-defenses with more targets than what they can engage in whatever limited window there is to do it. Creating a wall of bullets against each maneuvering target will take time (and bullets have travel time too) besides ammo.

Pantsir doesn't have infinite ammo cheat activated.
ECM mobile and stationary attack as soft countermeasures , AA guns with fragmented ammo available. No problem
ECM is not a fool-proof defense mechanism. Only so many AA guns can be placed to defend each target, each with a limited engagement arc (at a time) which can be foiled with a multi-vector attack.
US forces in Iraq and Syria have actually been facing the opposite problem. Current counter UAV systems are either expensive missiles, too costly for hobby-esque UAVs, gun systems where the prospect for a miss or UXO and its impact on civilians is something the military has to account for and report, laser systems which are immature or electronic countermeasures.

Each has issues, but the US has found that with its current batch of electronic countermeasures that they are a virtual blanket, a no-go zone for friendlies too. Great at dropping UAVs dead, but bad when you also want to operate in the environment. Despite being considered "directional" they aren't. It's a common misconception many civilians have.


I do know that the USMC is currently testing a C-RAM system, missile and laser as an augment to electronic countermeasures, since I actually know someone who works for the USMC's GBAD program. This is the laser, mounted on an MRZR that's being tested. For what I've heard the MRZR has an elevated roll-over rate as it is, so I'm not sure how adding a bulky setup like that will help with that issue. Interestingly, the US military must account for a missed laser shot since it will, like kinetic projectiles, continue to travel. The risk to friendly or civilian aircraft or satellites must be accounted for when using these systems in the field, which has go a ways to prevent their use on the battlefield.


As for the Russians, they likely used wide-area ECM, as the USMC is rather then trying to pick off individual targets one-by-one via a more directional microwave system. It's too slow and too risky when facing a mass assault. Pantsir is for cleaning up stragglers.

As for the questions about what Pantsir is capable of engaging signature wise... it's fine guys. Mortars, rockets, hobby UAVs like a DJI phantom, larger UAVs like Predator or Heron, cruise missiles and even PGMs. There's documented evidence supporting each of the claims about its effectiveness against these types of systems. Pantsir would easily have been able to see and engage the UAV showcased by Russia following this attack. In many cases it could be considered overkill, but it's better to waste Rubles or dollars then the lives of your soldiers.

Also, lol. Russia jumped from the US to Turkey to Ukraine and even the Syrian government and Iranian proxies a too quickly in its blame train. A rebel group got a hold of UAVs the US has known about through monitoring Jihadi sites and tracked the proliferation of this type of UAV including sales by other Jihadi groups across North Africa and the Middle East, but for Russia it's still better to claim it was a state actor and a sophisticated attack then to admit they got punked by a bunch of rebel clowns.
They sure have options for the production variant if CoG remains an issue


But how will the few ten kilowatt laser threaten satellites in LEO?

What's also LOL worthy is this 'massive application of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)' that got them spinning apparently only required 13 drones. A shop has got more. What will Rossiya do when a hundred drone come swarming through.