News US, UK commit to enhanced India ties in Indo-Pacific talks


Team StratFront
Dec 1, 2017
Hyderabad, India
The US and UK have committed to coordinate the implementation of their respective Indo-Pacific strategies, with a focus on enhancing ties with India, Downing Street has said.


At "high-level consultations" on the Indo-Pacific held earlier this week, officials from both governments resolved to broaden and deepen their alignment and cooperation on and in the region. The meeting, one of many being undertaken amid the ongoing Russia-Ukraine crisis, also assessed the preparations to meet the "challenge of systemic competition with China".

"In the coming months, the US and the UK will work together to invest in partnerships with the Pacific Islands; to support the centrality of ASEAN [Association of Southeast Asian Nations] and to advance concrete cooperation with ASEAN and its member states; and to enhance ties with India," reads the joint statement from the consultations released on Friday.

"US and UK officials committed to coordinate implementation of the US Indo-Pacific Strategy and the UK's Indo-Pacific tilt, as set out in its Integrated Review... They agreed to pursue positive economic engagement in the Indo-Pacific, including through supporting just green transitions as part of the Clean Green Initiative and Build Back Better World agendas; to collaborate on critical and emerging technologies; to ensure economic security; and to oppose economic coercion," it read.

The US delegation for the talks on Monday and Tuesday was led by Indo-Pacific Coordinator Kurt Campbell and included representatives from the Department of State, Department of Defense, and National Security Council. The UK delegation was led by Deputy National Security Advisor David Quarrey and included representatives from across the British government.

"Officials from both governments resolved to broaden and deepen their alignment and cooperation on and in the region. They welcomed growing coordination among allies and partners across the Atlantic and the Pacific," the joint statement notes. "In particular, they noted unprecedented commitments from Indo-Pacific countries - including Japan, Australia, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, and Singapore - to support Ukraine and to impose costs on Russia for its brutal and unprovoked attack. They also noted that these steps come at a time when the US, UK and European partners are enhancing their engagement with the Indo-Pacific and preparing to meet the challenge of systemic competition with China," it adds.

Both sides have agreed to inaugurate a "continuing dialogue" on the Indo-Pacific, to be led in the US government by the National Security Council and the Department of State and in the UK by the National Security Secretariat and the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO).


The development comes days after UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss told the UK Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee (FAC) that the way forward is for a closer economic and defence relationship with India, to counter India's dependence on Russia.

"I think the issue for India is there is some level of dependence on Russia, both in terms of its defence relationships but also in terms of its economic relationships. And I think the way forward is for a closer economic and defence relationship with India. Both by the United Kingdom and also our like-minded allies," the minister said.


Rahul Roy-Chaudhury, Senior Fellow for South Asia at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) in London, believes this marks an "ambitious UK step-change towards India's defence industry". "India's defence sector has been highlighted by the ongoing war in Ukraine, on which there is a significant diplomatic divergence between the UK and India," Roy-Chaudhury said in his address at a State Bank of India (SBI) and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) conclave in London this week.

"India's diplomatic position is largely a result of its strategic dependence on Russia for arms denied to it by the west. Russia is India's dominant, although declining source of arms supplies, accounting for over half of total arms imports," he noted.

According to the strategic expert, there can be no real mutual trust or a true comprehensive strategic partnership between India and the UK without defence industrial cooperation and partnership.

"UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss' recent statement indicates political intent to work closely with India's defence industries to reduce its dependence on Russia in the wake of the Ukraine war. This comes at a time of prospective strains on Russian arms deliveries to India in the wake of western sanctions. But, it needs UK Plc to deliver amidst challenging circumstances," he noted.


My Comment: As expected, the American & British policies for the Indo-Pacific are more or less mirror images of each other, indicating a high degree of coordination at the strategic level. The broad consensus across both countries appears to be toward trying to ween India away from dependence on Russian arms imports and not a change or strategic shift away from India's role in the INDOPAC, and certainly not to punish India for its neutral stand on the Ukraine situation. That indicates a high level of understanding regarding India's ties with the Russian doubt a result of better diplomatic communication & strategic coordination.

The stuff like tanks, aircraft & tactical missiles are easy enough to substitute with Western alternatives given the right strategic directives...however, the depth of cooperation with Russian industry goes into realms where international cooperation with a Non-NPT country would be frowned upon - such as nuclear submarine technology sharing & imparting of know-how/know-why. There are very hard limitations with regard to what the West (except France) can offer India in this strategic sphere so that's unlikely to change.

So I believe that at its worst, the cooperation with Russia will 'go underground' - not unlike the relationship between Russia & South Korea and the former's help with the latter's strategic missile programs. As the US/UK know this is not an area where they can readily offer any alternative avenues - but at the same time its a strategically sound decision to allow India to develop a full spectrum of deterrence i.e. SSBNs (and the means of protecting them i.e. SSNs) which in turn will allow them to adopt a stronger anti-China stand - they are likely to turn a blind eye.
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